Chapter One - Pure

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Turning eleven was when my life flipped onto it's backside. I was starting Hogwarts with my twin brother, Ron. We were racing through Diagon Alley towards Ollivanders to get our brand new wands. Ron was just ahead of me and laughing, while I was trying to push through the crowded streets. 

Where are my manners? I should introduce myself. My name is Randella, but everyone calls me Ella. I share the rank of second youngest with my twin, not counting the the 12 minutes between us. We're really close when we're not bickering. We are almost the same person until it comes to my unexplainable secret, I can communicate with wolves.

We were three blocks away from Ollivanders and I was sure Ron was going to win, until he tripped ungracefully. I started to laugh but stopped immediately when I saw who he tripped in front of, Lucius Malfoy. I stopped dead in my tracks and froze, face pale. He's been an enemy to my family for as long I can remember. He looked down at my brother with pure disgust.

"Weasley," he sneered. "I trust your father is around here somewhere? "I built up strength and stepped forward. "Not today." I seethed "He is at home sending funds to my brother Charlie."

Lucius narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you sure? If that's true, it would be an insufficient amount."
I crossed my arms like what he said didn't sting. But it did, and I had nothing to say back. He saw right through me and smirked. "Come Draco, we have no business with these blood-traitors." And as he said that, I just noticed the younger almost identical blonde by his side, staring at me with curious amusement.
"Of course, father." And he stepped over Ron like he wasn't there, trailing behind Lucius.

I ran beside Ron and helped him up. "Are you okay?" I asked with my voice full of concern.
He dusted himself off and looked at me. "Yeah, but bloody hell Ella, I thought he was going to throw a curse at you." he replied.
"Me too, I was so scared." I said.
Ron smiled "you hid it well."
I smiled back "Come on." pulling his arm. "Let's go get our wands."

When we walked inside Ollivanders, I started to sneeze. There was so much dust in here. An older man with messy white hair peered around the corner, Ollivander. "Ronald and Randella Weasley, I started to wonder what was taking you two so long." he grinned.

Ollivander has been a family friend for quite some time now, considering so many of our siblings have come in here to buy their first wands.
"Hello sir." Ron said politely.
"Ronald, I already have a wand perfect for you in mind." Ollivander said excitedly. He wandered off to the back and five seconds later came back with a rectangular box, handing it to my brother.
Ron opened it quickly and pulled out one of the most interesting and intricate wands I've ever seen.
"It's a 14 inch willow with a core of unicorn hair." said the proud old man
Ron waves the wand a little and the air around us became warm. "It's perfect" Said Ron happily.

Ollivander quickly waddled away. Too soon he came back with another box and opened it and handed me the wand.
I take it back, THIS is the coolest wand I have ever seen. "It's amazing!" I cheered.
"Give it a wave." and so I did, and the room around us lit up to a bright lime coloured glow.
"I'll take it." I said quickly.

------15 minutes later------

We met up with mum and the others. "Ah there you two are! Did you two get your wands?" She asked.
Ron and I nodded. "Okay we have everything now, and still have some time to kill until the train leaves. I have a little change left over. How about you two get a little something for yourselves?" She handed us the change, halving it.
"Meet us back here when you're are done." Ron and I started to take off. "And don't take too long!" she yelled out.
Ron started to head towards the lolly store and I headed to the pet shop next to it. "Meet you out here when I'm done." I said and ran into the pet shop.
I have wanted my own pet for as long as I can remember, and Ron gets to look after Scabbers at while we're at Hogwarts. The shop was filled with Owls, cats and toads. All different colours and sizes. I couldn't decide, until something caught my attention at the back of the store.
Curled up, in a cage not much bigger than it, was a wolf pup. And it was the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen.
"Can I help you?" A man in his fifties asked me.
"Yes, how much is this wolf?" I asked politely.
"Are you sure you want that one? He vicious towards anyone he doesn't like." He said with uncertainty.
When he said that, the small wolf looked up at me hazel eyes looking directly into mine. it had a scar across it's eyebrow. "I'm sure."
"Okay well he is free of charge." He frowned and stepped forward and as he was going to open the cage the wolf growled at him, so the store clerk stepped back.
"Let me." I said confidently. I moved towards the cage. The pup started to growl, so I put my fist up so it cold smell my hand. Once the wolf smelt my fist, it bowed it's head. So I took that as an invitation to pet him. after stroking its fur for a minute, I opened the cage. And it slowly stepped out. He looked like he was going to make a run for it but I gave him a silent don't in his head. It tore it's eyes away from the door and looked at me and just.... sat.
"How did you do that?" The clerk asked me astonished.
I smiled "It's a secret" and I pretended to zip my lips and throw away the key.
"Okay well I'll get the stuff you need for him." And he walked away.
I looked at my new wolf puppy. "I'm naming you Cato."
Cato sneezed. I smiled. The store clerk then came back with a bag and a lead. "Here you go, Everything you will need is in this bag. Food, collar, bed, and chew toy." I smiled and handed him all of my change.
The man smiled. "Have a nice day." he said and walked away to serve someone else.
I put the dark blue collar around Cato's neck. "I'm not going to put the lead on you, but I'm trusting you won't run off." I spoke to him.
He just looked up at me with his hazel eyes and wagged his tail. "Hopefully Hogwarts won't mind me bringing in a wolf." I muttered to myself.
I made my way out the door and looked at Cato. come. I spoke to him, watching him start to follow me.

When I got outside, I saw Ron holding a stack of sweets. He looked up and smiled at Cato. "I wolf? I should have known." He said.
"Come on, let's go find mum."

------20 minutes later------

"The same every year, packed with muggles." said mum as she speed walked ahead of us. She wasn't surprise when she saw I had bought Cato. But she scolded Ron for wasting all his money on goodies.
Ronald and I were annoying each other by poking one another until one of us gave in.
"alright Percy, you first" My 'perfect' older brother moved up in front of the brick pillar and ran through.
Mum turned around. "Alright Fred, you next." she said to him. George spoke up. "He's not Fred, I am!" he lied. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. "honestly woman, you call yourself our mother." Fred played along.
"Oh sorry George." Mum apologized, oblivious.
Fred walked up to the wall. "I'm only joking, I am Fred." he said and ran through the wall, followed by George.
I giggled and poked Ron. "Excuse me!" said a small brown-haired boy with round glasses. "C-could you tell me h-how to-" he motioned towards the wall.
"How to get on the platform?" Mum smiled. "Not to worry dear, It's Ron and Ella's first time to Hogwarts as well." I smiled at him. Ron poked me.
"Now all you have to do is to walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10." I poked Ron.
The boy nodded. "Best to do it in a run." Mum spoke. So that's exactly what he did. "Ronald you next."
"Don't call me Ronald." he muttered under his breath, but I heard him. He poked me and ran at the wall. I followed. Running up behind him, poked him and smiled. "It's happening." I said cheerfully.
"I know." he replied.


Hey guys! This my first story! I hope you like it so far. It's not going to be exactly like the book/movie, I may change lines, friendships and magical creatures or whatever for the benefit of the story. I know Ron doesn't get his new wand until the end of second year, but I changed it for the story. Don't to get forget to comment, it will make my day.
Have a good one. xx

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