Chapter Forty-One - Impure

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  When I reached the start of the forbidden forest, I heard footsteps... or should I say, paw steps. I couldn't but smile through my dry tears to see Cato walk out completely unharmed and practically glowing. I drop to my knees and wait for him to walk into my open arms. I hug him around his furry neck and breathe in his scent.
He smelt like home...

"I've missed you mate." I sniffled.

Cato whimpered in response. "I've missed you too." He spoke in my head.

I pulled away and stood up. "Voldemort doesn't know I'm back. So I have to go in there and pretend I'm still... evil. And you have to pretend you're under my control." He nodded his head once in understanding. "We need back up just in case."

"Fillin, call the other too the forest, don't let the dark lord see you. But if anything goes wrong, I'll need your help." I said through our link.

Not even 2 seconds later he responded. "No problem. We'll be there soon." I smiled and looked into the forest. "Oh, and welcome back Ella."


I never once got lost. I have been running and guarding this forest for years. I'd like to think it was wolf territory. When we were in the centre of the forest, I heard voices. And I knew I had found the death-eaters. I took a deep breath and looked at Cato for reassurance. He nodded and we both walked forward.

"Ah Ella, I was wondering where you were hiding." Voldemort's sickly sweet voice filled my cold ears.

I fake smiled and let the evil side of me act out. "Sorry my Lord, but I ran into a bit of trouble. Lost Fenrir in the fight." I walked up to them and stood next to Narcissa for comfort. "Never the matter, the war will continue." I said with no remorse.

Voldemort nodded. "Now we wait for the boy."

I looked back at a tied up Hagrid and winked, and watched as his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

I just hope Harry doesn't show up.

Time passed and Harry still hadn't shown up. The 'dork' Lord sent off one of his minions to search for him, but to no prevail. "No sign of him, my Lord."

Voldemort looked back at us, and the crushed look on his face made it incredibly hard not to smile. But I held myself together. "I thought he would come." He said sadly and started walking toward us slowly. Contemplating on what to do next. I was so happy inside I wanted to dance. But then a sound of a twig snapped broke the feeling of happiness. No... he didn't...

I looked out behind Voldemort and saw Harry emerge from the trees. "Harry?! No! What're you doing here?!" Hagrid questioned.

"Quiet!" Someone shut him up. I didn't even bother checking who.

I looked at Harry in panic. 'What are you doing?' I mouthed to him. He shook his head slightly. As if he was telling me to stop.

"Harry Potter." Voldefart spoke. "The boy who lived, come to die." I heard Nagini behind me, but I knew this wasn't the time to kill it.

Voldemort raised his wand, and I panicked. I went to grab my wand, and Harry saw this. He mouthed 'Don't' and I stopped. Maybe he has a plan. Maybe that's why he came. Maybe that's why no one is with him, because they let him leave. I let go of my wand and grabbed Narcissa's hand. I probably just gave away my identity, but right now I didn't care, she didn't let go. I watched as the dark lord raised his wand to Harry and cursed. And I watch in horror as Harry closed his eyes and didn't move. "Avada Kedavra!"

"NO!" I screamed.

Both Harry and Voldemort fall as a green light from his wand vanished. Narcissa kept her hand around mine to stop me from running ahead and told me to keep quiet. I stopped breathing. Oh Merlin, Harry... What have you done?

Bellatrix ran forward and helped Voldemort up. "I don't need your help." And pushed her. Narcissa squeezed my hand and let go, walking forward... toward Harry. I looked around to make sure my scream didn't give me away to anyone. But no one is looking at me strangely, so I assume no one noticed.

"The boy, is he dead?" Bellatrix asked after she got up from the ground.

Narcissa knelt down beside Harry and leaned in to listen for life. I held onto hope. This was my best friend. He can't be dead. Narcissa stood up slowly and turned around. She said one word, one single word that crushed me for the fourth time tonight.


We made our way back to the castle. I was numb. Harry's dead. He's actually dead. I don't want to feel right now. That's another friend that has died. I've lost too many people tonight. There is so much pain, and I just want it to stop. I want to shut off my emotions and let void Randella take over. But I have a mission, and I have to stick to it.

I look just ahead of me and see Hagrid, still tied up, holding a dead Harry. His whole upper body is still. And although I can't see his face from this angle, I know his face is in complete, still shock. When I look past Hagrid, I see Bellatrix skipping towards the now very close Hogwarts Castle with Voldemort not too far infront. Her laugh echoing throughout the school grounds. When we reach the front of the school, Voldemort stops and we all spread out. I stand in front with Lucius and Narcissa. They're the closest thing I have to comfort right now. Students emerge from the castle and the first people I notice are my sister and my father.

"Harry Potter," Voldemort starts. "Is dead!"

"NO!" Ginny shrieks and runs forward. But doesn't get far before dad grabs her and pulls her back.

"Silence!" The dark lord commands. "Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead." He repeats, to rub it in.

My friends look at me, for confirmation. I look over at Daphne, and see her standing with the young werewolf girl, Chloe. I look at Chloe and notice this is my way to tell them. "It's true... I couldn't say him." I say in her head. "I'm sorry." Chloe nods and looks Daphne. Telling her what I just told Chloe. Daphne bows her head. I look and the young silver haired girl and spoke in her head again. "There's still hope. We kill the snake then we kill him. And can still be done." Chloe looks confused, but tell Daphne anyway. "Chloe I'll need your help, and we need the others too, we—" I'm interrupted by the Death-Eaters laughing. And I notice I haven't been listening.

"And now is the time to declare yourself." Voldemort opens his arms, ironically, as if to welcome anyone to join him. I roll my eyes. "Come forward and join us." Pffft, like anyone would. "Or die."


...Should have seen that one coming.

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