What is love? (O2L Fan Fictio...

By lashtonismyotp

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We try to figure out the real meaning of love. But how come nobody can define it? Why is it that every time y... More

Chapter:1 Meeting my new friends
Chapter 2: Playlist Live
Chapter:3 Just Friends..
Chapter 4: One Chance
Chapter 5: Well this is awkward..
Chapter 6: The Fight & Paris Kissed Who?
Chapter 7: Talia is here! & Ponnor or Jaris?
Chapter 8: Too Much Drama
Chapter:9 YouTube Convention && Couple Challenges
Chapter 10: Turn That Frown Upside Down
Chapter 11: Day 1 In California && How Do I Tell Her?
Chapter 12: Forgive Me, I Love You So Much. && The Accident
Chapter 13: This Can't Be Over
Chapter 14: I Still Love You
Chapter 15: I Can Feel The Love
Chapter 16: I Thought We Were Friends
Chapter 17: If Only This Was A Dream
Chapter 18: Too Much To Handle
Chapter 19: I Wish You Were Here
Chapter 20: It's Not You, It's Me
Chapter 22: Forgive & Forget
Chapter 23: The Secret
Chapter 24: It's All A Dream (Final Chapter)

Chapter 21: Is This A Dream?

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By lashtonismyotp

Ricky's P.O.V.

It's been weeks since Talia has left the apartment. She's been locked in her room for 5 weeks, and the only time she comes out is when she has to use the bathroom. Her room is almost like a kitchen, there's food everyone, plus she hasn't been out since the whole talk with her and Kian.

She hasn't contacted anyone, nor has she talked to Kian for 5 weeks or made a YouTube video. She's pretty stressed and when ever I try to take her out for dinner or lunch or just anything in general, it's a fight to get her out of the house.

But today Mazzi Maz, and Caspar Lee are throwing a party, so Sam thought that it would be a good idea if we were to tell Kian and Talia to come to the party with us, but they wouldn't know that they would be seeing each other. I thought of a good way to tell Talia and she agreed to come with me.

''Is Kian going?'' She said in high spirits.

My facial expression turned to a frown as I lied to her. ''No he's not, sorry hun'' I said while trying to make her feel better. She plastred a fake smile on her face and started to get ready. Hopefully this plan works out.

Sam's P.O.V.

''Kian!'' I said while waking him up by jumping up and down on his bed. He woke up and threw a pillow at my face.

''What?'' He said while punching my arm.

''I got invited to this cool party today and you have to come with me please?''

He took a couple of minutes before responding. ''Is Talia going?'' He said while trying to not make it seem like he was happy.

''Nope sorry man, but um why don't we get ready?'' I said trying to change the subject so he wouldn't ask any questions.

Tonight is going to be a long night.

Talia's P.O.V. 

''Ricky?'' I said while coming out of the bathroom where I was just finishing putting on my makeup.

''Talia?'' He said while poking my sides. I laughed and went back to being serious.

''How does this look?'' I said while turning around so he could examine what I was wearing.

''Perfect!'' He said while kissing my head. I smiled and finished sparying my hair with my hairspray.

So Ricky got invited to a party and he said that he could only bring one friend, and he picked me.. Now I haven't been out of the house for 5 weeks so I'm trying to make myself look decent.

I am wearing black high waisted shorts, with my black toms, and a 5SOS shirt. I curled my hair and did a natural look for my makeup. When I was done, I grabbed my car keys and Ricky and I went in my car, since his car was out of gas.

We were going to Mazzi's house, which was 20 minutes away from where I was living with Ricky, and when we arrived at his house, it was filled with people.

Music blasting, people drinking beer, soda, water etc. People laughing, dancing, and even kissing. Um gross get a room. I thought to myself.

I smiled at Ricky as we walked into Mazzi and Caspar's house. I was greeted by two tall boys whom were Jack and Finn.

''JACKAMO!'' I screamed as I jumped on him while wrapping my legs around his waist. He kissed my cheek while screaming ''TALIA!'' We both laughed and sat down on the nearest couch that was closer to us. Finn gave me a dirty look, since I didn't say hi to him.

Does he actually think that I was going to act like nothing happened between us, when something actually did. Maybe you could say that I was trying to make Finn a little bit jealous? Or was I just really liked Jack.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jack kissed my cheek and said that he would be right back. I sat on the couch just examining my surrondings. Ricky was chatting with everyone from o2l and Finn was just trying to get at girls whom were about 17 years old. Desperate much?

I got bored and decided to walk around and try to see if I could find Andrea, so that I could at least try to become friends with her. As I was walking my phone started to buzz, and when I went to take my phone out of my pocket, I bumped my forehead with an unknown person.

''Dude watch where you're going!'' I said while rubbing my forehead and not making eye contact with the person I had bumped heads with.

''Sorry hun'' the unknown person said.

When I looked up from my phone and made eye contact with that person I knew that I had just made a mistake.

Kian's P.O.V.

Sam basically begged me to go to Mazzi's party and when we arrived there it was completly boring. I wanted Talia to come but Ricky and her already had plans.

I was just walking around Mazzi's house trying to find where all the sodas were when I bumped heads with someone. My head started to hurt, and I closed my eyes while rubbing my fore head slowly.

''Dude watch where you're going!'' A familar voice said.

I opened my eyes and notcied that I had just bumped heads with my ex Talia.

''Sorry hun'' I said while standing there awkward.

''Uh hi Kian'' Talia said while looking down at her feet.

''Hi'' I said while trying to get her to make eye contact with me. She finally looked up at me while trying to walk away.

''Wait Talia'' I said while trying to get her attention but all she did was walk even faster.

''Talia!'' I shouted over the loud music which made her stop.

''What do you want Kian?'' She said while sounding angry.

''I want you!'' I said while slowly walking towards her, but failed to because Trevor jumped on my back.

''Keen Da Bean!'' Trevor said while jumping on my back.

''Not now Trevor!'' I said while yelling at him.

He looked at me confused, and started to walk with me towards Talia. ''Wait why are you talking to Tal I thought that you and her weren't dating?'' Trevor asked confused.

I looked at Talia whom was confused, and then I looked back at Trevor whom wanted an answer.

''What are you talking about!'' I said confused. ''Talia and I are best friends.. Actually we are friends with benefits''

Trevor looked at me shocked and so did Talia, I tried to not make this awkward, so I started to walk away, and then Sam grabbed me by the arm and told me to play truth or dare with everyone. I didn't hesitate, and I sat down next to Ricky and Sam.

''Since you and Talia are friends with benefits, I dare you and Talia to have 7 minutes of heaven!'' Trevor said while everyone was instagating the situation.

Talia's eyes grew huge as I took her hand and lead her into Mazzi's room. Everything was going so quick, that I didn't even know how to react.

7 minutes in heaven huh? I can deal with that...


A/N- So yeah sorry this is a sucky chapter but I really needed to update since everyone has been asking me when I was going to update.. So yeah what do you think of the whole thing of Tal and Kian being ''friends with benefits''. Comment what you think? Also, what do you think is going to happen in those 7 minutes that they have with each other.? Vote, comment, and please give me your feedback about it! Please and thank you, I love you my muFinn's! :)

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