Unmitigated - HP Fanfiction

By dilettante98

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Being the oldest Weasley girl of the family and Ron's twin wasn't easy. Everyone knew who she was. Not becaus... More

Chapter One - Pure
Chapter Two - Arise
Chapter Three - Depart
Chapter Four - Relish
Chapter Five - Proud
Chapter Six - Prime
Chapter Seven - Jinxed
Chapter Eight - Chaos
Chapter Nine - Gifted
Chapter Ten - Bonds
Chapter Eleven - Legatee
Chapter Twelve - Abandoned
Chapter Thirteen - Petrified
Chapter Fourteen - Reality
Chapter Fifteen - Secrets
Chapter Sixteen - Conceited
Chapter Seventeen - Borderline
Chapter Nineteen - Infatuated
Chapter Twenty - Unconventional
Chapter Twenty-One - Beautateous
Chapter Twenty-Two - Intrigued
Chapter Twenty-Three - Agrivated
Chapter Twenty-Four - Aesthetic
Chapter Twenty-Five - Despondent
Chapter Twenty-Six - Immaculate
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Dominance
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Expeditious
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Exhortation
Chapter Thirty - Exhaustion
Chapter Thirty-One - Jeopardy
Chapter Thirty-Two - Negligent
Chapter Thirty-Three - Dissipate
Chapter Thirty-Four - Forte
Chapter Thirty-Five - Demolished
Chapter Thirty-Six - Converted
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Irreplaceable
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Vengeance
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Rational
Chapter Forty - Dismantled
Chapter Forty-One - Impure
Chapter Forty-Two - Epilogue

Chapter Eighteen - Indignant

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By dilettante98

"Ella?" I look at him through my wolf eyes and freeze. We stare at each other for what feels like 3 whole minutes.

"Ella, I know it's you."

I look everywhere but him and listen to Bardulf howling in the distance. I need to go. But I need to explain myself. So I force my body to turn back into my normal self and look at him.

"I-I...." The words are stuck on the tip of my tongue, but I can't say anything. So I tart with something else. "How did you know it was me?" I question.

He shakes his head looking down, and then looks back at me. "Your eyes. They're the same chocolate brown colour as usual." Then he changes the subject. "When and how did you learn to do that? And why."
And so I explain everything.

While pacing, I explain how McGonagall offered to teach me and how she thinks it will benefit my future. And that how I am the first wizard in 4 centuries to learn it so soon. I also told him about my pack, and how they made me their alpha. I told him because I trust him.
And then, as if on que, Bardulf howled again.

I look up. "I have to go, something is happening. Go back to the castle before your caught."

"What about you?"

I smile. "They can't yell at a wolf for being out past curfew." And then, I turn back into my white wolf.

He shakes his head. "I don't think I'm ever going to get use to that." Then he turns around and runs in the direction of the castle.

I wait, until I can no longer hear his footsteps. When they're out of earshot, I run towards Bardulf. Sprinting as fast as my four legs can go. When I find him, he's with most of pack watching as others from the pack start to slowly walk towards the shrieking shack.

I can smell something familiar though, coming from the shrieking shack. Werewolf. I run forward and jump infront of them. They all look at me shocked. I start growling moving forward.

"Back off. Do not go near the werewolf." I say into their heads.

"But alpha, the Were is in human form. Why not attack while we can?" At first, I step back shocked. Rudy just spoke back to me, In my head.
Then I remembered what he said.

Shaking it off, I respond. "The Werewolf is not a threat. If it was, it would have attacked by now." I look at the rest of the pack and speak in all of their heads. "No wolf from this pack is to touch the Were. If so, you will be hearing from me."
I watch as the all bow shortly as if to say they understand.

"All of you get some rest now." I turned around and walked back to the castle.

I need a nap.


We all follow Hagrid out into the forest for his first class as a professor. I hold on to my 'Monsters book of Monsters'.... Book. (Merlin that's confusing) and nudge Ron's shoulder with mine.

He looks over his shoulder and recognises me. "Oh hi."

"Hi..... Listen, I know your confused about last night and I'll tell you whatever you need to know, but I would prefer it if you didn't tell anyone." I speak seriously.

He nods. "I get it. I just wish you told me sooner. I am your twin. I'm wondering what else you're hiding."

"No more secrets, I promise." I say drawing a cross over my heart with my finger.

