Pretty Little Fighter Girl

By titanic123

247K 8.7K 798

Secrets. Those dirty little things that we all have and hide. Those are the things that we conceal within... More

Pretty Little Fighter Girl
Chapter 1-MY LIFE
Chapter 5- FRIDAY FIGHTS...
Chapter 10- FLY
Chapter 11- WEAKNESSES
Chapter 12 - TIMELESS
Chapter 13 - CLIFF DIVING
Chapter 14- ROSES ARE RED
Chapter 15-WE MIGHT FALL
Chapter 17- FIGHT TO FALL
Chapter 19 - NOTEBOOK
Chapter 20-HOLIDAY
Chapter 23- CAN'T PRETEND
Chapter 24- HEART BY HEART
Chapter 25- ALL I WANT IS YOU
Chapter 26- HURRICANE
Chapter 28- WHERE ARE YOU NOW?
Chapter 29- MY DEAREST
Chapter 30 - LOST
Chapter 31- FOUND
Chapter 33 - HEALING SCARS
Chapter 34 - WHAT NOW
BONUS PART : Circus for a Psycho
Author's note


5.2K 189 14
By titanic123

I fell asleep with an odd relief that night.

I have forgotten what it was like to let someone into your life, even for just a moment. Just to laugh with them. To talk with them. Even to just allow a glimpse of hope to brighten a small moment. It all felt like relief.

I was able to slip into sleep easily. The nightmares didn't plague my mind, just a sweet, silent rest. My mind flashed to Lucas' arm around my shoulders, a mixed storm of emotion hit me from every angle.

Some emotion was happiness - a joy I hadn't felt in forever, yet it was blended with fear. Fear for his life and all of the other life's around me. If something would happen to the people I cared about, it would be my fault for letting them into the mess of my life.

    I quickly pushed the thoughts away allowing myself to rest. Tomorrow was a Friday and I would need the energy for the fight.


   I awoke with a start, instantly remembering that today was a Friday.

  I smiled to myself, noticing that I had gotten another night filled with restful sleep. Adrenaline was slowly building in my veins, preparing my muscles and mind for later tonight.

   I crawled out of bed and tossed on a pair of jeans and a grey shirt for school. The sun filtered through my window softly and the air was filled with a floral scent.

I really was appreciating spring, even though it marked the end of my high school career. I haven't really though about what would happen after school, until recently.

My fears from my kidnapping prohibited thoughts of my future, especially now that my kidnapper was seeking ways to catch me once more.

I shook the thought and walked downstairs. My parents were preparing breakfast before my father went to work.

They seem to be happier lately, and I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps they were filled with hope, now that I had attempted to open up a little bit.

I grabbed a plate from the cupboard and placed one of the pancakes they had cooked onto it. I ate rather quickly and placed the plate in the sink.

I turned to leave and was suddenly stopped by the soft voice of my mother.

"Celeste..." She paused, "be careful tonight..."

Did she know about the fighting? I nodded, "Sure thing."

She smiled and I waved before walking out the door. Sure, I always came home with bruises every Friday...Yet I didn't really know how to feel about her possibly knowing about the fighting.

Maybe if all of this kidnapping stuff goes away someday, I'll be able to explain myself. Until then I should leave them out of it.

I quickly sidestepped out of the way. I had nearly run into someone, not realizing that my long walk had come to an end at the school.

I glanced up surprised to see that it was a close friend of mine from before the kidnapping. Stella.

Memories of our friendship filled my mind and the last one lingered for a moment.

   It was my last memory of our friendship before the horrible week that changed my life.

   She smiled jokingly and grabbed an oversized pair of glasses from the rack at the store. She placed them on her face and placed a feathery scarf around her neck.

"How do I look?" She smirked.

I laughed loudly, "Jace would definitely love it!"

Her face changed."Shh... His sister works here!"

I glanced at the cashier and nodded. I smirk found its way to my face a few seconds after.

"So saying that 'Stella loves Jace' really loud would be a bad decision?!"

Her eyes widen. "You wouldn't..."

I smirked. "Stella loves Jace!"

The cashier glances up at us, a slight smile forming on her face.

"Celeste! Please be quiet! We both know that I'm not his type..."

   She frowned.

"Please. If he doesn't notice you, then he's missing out big time."

I smiled and she laughed lightly.

"Especially with those gorgeous glasses..."

  I smiled jokingly.

"Haha! You're so hilarious Celeste. Very funny."

  She laughed while using heavy sarcasm with her words.

   The memory ended in a matter of seconds and I faced my former friend. Our eyes met and a distant feeling of happiness stirred in the back of my mind. Her eyes held sadness, most likely from the lack of conversation with each other since my kidnapping.

I had pushed her away without any explanation. She was probably hurt.

I surprised myself by being the first to break the silence.

"Hey Stella..."

Her eyes brightened and a soft smile formed on her face.

"Hey." She paused. " it's been awhile."

It's nearly been a year. In less than a few months it would be the anniversary of my kidnapping.

"It has." I paused. "How's everything going?"

A month or so into the school year, she was asked out by her crush. They were one of the many happy couples of the school. I was happy for her, Jace was the only guy she has had a crush on at this school. She has liked him since we were kids.

She smiled." Things are going great...Jace is amazing."

She quickly paused. " I really miss you..."

I nodded slowly. " I've missed you too."

The first bell rang in the school, signaling students that they had ten minutes before class would begin.

