Chapter Two - Arise

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Ron and I got on the train with no problem. If you call being squashed into a group hug (mum’s idea), Being pushed violently onto the cramped train, getting tripped over Ron several times and not being able to find an empty compartment no problem then sure, it was a piece of cake.
Having no luck of finding a compartment for ourselves Ron and I decided on asking the boy alone is one if he could share. “Of course” he smiled. I recognised him, it was the boy asking for help earlier.

“I’m Ella by the way, and this my brother Ron.” I said. Ron reached his hand towards the boy with glasses.
“Ron Weasley” The boy happily shook Ron’s hand. “Harry Potter.” He said.
I widened my eyes. Ron and I looked at each other with the same look on our faces. I looked back at the famous ‘boy-who-lived’.
“Y-your H-Harr---“ Ron was stuttering.
“Your really Harry Potter?” I asked astonished.
Harry smiled. “Yeah that’s me.”
Ron then jumped in. “So it’s true, you really have the… the –“
Harry looked confused. “The what?”
Ron was having trouble speaking, so I took over. “The scar.”
Harry smiled “Oh yeah.” He said lifting his bangs to show the lightning shaped wound.
“Wicked” Ron and I said in sync.
------------10 minutes later------------
After talking to Harry for a bit, I had learnt that he was a pretty cool guy. He told us heaps about himself, leaving out the small itty-bitty fact that HE’S LOADED. Which we didn’t find out until he bought the whole trolley of sweets.
I was eating Bertie Bott's every flavour beans, when a girl with big frizzy brown hair came to the door of our compartment.
“Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one.” She asked while scanning the place.
“No, sorry” I replied.
She looked at me and smiled. “Your Randella aren’t you? You can communicate with wolves.” She asked curiously.
“I uh-uhh---“ I stuttered.
Ron butt in. “Yeah that’s her.” He said proud.
I heard Harry jump in. “You can talk to wolves?” He asked me.
“Well, Harry I can’t exactly---“ I was cut off again. This time by the girl.
“Holy cricket! Your Harry Potter! I’m Hermione Granger.” She then looked at Ron. “And, you are?”
Ron looked up with a mouth full of sweets. “Ron Weasley of course.” He said in a ‘duh’ tone. Hermione didn’t seem to know him.
“Randella’s twin!” He said in an upset voice.
Hermione didn’t look impressed. “Pleasure.” She looked back at Harry and I, while Ron slouched and sulked.
“You two better change into your robes, I suspect we’ll be arriving soon.” She got up and left, completely ignoring Ron. How did she know me?
Ron looked at me with a bamboozled look. I shrugged.
------------Hogwarts Arrival------------
We were walking up the stairs of the Hogwarts castle. (Mind you, there were a bloody million of them). The castle was massive! I couldn’t wait to get started. I was off the train for not even 10 second when I was met first with a half-wizard/half-giant, whom was holding a torch and guiding us towards the small boats to get to the school.
When walking up the stairs Ron was arguing about whether or not I should be put in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. I wanted to be in Gryffindor, but Ron refused to accept the idea that I should be in the same house as him.
We stopped just before I could reach the top of the stairs by professor McGonagall. My brothers have told me about her. When Dumbledor is busy, basically she runs the shop.
“Now when you pass through these doors, you will each be sorted into your houses, there is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. These—“
She lost me after that. I got bored, until I noticed the toad sitting by her feet. Apparently the owner of the toad noticed too because McGonagall was cut off by a loud “TREVOR!”
He ran up and picked up the toad, looking guiltily at the professor. She looked back at him with horror.
“The sorting ceremony will begin shortly.” And with that she walked away.
I was about to ask Harry what house he wants to be in, when I was cut off.
”So it’s true then.” The boy begun. It was Lucius Malfoy’s son, Drallo, was it? “Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.” Everyone started whispering.
“This is Crabbe,” He said nodding his head towards the chubby friend next to him. “And Goyle” pointing towards the taller one by his side.
He moved in front of Harry. “And I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.” Oh. Not Drallo.
Draco offered Harry his hand. And Harry ignored it.
Ron snickered and Draco narrowed his eyes at him. “Think it’s funny do you? What would you know, you’re just a Weasley.” He sneered.
I stood in front of Ron. “Back off Malfoy.” I growled.
Draco smirked. “Well if it isn’t Randella Weasley. Father says the Ministry has been talking about you quite a lot lately. And your… Gift.” I looked at him confused.
“Turns out, it could become quite handy in future.” He walked in front of me.
“And that your idiotic brother is most likely to hold you back.”
“They have been saying quite more about you,” He continued, “which I’m sure you would like to hear. I can help you there.” I looked at him with disgust.
“From you? I would rather use a dirty toothbrush.” I shot back. No one calls my brother an idiot but me.
Draco and I had a stare down. Until he was tapped on the shoulder by a returning McGonagall. “We’re ready for you now.”
And with that we followed her through the large door above the stairs.
When we walked through, we were greeted by what I assume is the great hall. Four long tables through the room for each house, and a table going horizontal at the further end of the hall. Reserved for teachers. Looking up I saw floating candles and what looked like…. a sky.
Hermione seemed to see my confusion. “It’s not real the ceiling, it’s just bewitch to look like the night sky.” I looked at her, eyebrows raised. “I read about it in, Hogwarts: a history.”
We reached the front of the hall. “Wait along here please.” McGonagall instructed. “Now before we begin professor Dumbledor would like to say few words.” Dumbledor stood up, and instead of listening like I should of, I took in his appearance. He must be about 100 years old! Long white beard, velvet robes and hat. The typical wizard look. His voiced boomed in the hall and all eyes were on him, yet, he seemed kind.
When he was finished talking McGonagall started again. “When I call your name, you will come forth, I will place the hat on your head, and yu will be sorted into your houses.” Easy enough.
“Hermione Granger.” She called. I looked at the girl I met earlier. She looked so nervous, I thought she was going to pass out. She made her way up to the stool and the hat was placed on her head.
The hat mumbled something, then yelled out “GRYFFINDOR!” I turned around to the cheering Gryffindor table to see my brothers with bright faces.
“Draco Malfoy.” Four guesses on where he’ll be put. The hat didn’t even reach his head when it yelled “SLYTHERIN!” I knew it.
“There is not one witch or wizard that went bad that wasn’t in Slytherin.” Ron said to Harry. Repeating what Dad said to us last year.
“Ronald Weasley.” Ron’s face dropped and he looked terrified. You’ll be fine. I thought.
He walked up to the stool now the hat placed on his head. The hat mumbled some more. “GRYFFINDOR!” It screamed. Ron instantly relaxed. He made his way toward the Gryffindor table and sat next to George.
“Randella Weasley.” Here we go. I walked up the steps and sat on the cold stool. I wasn’t nervous. Surely I was going to get put in Gryffindor with the rest of my family.
“Well well, this will be difficult. Bright but dark future ahead. Smart but no want for more learning. No Ravenclaw isn’t for you. Friendly, loyal but Hufflepuff isn’t your house.” I started sweating. “Slytherin would be good for you, but Gryffindor is in your blood.” My heart was beating so fast. Pleeease be Gryffindor. “I know just where to put you!” I held onto the sides of the stool hard and squinting my eyes.
“SLYTHERIN!” My eyes burst open.
Oh no.

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