Dance On [Austin Mahone Fan F...

By abkistyler

143K 2.7K 178

This is the story of a small town girl, Calli, who gets the chance of a lifetime. Dancing on tour with Austi... More

Chapter 1: Dance On
Chapter 2: The Dream
Chapter 3: Who is He?
Chapter 4: What Shouldn't Have Happened
Chapter 5: Everything Changes
Chapter 6: Surprises
Chapter 7: Starting Over
Chapter 8: Finally Falling
Chapter 9: That Girl
Chapter 10: Dance Off
Chapter 11: The Kiss, The End
Chapter 12: Exposed
Chapter 13: Surprises
Chapter 14: Liar, Liar
Chapter 16: The Day After
Chapter 17: Truth Comes Out
Chapter 18: I Still Love You
Chapter 19: The Call
Chapter 20: Surprise Me
Chapter 21: The Party
Chapter 22: A Wedding and a Birthday
Chapter 23: Florida
Chapter 24: Confrontation
Chapter 25: PROM!
Chapter 26: The Accident
Chapter 27: Wake Up
Chapter 28: Goodbye
Chapter 29: I Promise
Chapter 30: You Promise
Chapter 31: Fix Me
Chapter 32: The Fight
Chapter 33: Losing
Chapter 34: Winning
Chapter 35: Marry Me
Chapter 36: Epilogue

Chapter 15: Valentine's Day

4.1K 72 6
By abkistyler

Early the next morning we're off for New Mexico. Austin has three shows there, then two in Arizona. After Arizona there's three more weeks of shows, before we have another couple weeks off. The shows are getting a lot better, now that I've stopped getting hate. Maddi and Monica have been strangely nice to me as well. They won't talk to me, but they've stopped making rude remarks. My mom and I have been talking more. She's been doing a lot better, she even had a boyfriend since the end of November. His name's Nathan and he adores my mom and Grey. I can't help but feel so happy for her.

Our last week off is the week of Valentine's day. Austin tells me he has a big surprised planned for us, but of course he won't tell me. The morning of, I wake up to a knock at my door. I climb out of bed to answer the door. I open it to find nobody there. Looking down I see a card with my name on it. I open the envelope and read the card.

"Happy Valentine's day, beautiful. I can't wait for tonight! I'll pick you up at six. Wear something pretty. ;) -XO Austin."

I smile at his card and go back into my room. Its only noon, but I go into my closet to look for something pretty to wear. I spend half an hour throwing clothes all over the room with no luck of finding anything. I slide to the floor, laying face down on a pile of clothes.  My door opens and in walks Calum.

'Hey Cal.' He says. "What happened in here?" He tries not to laugh.

"Austin's taking me on a date tonight, but I can't find anything to wear." I whine.

He looks around the mess. "Really? Out of all these clothes you can't find anything?"

I laugh. "Yeah. He said to look pretty, and I don't have anything pretty enough for him."

"I'm sure Austin would think you're beautiful in whatever you wear." He says.

I blush. "Thanks Calum, but I want to try and impress him."

Calum grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Then let's go shopping."

Calum and I walk around Denver looking for a dress, after he even treats me to getting my nails done. Calum is one of the only people, besides Austin, I've gotten really close to. I consider him one of my best friends.

 I get back to my room and it's four o'clock. I jump in the shower and quickly shave. After my shower I dry my long, thick hair and curl it. Next I do my makeup. Normally I don't wear any makeup, but I figured tonight was going to be special. Finally I put on my dress. I made sure to get it in Austin's favorite color. I grab my jewelry off the nightstand. I see my dad's necklace sitting there. I grab it and hook it around my neck.

Right at six there's a knock at the door. I quickly put my shoes on and open the door to see Austin standing in the doorway with a bouquet of my favorite flowers: yellow roses. Austin looks me up and down, with a huge grin on his face.

"These are for you." He says handing me the flowers.

"Thank you." I smile at him. "They're beautiful."

"Yes you are." Austin winks at me.

I blush and take a step back. "Let me put these in water then we can go."

I fill up a vase that just happened to be at the hotel, as Austin sits on the bed and watches me.

"I've never seen you in a dress." He says. "I like it though."

I blush yet again. "I'm not the type to wear a lot of dresses, but you said look pretty so I figured I might as well."

Austin stands up and wraps his arms around my waist. "You'd look beautiful in anything."

I turn around and put my arms around his neck. "Well you look really good too, it's nice to see your face, instead of it hidden behind a snapback." I joke.

Austin leans closer to my face. "You know you love my snapbacks."

"That's debatable." I whisper,  leaning up to kiss him. Austin squeezes his arms tighter around me, lifting me slightly off the ground. I giggle and kick my feet up behind me, as we continue to kiss.

Finally, he pulls away and gently sets me on the ground. He takes my hand and leads me to the door. "Ready to go?"

I grab my jacket, and purse before sliding my hand in his as we walk out the door. We make it outside the hotel and the first thing I see is a limo.

"Is that for us?" I ask in awe.

Austin chuckles. "Yeah it is. Have you ever been in one?"

I shake my head, unable to speak. This is already the greatest date of my life and isn't officially started.

We climb in the limo, and it's huge. I look around at the lights, the seats, everything is beautiful.

I look at Austin, who's smiling at me. "What?" I ask.

"You're cute." He says. "You're so mesmerized by everything. Its adorable."

I blush. "Well this is exciting for me."

