Chapter Fourteen - Reality

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It ignited something in me. I don't know what. But I think it was strength. I watched as the pack infront of me started to bow down. I didn't know what to think or say, so I bowed my head in response. There was no Alpha, but by the way they were all looking at me and bowing, I knew they were giving me the job.

I felt the moon rise behind me. The rest of the pack walked up next to me, faced the moon and started howling. But I made no sound, and just enjoyed the feeling of company.
It was then that I decided that this was my little secret. No one was going to know about this, not unless they had to.


I breathed in the smell of my bedroom, taking in a deep breath of . I had skipped dinner completely. And was just laying on my bed staring at the photo mum took of me and Ron two years ago. We were happier. It was before anyone or anything could split us apart. We were much like Fred and George, only I was a female Fred, and Ron was a more annoying George.
I started flipping the photo through my fingers. People said I looked more like Ginny than Ron. And by looking at this photo, now I know what they mean. But my personality is so much more like Ron's. After all he is my second half.

"Ron! Get me down, now!" I screamed from the top of the tree outside our home.

He crossed one of his arms. Keeping the other pointed at me. Holding Percy's old wand. "Not until you tell me where Scabbers is."

"Fred and George took him! I had nothing to do with it! Now get me down, or I'm going to fall. You don't even know how to use that thing properly." Instead of getting me down, he lowered the wand and climbed up into the tree with me.
"Mum is going to kill you once she finds out you were using it again." I told him.

"You're just annoyed because you don't know how to use it yet." He said smugly.

I glared I him. "Well it's not fair! How come everyone in this family knows how to use magic and I don't yet?" I asked getting upset. "What if I never learn? What if I'm a squib?" I started tearing up.

He faced me. "You aren't. You're just a late bloomer. You can already communicate with wolves. You'll learn."

"Here, I'll show you." He handed me the wand and put a twig infront of me.

I looked up at him. "Now what?" I asked.

"Concentrate really hard, focus on the stick. Make an S shape movement with the wand and say 'Spongify'."

I closed my eyes for 2 seconds then reopened them. I pointed the wand at the stick and drew an invisible S with the wand. I then spoke the incantation "Spongify."

At first I thought nothing happened so I slouched. But Ron picked up the twig and squeezed it. And squashed under his fingers like putty.

"Di-did I....?" I stuttered.

He looked up and smiled at me. "You did it."

I smiled and fist pumped the air above me. Ron and I burst into a fit of giggles. After we settled down. Ron looked at me seriously.



"Promise me nothing will stand between us." He looked at me, without a hint of humor in his voice. I looked back at him.

"What makes you think something will?" I asked.

He ignored my question. "Just promise." He said in all seriousness. And it worried me.

".......I promise."

It happened 4 years ago. And I have never forgotten that conversation. Yet I still broke the promise.
Of course, I couldn't help it. But that doesn't mean I forgot about it.

I'm not going to let it happen again.


The next day dragged on. And I feel bad about not paying attention in any of my classes that day, but my mind was elsewhere. When classes finished that afternoon I went down to the hospital wing to visit Hermione. When I got there, both Ron and Harry were there.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

They both looked up and smiled. I went to the other side of the bed and sat down. Harry grabbed Hermione's hand.

"Where did you go last night?" Ron asked me.

"For a walk around the castle." I lied. Well, technically I was only outside for an hour after the sun went down and then I went straight to bed. "Why?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other, than back at me. "Hagrid's innocent." Said Harry.

"What? How do you know? I mean, I didn't believe he was guilty in the first place but how do you know for sure?"

"Well, long story short, Hagrid has been sent to Azkaban but not before he told us to follow the spiders, and then ----" I cut him off.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. Spiders? Ron? I don't think so. Now I know your lying."

