Chapter Eight - Chaos

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  "Come on Ella, if you want to on this team, you got to do better than that!" Marcus yells from across the field.

I stop flying and start floating. "Well sorry! I didn't know playing for Slytherin meant getting screamed at by an old woman in a teenage boy's body." I yell back.

Malfoy snickers. The rest of the team widen their eyes and stops practicing. Marcus flies in my direction and stops right in front of me. "Listen here you bloody tyke, I'm the captain here and what I say, goes. If you want to stay this teams chaser, then I suggest you keep that manky mouth closed. Am I understood?" He asks.

I nod. "Gotcha." I reply.

"Very well. Now go and do some drills with the blonde berk over there." He said motioning towards Draco.

Draco overhears. "What did I do?" He asks annoyed.

Flint rolls his eyes. "I heard you laugh arsehole. Now go and do some drills." He commands.

------------5 minutes later------------

"That's not how you do it. You have fly downwards then swerve." Draco yells.

"I give up! I can't do that drill, it's too difficult." I whine.

Draco flies toward me. "I don't want to do them either, but Flint is a damn well minger and I want to stay on this team." Marcus glares in our direction.

"Keep it down, megaphone. I want to stay on this team as well, but we aren't going to if you keep talking like that." I whisper.

Malfoy looks at Marcus, then back at me. "Right, sorry." He apologises. Yes, you heard me right apologises.

"It's fine, let's just get back to the drills." I tell him.


------------That night------------

After training, the rest of the day flew by. I finished all my homework with Hermione, and run for a run in wolf form with Cato out in the forest. But for some reason, whenever we were in the castle, Cato kept getting distracted and staring at the walls growling.
At dinner, I kept getting sincere looks from Ron, at one stage he came over trying to talk to me, but I ignored him.

I was getting ready for bed when the girls came in laughing. The looked up and saw me. "Oh god! Ella you should have seen it. Draco tied Neville's laces together and did a spell to keep them tied. No one knew a counter curse so he was just hopping around the great hall looking for someone to help him!" They continued to laugh.

"I feel sorry for him." I spoke up. They all stopped laughing.

Pansy stepped forward. "You shouldn't, He's a Gryffindor. A blood traitor. He isn't worth your time."

That made me angry. "Well if you're bringing up blood traitors, you might as well talk about me! Because I'm in that category also!" I turned around and got into bed. Pulling the covers over me and blocking them out. Drifting off to sleep.

------------Daphne's POV------------

After Ella's outburst, we all decided it was time to crash. She's been acting strange lately, I don't know what it is. Her animagus probably? Cato can see it too, I know he can.

I was asleep for 15 minutes probably when Ella's mumbling started. She started weeping shortly after. She really needs to see someone. No one acts this bad in their sleep unless something is wrong.
Then it finally happened. She snapped. She let out a blood-curdling scream. Waking up the rest of the girls in the process.

Tracey got up and ran to Ella at the speed of light. I got up shortly after with Millecent and Pansy trailing behind rubbing their eyes. I was terrified.

Tracey started shaking Ella to wake her up. "Ella come on! Wake up. WAKE UP!" Ella bolted awake. She was breathing heavily and sweating.

She looked around confused, and calmed herself down. "What's wrong?" She asked, voice croaky.

"I think we should be asking you that question." Tracey replied.

Ella looked at her. "Was it that bad?" she asked, now understanding.

We all nodded.

------------In Dumbledore's office------------

"Are you aware of what happened in this dream." Dumbledore asked.

I shook my head no. "That's why I'm here, to find out." I told him.

He nodded in understanding. "I see. Well, to be truthful I am unaware on how to obtain the images you foresee in these dreams. But I am sure professor Trelawney may be able to help you in that sector." Telling me and Filch. Filch then ran out of the room to acquire her.

When Trelawney arrived in her crappy old pajamas and dragon slippers. So Dumbledore left the room as well as making Daphne, Tracey, Millecent and Pansy leave.

"Now child, what is it you seek?" Trelawney asked. Looking at me through those gawky glasses.

"I-I want to know why I am yelling and crying in my sleep. I don't remember what I am dreaming. And It's keeping my friends up at night." I tell her.

She nods walking around me. "Yes, yes. Very well, did you have a terrible childhood perhaps?"

"No! not at all. It wasn't perfect, but it was fine." Weasley's aren't exactly the richest folk, so I didn't get much of what I wanted or needed. But I was loved, and that's all that matters to me.

"Ok, well it must be something that is going to happen, instead of something from your past." My hearts pace picked up. "But not to worry dear, I will find out what it is you see." She placed her hands on the sides of my face, eyes rolling to the back of her head. "Mmm yes, there is definitely something there."

"What is it?" I asked worried.

"Are you sure you would you like to see?" she asked me.

I nodded. "Very well." She walked towards the desk behind her. She picked up some sort of potion. "This is a memory potion, it should help you remember what it is you saw in your dream. Take this as well as this." She held up another potion. "Chelidonium Miniscula. It will show only that specific memory." She said handing me the potions. "Make sure think of only your dream when taking the Chelidonium Miniscula, otherwise you'll wind up thinking of something else, and it'll be a waste."

I nodded mixing the two potions together. Then I drank the whole potion. "No! Not all of it!" Trelawney warned. But it was too late. I then became paralysed. And my surrounding started to shift. Then I started seeing images, playing out like a story.

When the images stopped, everything went white, and I was brought back to reality. Trelawney was shaking me. "Oh dear! Oh thought you were gone! Thank god you're all right. What did you see?" She was frantic.

What did I see? Some of the images were good, but a lot of them were bad. I saw an older Ron, as well as an older Harry, Draco, Hermione, and me. There was a war. There is going to be a war. And Harry takes a big part in it. As well as me, I looked, angry. I looked like a different person and it scared me. And my home, oh god my home, it was burning. And Ron's crying in one of the images. Is this my future? Is this what was going to happen?
I started to cry. "Oh deary, it's all going to be alright." She hugged me. Trying to calm me.

"No it's not." I sobbed.  

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