I glanced back at Stella, who offered another smile. " We should catch up sometime before we graduate."

I nodded in agreement. "We should."

She turned to enter the school. "See you around."

I waved and entered the school.


It was hard to see the effects of what pushing people away could do. I missed having close friends like Stella. Yet I feared for their safety.

Having close friends can risk their safety with the constant game of hide and seek that revolves around my life.

   I held back a smile as Lucas entered the room. His eyes locked with mine as he took the seat adjacent to mine. A memory of his arm around my shoulders the day before, flashes into my head.

   He smiled softly and turned his attention to the front of the room. The teacher paced in front of the room, speaking to the class.

   I allowed myself to zone out and think about the fight tonight. Adrenaline was building and I felt the familiar excitement before a fight resurface within my mind. I had a lot to think about this week.

I was ready to release the emotion built up within me. Surprisingly the class didn't last as long as it normally did.

  Lucas and I walked out of the room together, silence surrounding us.

   I pulled my gloves from my locker and walked with Lucas out of the school. He then decided to break the silence that had reached its climax between us.

"Ready to fight?"

  I smiled and my eyes met with his bright blue ones. "Yes! I definitely need to hit someone..."

He smirked at my response and shook his head. "Just as long as it's not me."

"Why? Are you afraid that I might hurt you?"

He laughed lightly and smiled." Nah, I'm just saving all of my bruising abilities for the fight."

I rolled my eyes and laughed lightly. "Whatever Lucas."


Lucas and I arrived at the fight after about fifteen minutes of walking together. Jason stood against a wall waiting for us to arrive. He smiled when he saw us approach him.

"Hey C" he paused and turned to the both of us. "Ready to fight?"

I nodded and strapped my black gloves to my hands. Lucas stretched out his arms and glanced towards the ring. Two men, both quite muscular, fought each other to the ground.

Jason turned to Lucas and grinned. "You start first after about two more fights. You have three requests."

He then turned to me, " You have five fights tonight, directly after Lucas finishes his."

My adrenaline rises and I nodded at Jason.

Lucas warmed up and prepared to enter the ring. The next few fights went quickly and Lucas ducked under the ropes to the ring.

A tall, thin man was entering the ring for his first fight. He had the height advantage, yet lacked the strength that Lucas had.

Lucas took the offensive and lunged at the man. He swung his fist into the man's jaw. The man's head jerked back roughly. He swung blindly and was blocked by Lucas before he could reach him.

   Lucas spun and struck the back of his opponent's knees, causing him to fall to he ground. He ended the fight with a quick strike to the opponents face.

Lucas smiled at me from the ring, he faced his next opponent and continued to fight. Jason stood next to me, watching Lucas' techniques. He was doing quite well and his opponent seemed to become more tired with each move.

In a matter of time Lucas had finished his fights, being victorious in all three. I stepped up towards the ring, ready for my fight.

I ducked under the ropes, locking eyes with Lucas in the process. He winked at me and I stood in the ring.

My first opponent was average size, probably in his late twenties. His arms were quite thin to say at the least. Normally fights range from easier to more complicated throughout the night.

My opponent was sizing me up as well, realizing that he was fighting against a female. He stretched his arms and focused on the person who would signal the beginning of the fight.

I stood taller and stretched my wrists.

The bell rang and my veins filled with adrenaline. I sprung into action, rolling out of the way of his fists. I stood, dodging another punch and retaliating with one of my own. I struck his shoulder with a right hook.

He took a step back, recollecting himself. I spun with a 360 motion, building momentum as my foot struck him. He coughed, losing his breath. I took this as my chance to strike him. I struck the side of his face with a right hook and finished with an uppercut, causing him to lose balance.

The fight ended when he couldn't stand. Jason and Lucas met my eyes, grinning. I turned to my next opponent, continuing the fight.

Rounds two, three, and four went rather quickly. Yet, when my fifth fight arrived and I saw my opponent, I cringed.

The man was tall and muscular. His dark eyes stared deeply into mine as he sized up his opponent. From his looks, he was probably around his late thirties. By the bruises on his skin I could tell that he was experienced.

As the bell rang, I stood my ground. I let him begin this fight, I was going to be on the defense side for quite a while.

I hadn't noticed how fast he was. He stormed in my direction and took the first move. I barely dodged his right hook, and his left hook grazed my shoulder. Pain skimmed across my skin and I rolled away from him.

With each punch in my direction, I was inching closer to a corner. I do not want to get trapped in a corner with this guy...

I cartwheeled away from him, still having some decent defense skills due to my agility.

I stood, noticing he wasn't in front of me.

A sharp pain struck the back of my head and I felt gravity take over. My vision blurred and then darkened as I fell into the depths of my mind.


Hey readers!!!

How are you? :)

I hope to update soon...sorry for the wait.

Anyway.... If any of you enjoy reading science fiction and are looking for a new book to try, I have just recently updated the first chapter of a new book. The book is called Falling From Stars and it's about a girl who grew up, raised by her father. She's had an obsession with stargazing her whole life and is quite shocked when a star lands in her backyard...except, the star may end up being something-or someone more... She has a few secrets of her own as well and they may cause some issues when some out of this world enemies cross paths with her.

The actual summary for the book has more detail and if anyone actually would like to read more of it, I'll gladly upgrade one of the next, prewritten chapters for you!

Thanks for everything!

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