They shook their heads. And my eyes widened in response. Ron continued. "Then we met Aragog, Hagrid's freakishly large spider. And he told us that Hagrid was innocent but then he sent his bloody kids off to eat us! So we ran out of there, thinking for sure we were doomed, then the most peculiar thing happened." He slowed down on his rant.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

Ron looked me directly in the eye and gave me a confused look. "We were saved by wolves, Ella." Excuse me?

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Wolves?" Then it hit me. My pack! They must have sensed the relation in blood and had some sort of hankering for protecting my family.
But when I realised, I made sure I didn't make a big reaction.

"Yes Ella, wolves. Do have any idea why?" He asked.

I acted perplexed. "No, sorry." I couldn't tell him.

We sat in silence for a bit, until I finally said. "Well if it wasn't Hagrid, then who is it?"

"We don't know." Harry spoke up.

"Well what do you know?"

"Nothing." Said Ron.

We all looked at Hermione. "We need you Hermione." Harry said stroking her hand. "Wait, what's this?" He pulled a piece of paper out of her hand.


I walked around the bed a stood next to him. Harry looked up with mixed expression, and I know he had a brainstorm. "This is why Hermione was in the library the day she was attacked!" He looked down and started thinking hard. Then shortly after looked at us. "Come on!" He commanded.


"'Many fearsome beasts roam our land. But none of them is more dangerous, than the Basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits anyone who meets this giant serpents eye. Spiders flee before it.' Guys. This is the monster in the chamber of secrets. This how I could hear it! It's a snake!"

"You could hear it?" I asked.

Ron looked at me. "You have missed a lot." He looked back to Harry. "But Harry, if it kills anyone who meets its eye, how is no one dead?" He's right, it doesn't add up.

I could see Harry thinking hard, then look at his reflection in the window. "Because no one did look it in the eye. Not directly at least. Colin saw it through his camera. Justin must have seen it through nearly headless Nick. Nick got the full blast of it but Nick's a ghost, so he can't die again. And Hermione..... Hermione had the mirror. I bet you anything she was using it the look around corners, in case it came along." Bloody hell he added this up quick.

"And Mrs Norris? I'm sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror, Harry." Ron asked. I nodded.

Harry thought about it. "The water, there was water on the floor that night. She only saw the basilisk's reflection." He looked down at the parchment again. "'Spider flee before it.' It all makes sense."

"But how's it been getting around? A dirty big ol' snake surely someone's seen it." Harry was thinking about it. After at least twenty seconds. "I don't know."

I thought about it. Cato! "I do, when I take Cato for a walk around the castle, he'll bark at the walls constantly as if there is something in the pipes." I said. Harry nodded.

"Of course!" Said Harry.

"Pipes!? It's using the plumbing?" Ron asked frantically.

Harry nodded. "Remember what Aragog said? About that girl that died 50 years ago in the girl's bathroom? What if she never left?"

"Moaning Myrtle!?" I questioned. Harry nodded.

"All Students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All staff to the second floor corridor." McGonagall's voice boomed over the school.

We all looked each other, then bolted to the second floor corridor.


"As you can see, our worst fear has been realised. A student has been taken by the monster, into the chamber itself. Students must be sent home, I'm afraid.... This is the end of Hogwarts." The end of Hogwarts?

Just then, Lockhart came marching through the hallway. I probably would have sighed if I wasn't so terrified. "So sorry, dozed off. What have I missed?" Ron rolled his eyes and I slapped his arm.

"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." Sneered Snape.

Lockhart looked shocked. "My m-moment?"

"Weren't you just saying last night, that you've known where the entrance of the chamber of secrets has been all this time?" Snape questioned.

"Then it's settled. You will handle the monster, Gilderoy. After all, your skills are legend." McGonagall said smugly.

Lockhart smiled. "Very well. I uh, just be in my study. Getting uh, getting ready." And with that, he walked away.

After a few moments, Madam Pompfrey turned to McGonagall. "Who is it the monster has taken, Minerva?"

She looked down briefly, then met Pompfrey's eye's.

"......Ginny Weasley."

I think my heart just stopped beating.  

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