Chapter Four - Relish

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‘Welcome to hell’
Draco…… what is he doing up at this time? Was he watching me?

“What are you doing here?” I asked rudely.
He glared at me. “It’s the common room, I have just as much right to be here as you.” He snapped back.
I looked away from him. “Right.”
“What up your behind Weasley?” He asked.
I ignored him.
“I’m talking to you.” Was he still yapping?
“I get it, you’re the strange Weasley of the family. The red-haired Slytherin. You’re afraid they’re going to disown you. I think they will. After all, you never belonged anyway.”
That was it, I just…. Cried. I had been holding it in all afternoon. I just, cracked. I didn’t want to cry in front of Malfoy, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“Woah, wait. Stop. I’m sorry, I just…..” he began. “I thought…..” He stopped, and sat down beside me.
“I guess I just go too far sometimes.” He looked at me. So I decide to look back at him.
He looked sympathic. He was looking straight into my eyes, searching them. He started reaching towards my face, and he was about to put his hand on my cheek. What is he doing? 
His expression changed suddenly, and he lowered his hand. Quickly looking away.
“I uh….. um.” He ran off, without another sound. Odd. But I tried not to think much about it.
------------ The next day------------
There is always a bright side to some things, but if you constantly think on the dark side of issues, you will never find that bright side. I have been told this over and over again for as long I can remember.
So if accepting the fact that I am in Slytherin is the only way to be happy, then so be it.
Today was first day of class. I had McGonagall first, in transfiguration. I had it with my brother I think.
I put on my uniform and fed Cato. Once he was fed, I did my hair. I couldn’t stop thinking bout last night. But every time I did, I thought about upset Draco looked.
I headed to the great hall with Daphne, arms linked, ready for breakfast. When I walked in the hall, I felt three pairs of eyes on me. Ron, Malfoy and Professor Snape? I knew who he was because Fred and George always complain about him. But why was he looking at me?
I decided to ignore it.
I looked at Ron and smiled, but he just looked away. And when I looked at Draco, he did the same thing. What was going on? Daphne nudged me to sit down next to her.
------------ Skip Breakfast ------------
When I got into class McGonagall was sitting behind the desk looking at everyone over her glasses. When everyone was here, she started the class. Huh…. no Ron.
“Grab a book from the front, and copy down the definition Pertrification from page 114 please.” And turned into a cat at sat on the desk. Woah, I need to learn how to do that.
------------ 5 minutes later ------------
Ron and Harry came bolting into the class, five minutes after it started. I rolled my eyes.
“Phew, we made it. Can you imagine the look on ol’ McGonagall’s face if we were late?” Ron said. Idiot.
Minerva turned back into her original form. The look on Harry and Ron’s faces were priceless. Ron spoke up first.
“That was bloody brilliant.” He stated.
“Thank you for that Mr Weasley, now would you two like to explain why it is you are late?”
“We got lost.” Harry replied.
“Then perhaps I transform either you or Mr Weasley into a pocket watch. At least then one of you should be on time. I recommend a map, I suppose you don’t need one to find your seats?”
They both shook their heads.
When moving to their seats Ron and I made eye contact. So I waved, but he ignored me.
------------ Skip to end of class------------
When everyone was leaving, McGonagall held me back. Seeing my confusion she started explaining.
“Today’s lesson, I admit was pretty advanced for your first day. But I have high hopes for this year. But you showed me how much you will be able to succeed in transfiguration this year. So I have decided to offer you something a lot more advanced, something that most wizards don’t learn until third year, if at all.”
“What is it professor?” I asked.
“Well I have found out a little secret of yours, seeing as though it has spread through the whole staff. You have a gift with wolves, and I believe this spell could help you in your future. I want to teach you how to become an animagus.”
“A what? Sorry?” I asked confused.
“It’s a form, where a witch or wizard can morph into an animal. I am 95% sure that your animagus form will be of a wolf.” She explained.
“That’s wicked!”
She smiled. “Yes but it takes weeks, even months of skill, practice and patience. I am only teaching you this, because I think it will benefit you. What ever your animagus is, is also your patronus. Are you aware of what a patronus is Randella?” Percy did tell me what it was, but he told me it was extremely difficult to perform.
“Yes.” I replied.
“Exellent. I must warn you, learning how to become an animagus is challenging. Do you want to learn this?” She asked.
I thought about it, I didn’t have to learn it now, but it would help with my communication to wolves more.
“Yes, I want to learn.”

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