Chapter Thirty-Three - Dissipate

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  [Ella's POV]


It was one of the only words travelling around my head at this very moment. I was being tortured. Every bone in my body ached. My head was thumping bigger than my heart and currently, I felt is if it would stop at any moment.


Another word floating around my head. I felt it everywhere. From the top of my head to the tip of my toes, it wouldn't end. I felt it in between my fingers and the ringing in my ears wouldn't stop. I wanted to scream everytime I moved a limb. It was from the cruciatous curse, being use on me over and over and over again. I knew what the dark lord was doing, and I had to escape before it worked. My heart was what held the most pain. Which brought me to another word in my brain.


...Words cannot describe how betrayed I felt. I wanted to cry. That arsehole is the reason I was being cursed for the past few weeks, or months. Who knows how long I've been down here? Rotting in the dungeons of some high rank death-eater's home. The scary part is, I don't know if I'll last long enough for Voldemort's painful plan to work. For hours I have been sitting in the dark shivering and twitching in pain if I moved too much.
Dry tears stuck to my cheeks as I realised I was slowly losing myself. His plan is working.

I hear the cell door creak open and a surge of panic shoots through my body.

Oh no.

------------------------------------- [Ron's POV]

I lay face down on the bed completely straight with my arms by my sides, feeling sorry for myself as we went through another pointless day of searching for Horcrux's. I guess, secretly, I'm not searching for Horcrux's. I'm searching for clues on where my sister could be.

Another rush of emotion rolls over my body as I think of Ella. I can't even begin to tell you how depressed I feel not knowing where or how my twin and best friend is. I feel guilty. I should have known the dark lord would be after her. She's become too powerful. She even scared me at times with how uncontrollable she would get if something wrong happened.

When Harry came and told me that Bellatrix and all her death-eater companions kidnapped Ella... well to say I was upset is a catastrophic understatement.

Even the pain of being splinched after the ministry, wasn't nearly as bad as the pain my whole family and I were going through. When mum found out about Ella, she passed out cold, and didn't wake up for a few days. Dad called everyone in the ministry, but of course they couldn't find her. Bill never went forward with his wedding with Fleur. He couldn't. Not when he didn't know whether or not his younger sister was dead or alive. Percy stopped working at the ministry briefly. Even her friend Daphne looked like she was hit by a train last time I saw her.
To make matters worse, I swear Harry and Hermione having ogling each other at every opportunity.

Right now, their going on about the word of Gryffindor and how it can possibly destroy the Horcrux's. But of course, as always, I'm not involved in their conversation. I think they've forgotten I exist. Like we're not actually searching for items to destroy the man who stole my sister from me, and they're actually on a honeymoon.

"You are... brilliant, Hermione. Truly." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the deluminator. Ready to break up whatever flirt-fest they had going on currently.

"Actually highly logical which allows me to look past detail." Hermione replies gloating.

"Yeah" I open the deluminator. "There's only one problem with this—" He was cut short by the theft of light.

I walked toward the side of the tent they were sitting in. The only sound being heard was the rain and my footsteps. When I reach them, I'm angry. "The sword is stolen." I let the light back in the room and show my emotions through my features. "Yeah, I'm still here. But you two carry on. Don't let me spoil the fun."

Harry looked down, closed his book, then faced me. "What's wrong." He said in a monotone voice. As if he actually doesn't care what's wrong and he's just doing his job.

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. Not according to you anyway." I say with venom.

"Look, if you've got something to say, don't be shy. Spit it out." Harry replies.

I grind my teeth. "Alright I'll spit it out. But don't expect me to be grateful now we've got another damn thing we've gotta find."

"I thought you knew what you signed up for."

"Yeah, I thought I did too."

Harry stood up. "Well look I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand. What part of this isn't living up to your expectations?" He walked around and stood infront of me. "What? Did you think we'd be staying in a five star hotel? Finding a Horcrux every other day. You thought you'd be back with your mum by Christmas?"