We reach an opening in the forest and Hagrid turns around. "Right you lot. Open yer books ter page forty-nine."

"And how exactly are we supposed to do that?" Draco snaps.

Hagrid looks at him with one eyebrow raised. "Yeh jus' stroke ter spine of co'rse." He says as if it's the most obvious ting in the world.

I stroke the spine of my book and open it. Looking inside I become infatuated. Reading through it. What especially caught my attention was the Valcore monster.
I was reading about it when I heard Hermione next to me. "I think they're funny."

And of course, Draco has to open his big mouth. "Oh yeah, terribly funny. Really witty!"

I step forward. "Draco..... don't." I warn.

He ignores me and continues. "God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."

"Shut up Malfoy." Says Harry. I turn around and look at him surprisingly.

Draco smiles, gives Crabbe his bag and walks forward and toward Harry. He looks at me and I shake my head as if to stop. But looks back at Harry, then behind Harry and upward.

His face shows fear and he starts pointing behind us. "Dementor. Dementor!" He shouts.

Harry whips his head around. And I'll admit, I turned around to look aswell. Only to find nothing. Draco starts laughing and puts the hood of his cloak over his head and starts to make ghost noises.

I get angry and grab his collar pulling him away from his friends. "Ow! What?" He whines.

"You're showing off."

"No I'm not."

I roll my eyes. "Yes you are Draco! You're pushing it. You can mess with me all you like, but don't you dare start messing with my brother and his friends or I'll hex you."

He grabs me by the shoulders. "Ella! Will you calm down? First, you get angry because of the Neville thing, now this? Is this a girl thing?"

I shrug his hands off my shoulders. "I'm so close to slapping you right now. You aren't like this when it's just us and the gang. But when we're with other people, it's like it your goal to torment other students."

"I do not—" I cut him off.

"You do. And if gets any worse, you'll lose me as a friend."

He looks away, and then back at me. "Fine. But I'm not apologising." He walks away. So I grab his collar again.

"Oh no you don't, your staying by me where I can keep an eye on you." He sighs and slumps his shoulders.

Hagrid then comes out with a creature that looks half eagle half horse. Kind of like a griffin.

"Isn' he beuter'ful? Say 'ello teh Buckbeak." Hagrid throws it a dead ferret.

"Hagrid. Exactly what is that?" Ron asks.

"That, Ron, is a hippogriff. Firs' thing yeh wan' ter know about Hippogriff's, is that they're incredibly proud creatures. Yeh do not want ter insult one, 'cause it'll be the last thing you do." He claps his hands. "Who wants ter come an' say hello?"

The whole class steps back, but Harry leaving him to have go close to the creature. "Well done 'arry! Well done."

For the next three minutes, we watched, as Harry got closer to Buckbeak and patting him. Eventually, he got on the hippogriff and took off into the air. While he was gone, I talked to Draco about the upcoming DADA class with the new professor. Of course, he didn't care because of his hatred for defence against the dark arts.

When Harry came back, everyone cheered except Draco and a few other Slytherins. Buckbeak landed and Hagrid hoisted Harry off Buckbeak and pulled him away to congratulate him.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Oh please." He stands up. Oh no. He starts walking forward.

"Draco, no don't!" But again, he didn't listen to me. I watch as he pushed other students out of the way.

"Yeah, your not dangerous at all. You great ugly brute."

"Draco!" I go to run forward but Goyle grabs my arm.

I watch helplessly as Buckbeak stand on his hind legs and cuts Draco's right arm. "Buckbeak!" Hagrid yells trying to calm the beast. When Buckbeak calms everyone watches as Draco rolls on the ground in pain.

"Calm down Malfoy, it's just a scratch." Hagrid says frantically.

I pull away from Goyle and run forward. "Hagrid!" I yell. "He has to be taken to the hospital." I say with concern.

Hagrid looks at Draco. "Alright, I'm the teacher I'll do it." He picks him up and starts walking out of the forest. "Class dismissed."

I watch and still hear Draco whining. "....You and your bloody chicken."

I walk towards my bag and pick it up along with my books. I look at Ron. "I'll see you later." Then I turn towards Crabbe and Goyle. "Let's go." And we all walk out of the forest following Hagrid's trail.
Crabbe, Goyle and I walk toward the Hospital Wing to see Draco once inside the castle.

Merlin, I hope he's all right.  

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