Chapter Thirty-Four - Forte

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  [Daphne's POV]

Mother pulled Astoria and I out of school. I'm relieved, but also terrified for my friends. Hogwarts isn't the same. Not since Dumbledore died and Ella...

I'm not going to lie, when I found out Ella had been taken by the Death Eaters, I cried. I cried for the best friend I could possibly lose and not be able to save. She's like my sister, and I can't imagine losing her for good. I don't even want to think about it.

I knew what they wanted her for. I mean, my uncle is a Death Eater. I knew they wouldn't kill her. That would only happen if they had no use of her. No, I knew she was alive. I knew I wouldn't lose her physically, but we had no more memories to share.
My best friend was gone.

Ron showed up though. Said he left Harry and Hermione to look for Ella. He said he regretted leaving them, he just didn't know where they were.
He asked if I would have any clue on where Ella could be. I had ideas, of course I did. But I told him I didn't. Because if she was at any of the places I thought she could be, then he never actually reach her alive if he went alone.
I'm not friends with Ron, but he's my best friends twin brother. And I'll be damned if I let him go on a suicide mission.

I let him stay in my basement secretly and hidden from snatchers until he found Harry and Hermione. Mum never found out, and he was a gone before Astoria worked out it wasn't a rat making noises downstairs at night. She got so suspicious.
But after a week and a half, I went downstairs to bring his breakfast, but I found his stuff packed and him no longer there.

I guess he found them.

[Hermione's POV]

I woke up to my name being called.

It was Harry. What is he doing up so early? I sat up and put my shoes on and walked out of the tent.

"Is everything alright?" I asked panicked.

"It's fine." What? Then why did he wake me? I started walking forward. "Actually, you know, it's more than fine."

I marched up the hill. Then why am I--? Ron. He's here.

"Hey." He smiles. That smile... Merlin. How dare he.

I walk forward at a brisk pace, not letting his damn smile get to me. He looks confused, and then scared.
I rip his bag off of his shoulder. "You..." I push him. "...Complete..." I pick up leaves and throw them at him. "...Arse, Ronald Weasley!" I pick up his bag and hit him with it. "You show up here, after weeks! And you say 'Hey'?" I throw his bag on the ground.

He looks at me like of gone crazy. I'm so angry I ignore the looks he gives me and turn to face Harry. "Where's my wand Harry? Where my wand?" I walk towards him and he backs away from me.

"I dunno." Liar.

"Harry Potter, you give me my wand!" I command.

He runs back against the tree behind him. "I don't have it!"

"How come he's got your wand?" Ron asks from behind me.

"Nevermind why he's got my wand." I look at him. And while I look at him, I notice something in his hand. "What is that?"

He lifts it up to show me. Is that...? "You destroyed it."

He destroyed the Horcrux.


[Ron's POV]

Running has never been my forte, but right now, I couldn't allow that to be a problem. These snatchers were fast. And I mean real fast, and aggressive I didn't think I'd be able to run for much longer. My lungs were burning and my legs were going numb. Harry and Hermione were ahead. I was just trying to keep up. Eventually I caught up, because Hermione realised we were cornered. She turned around and hit Harry with a spell.
I don't know why, but I didn't question it.

I was grabbed from behind. And I saw them grab Hermione. "Don't touch her!" But I was punched in the stomach. Winding me.

"Leave him!" Hermione yelled. I wanted to tell her it was fine, but I was too busy trying to catch my breath.

"Your boyfriend will get much worse then that, if he doesn't learn to behave himself." One of the snatchers said in a snarky tone. He looked at Harry, whom I noticed was all swollen because of the spell Hermione put on him. Fenrir Greyback also held onto him. "What happened to you ugly?" Both Fenrir and Harry looked up.

I noticed the snatcher talking to be Scabior, one of the most wanted snatchers in the wizarding world. Or was.

Scabior looked at Fenrir. "No not you." I would have laughed if I wasn't in pain. "What's your name?" He asked Harry.

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley." He answered.

"Check him." Scabior walked towards Hermione. "And you, my lovely, what do they call you?" I wanted him dead.

"Penelope Clearwater. Half-Blood." She said quickly.

"There's no Vernon Dudley on here." One of the other snatchers answered. "Why don't you want us to know who you are?"

"The list is wrong, I told you who I am." Scabior walked up to him and moved the hair from his forehead. Oh no, his scar. Please don't notice...

"Change of plan. We're not taking this lot to the ministry." Shit.  

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