Austin leans closer to me. "If you like this, then you'll like the rest of our date too."

"When are you going to tell me what we're doing?" I ask leaning my head against the seat.

"You'll find out soon enough." He winks.

I scrunch my face at him

Austin grabs my cheeks scrunching them together even more. "Remember what I told you? Your face is going to get stuck like that."

I try to stick my tongue out at him, but my cheeks are too scrunched up. He finally lets go of my face, and puts an arm around my shoulder. I lean my head against his shoulder while we talk about the tour so far. He gets so excited when he talks about performing. I can see just how much he loves it when I look in his eyes. They instantly light up. Something suddenly pokes my side, causing me to break my thoughts.

"What are you staring at?" Austin suddenly asks waving his hand in front of my face.

"I was staring?" I ask confused.

Austin laughs. "Yeah, you stared staring off somewhere."

I blush. "Well I thought I was staring at you. You get so excited when you talk about performing. I just wanted to watch you talk."

He smiles nervously and runs his fingers through his hair. God he's so freaking cute.

"Why'd you get so nervous all of a sudden?" I ask, playfully shoving him.

He smiles up at me. "I don't know, I just get so into my performing I take it off stage with me. I get lost in it."

"That's how I feel about dance. When I'm dancing, nothing else matters. Just me and the music." I smile back at Austin.

He leans down and kisses my forehead, right as the limo stops. "We're here." He smiles even bigger at me.

The door opens and Austin steps out first. He reaches for my hand, helping me out. I look up and see we're standing outside a restaurant. We walk inside, and it's gorgeous. There are chandeliers hanging everywhere, candles on every table, and a small orchestra playing soft music. For the second time tonight I am in awe at what's in front of me. I look over at Austin, who's grinning from ear to ear.  

The dinner is amazing. Everything about it is beautiful. After Austin pays we climb in the limo to go to my next surprise. On the car ride there Austin and I continue to talk about my dancing, and his singing. Every now and then, he'll surprise me with a kiss. Each time makes me smile. He does the littlest things, that make me feel beautiful and loved. I can feel myself falling harder and harder every second. I'm falling in love with Austin Mahone.

We pull up to the surprise close to sunset. Austin grabs my hand and hurries me. My shoes make it hard for me to walk fast, so Austin sweeps my legs out from under me and carries me bridal style to an open field. He sets me down and I see a white Chevy truck sitting.

"What's that?" I ask walking with him.

"The next part of the surprise. Climb in, hurry or we'll miss it." He says quickly.

I do what he says. He drives along the field until we're far out in the middle of nowhere.

"Are you planning on killing me here?" I ask jokingly. "Cause if you are, I'm not ready so you'll have to wait."  

Austin laughs then climbs out of the truck, rushing to the other side to open my door. "No I'm not going to kill you." He goes into the back and pulls out pillows and blankets. Austin quickly kiss my lips. "Stay here for a sec. OK?"

I nod my head and wait for him to come back. A minute later he pulls my hand, guiding me out of the truck. The sun is almost set, and you can make out a few stars. I finally recognize where we are. We're in the Rockies. I see the mountains in the distance, just behind the sun's shadow.

Austin climbs into the bed of the truck before helping me up. I slip off my heels, knocking them to the ground.

"Here's your dream date." Austin whispers, once he pulls me into his arms.

I realize what this is. I told Austin my dream date was to watch the sunset, and stargaze in the bed of a Chevy. Nothing around us, but open space. Tears sting at my eyes. I can't believe he did this for me. We lay down on the blankets. Austin's arm around my shoulder. My head on his chest. I stare up at the beautiful Colorado night sky. The stars are so bright, you can see them all.

We lay in the truck for several hours. Austin stands up, and pulls me with him. He presses a button on the small stereo sitting next to us. A piano softly starts playing.

"Calli, would you like to dance?" Austin asks, extending his hand.

I take it. "I'd love to Austin."

We carefully slow dance around blankets, trying not to fall over. Austin's sweet voice starts singing.

"Let's go back to the day, when I saw your face for the very first time. Well let's go back again when I held your hand and stared into your eyes. Cause I knew you were the one, but my life has just begun. Baby you can count on me."

I smile against Austin's chest as he sings Heart In My Hand to me. When he finishes, he softly kisses my lips, pulling me closer to him.


I help Calli off the bed of the truck and grab her shoes. We climb inside and drive back towards the hotel. The long drive back, I continue to hold onto her hand. She gets really quiet all of a sudden. I look over and see she fell asleep. I smile at how peaceful and beautiful she looks. I kiss her hand and keep it close to my chest. We finally make it back to the hotel, a little after midnight. I softly close my door behind me, before going over to her side, and helping Calli out. I carry her up to her room. Her purse lays across her lap, so I carefully reach for her room key to unlock the door. Once inside I walk to her bed and carefully lay her down. I put her shoes, bag, and jacket on the chair next to her bed, before turning back to her. I sit down next to her sleeping body, and I softly stroke her cheek. Slowly, I lean in and softly kiss her. She stirs and reaches for my hand.

"Thank you for tonight." She whispers sleepily. "I had an amazing time."

I smile down at her. "I did too. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Calli sits up and wraps her arms around my neck. She turns her head so her lips are pressed to my neck. "I love you Austin." She whispers.

Her breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine. I try to hide the smile creeping onto my face. I pull away to stare into her eyes. "I love you too Calli."

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