Chapter Forty-Two - Epilogue

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  23 Years Later...

"Scorpious! That's my lucky skirt! What are doing!?"

"Lucky skirt? Who even owns a lucky skirt?"

I roll my eyes and start counting down in my head. Three

"Take it off Scorpious!"

"I mean... I've heard of a lucky bracelet and a lucky shirt... even lucky bra."

Two. "Give it to me!!"

"But I mean a lucky skirt? Merlin you are odd."


Que my sigh. "Scorpious Bardulf Malfoy... just give your sister her damn skirt."

He threw it at her head and laughed when it slapped onto her face. "You use to be fun." He whined.

Millecent stomped away and grunted. "And you use to be funny."

"I am funny!" He yelled.

I shook my head and smiled at my kids. Scorpious looks just like his father... blonde hair, tall build and the signature Malfoy smirk. And of course he's in Slytherin house (Shocker) But he has my eyes, dark brown. He's on Christmas break from school in his fifth year. And with my humour and Draco's persistence as two of his traits, he can be a pain in the ass. And we couldn't love him more for it.
Millecent Selena Malfoy is in her fourth year of Hogwarts and is best friends with Daphne and Petar's daughter Olivia. She's incredibly bright and the first Malfoy to be in Ravenclaw. Of course Lucius was willing to call the school to get her moved to Slytherin, but after some discussion he decided Ravenclaw is fine and the next best house. An actual quote after that conversation was "At least it isn't Gryffindor". Oh well, not much you can say from prison old man.
But back to my daughter, Millecent has a mix of features between Draco and I. She has my dark red hair and her father's silver eyes, my build and Draco's skin colour. And to Draco's dismay... she's gorgeous and has been receiving attention from a few of they boys (and girls) at school of late.

"Millecent are you ready yet? When you're father gets here we're leaving to go to you're grandparent's place for Christmas straight away." I call out.

"I can't find shoes to wear!" I hear her yell back.

"Then go barefoot for all I care. Just hurry up!"

The front door slams. "What's with all the yelling?" says I familiar voice. I smile in content as my husband's voice gives me a sense of relief.

I turn around grab his collar bringing him in for a kiss as a hello. "Thank Merlin you're here... They're driving me loony."

He chuckles in response. "Kids, stop driving your mother loony and lets go before we're late!"

"Look out!" Scorpious yelled before he flew past on his brand new broom he got for Christmas. "Coming through!"

I looked at him in horror. "SCORPIOUS! What in the bloody hell doing you think you are doing!?"

He stopped and got off the broom. "Flying to Grandma's?"

Draco shook his head. "I don't think so mate. Give it here."

The young Malfoy's eyes widened. "What?"

"I'm putting it somewhere hidden until we get back." He reasoned.

Scorpious shook his head, disagreeing. "How am I supposed to show Albus and Rose?"

"You can later in the school break."

He sighed. "Fine."

Millecent ran out of her room jumping and half putting on her shoes. "I'm ready!"

I looked up at Malfoy Manor in awe. I've been here a hundred times but I still can't over its beauty. Narcissa talks about how we'll be living here soon, but I'm not sure Draco wants to. 'Bad death eater memories' or something like that.

When we reached the door, we were greeted by Teela, the Malfoy's new house elf. "This way." Once she walked us to the living room, she curtsied, and her long oversized dress reached the floor. "Master will be in shortly." And left the room.

"When are we going to the burrow?" Millecent asked. "I need to see Lily."

"You saw her two days ago." Scorpious argued.

"So?" She snapped.

"Soooo, the poor girl's probably sick of you and your bad breath." He snapped back. I rolled my eyes.
And Draco shook his head at his son. "He's your son in every way." He whispered in my ear.

I can't argue.

Millecent narrowed her eyes. "Oh I know everyone's sick of you."

"Sounds like my grandchildren are getting along. Always a good sign." A voice joined us.

Scorpious let out an excited gasp. And my husband smiled a familiar warm smile. "Hey mum." He walked forward and kissed the older woman's cheek. "Good to see you."

"And to you too, sweetheart." She faced me. And wrapped me in a warm embrace. "Ella, it's always a pleasure. Glad you all came"

"Of course, Narcissa. It was due time to bring the kids to see you."

She walked towards Millecent and stroked her cheek. "My gorgeous girl, look how you've grown. You're turning into quite the young woman." She brought her into a strong hug, and turned to face my son. Who had the cheekiest smile on his face.

"GRANDMA!!" He opened his arms and lightly jogged up to her, enveloping her into big hello. He's a lot taller than her, so from my perspective, she disappeared.

"Always tremendous to have you here Scorpious." She pulled away and look at him. "You look so much like your father. But act so much like your mother. You're quite the heartbreaker I bet."

"Correct!" He boasted.

"Not something to be proud of mate." Draco told him.

Scorpious smiled his signature cheeky smile again and responded. "And that's why it's Sooo much better I act like mum then and not you, huh?"

"You're asking for kick in the head, Scorp." I warned, then faced everyone else. "We ready to face the Weasley's now? Can't keep them waiting."

"Finally!" Millecent exclaimed, ready to see her cousins.

When we arrived at the burrow, everyone was already there we ate mums famous Christmas dinner and sung old songs we sung once upon a time. It was then that I realised everything had fallen into place. Just like I dreamed back during the war.

I looked at my son, who was sitting on my dad's old chair while bouncing a ball he got for Christmas onto Hugo's head. All of my brother's, who all planned the next revenge prank on their evil spawns. My little sister Ginny, who kissed her husband, Harry's, cheek affectionately and hit Scorpious on the back of the head for hurting Hugo. Rose, Albus, James and Teddy, all laughing at Scorpious rubbing the back of his head in confusion. My husband, who sat next to me and rest his head on my shoulder, talking to his mother in a calm, relaxed tone.
And finally, Millecent, who I watched giggle with Lily about Merlin knows what, with my signature wolf charm around her neck, not knowing on what was to come of her future Agenitala daughter. I plan on sticking around to help them.

But if something happens, and I can't help them, I have books, facts and even my own memories hidden in our home... easy for only our family to find. I even left a few memories of Draco and I in places, so people will know our story even after we're gone.

But it won't be told as a story for years to come, it will be told as a legend.  

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