"I just thought after all this time, we would have actually achieved something. We don't even have a lead on where my sister is! You know her? Your best friend? Red hair, looks a lot like Ginny?" I shook my head and forced the tears to stop from escaping. "I thought you knew what you were doing. I thought Dumbledore would've told you something worthwhile. I thought you had a plan."

He started shifting on his feet. "I told you everything Dumbledore told me. We found a Horcrux already. And if I knew where Ella was being kept, I would most likely know where Sirius was being kept. But I still haven't found him either."

"We're about as close as getting rid of the Horcrux as we are to getting rid it as we to finding of the rest of them and finding out a location on Ella, aren't we?"

Hermione stood infront of me. I didn't even notice her standing next to me. My vision was fogging up with anger. "Ron..." She tried to grab the Horcrux around my neck but I threw her hands away. "Please, take it off." I glared at her.
She grabbed it and started pulling at it. "Please take the Horcrux off. You wouldn't be saying any of this if you hadn't been wearing it all day."
I ignore her and shake her off.

"Do you know why I listen to that radio all day?" I ask Harry. "To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name. Or Fred or George or mum or Ella even!"

"What!? You think I'm not listening to!? You think I don't know how this feels!?!?" He starts yelling.

I raise my voice even louder. Feeling the veins popping out of my neck. "No you DON'T know how it feels!! Your parents are DEAD! My twin sister is MISSING! You have no Family." Harry lunged at me in attempt to push me. But grabbed his shoulders and pushed him. All while Hermione tried to stop us.

Harry stooped and looked at me angrily. "GO THEN!" I gestured to the opening of then tent.


I ripped the Horcrux off from around me neck. And threw it. I instantly felt a weight lift off my shoulders. But I was still furious. I picked up my bag and headed for the for the exit. I looked at Hermione. "And you, are you coming or are you staying?"

She stood there gaping. Not speaking. She looked at Harry then back at me. No words escaping her mouth. But she didn't need to say anything. I understood perfectly well.

"Fine. I get it, I saw you two the other night." I said bringing up when they were alone together in the woods. I didn't see them do anything exactly, but it wasn't hard to work out.

"Ron that's... That's nothing." Hermione tried to explain. She was crying now, but I couldn't let it get to me.

"I'm gonna go actually find Ella. You guys just slow me down." I walked out of the tent before the tears left my eyes.

Hermione ran out a few seconds after me. "Ron where're you going?" I started walking faster. "Please come back." She whimpered. I almost turned around. "Ron..." She was catching up to me.
"RON!" just before she reached me, I apparated.

Where are you Ella?

---------------------------------------- [Ella's POV]

After I hear the cell door close in the darkness, I try to get up to hide in the corner. My muscles are screaming for me to stop, but I refuse to give up. "Ella?" A familiar voice comes from the shadows and whispers in the dark. The same voice that, months ago, would have made my heart swell. But now, it makes my heart shatter.

I'm not ready to talk to him.

"El, I know you're in here." He calls.

"Go away Malfoy." My voice is weak and raspy, but my words are clear as day.

"Back to last name bases are we?" He asks as he finds me in the darkness. He wearing expensive black clothing as usual. But they look tattered and his hair isn't slicked back. He looks... exhausted.

"Please, just leave." I swallow the lump in my throat.

He steps forward and reaches for me. But pull my shoulder away from his reach. "Please listen. I'm sorry alright?" His voice cracks. "Oh man I'm so sorry this happened. I told you to stay in your room." That prick.

"Don't you dare blame me for this. This is completely, 100% your fault. I trusted you. I told you everything." I spit.

"It wasn't my intention to bring you here. I tried to stop it. But he made me. He threatened me." He pleads.

I scoff. "Please."

"Ella, he threatened to kill my mother, kill my father and torture me." A tear falls from his eye.

"Then how do I deserve to be tortured? I wasn't the one who threatened you." I raise my voice.

"Shhh. Don't draw them down here. You'll make it worse." He tries to calm me.

"What does it matter? I already want to die."

It's quiet.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know it would go this far. For days, I have been listening to yours screams and it's killing me. I can't sleep anymore." He whimpers. "He is trying to get you to crack, trying to bring the dark side of you out."

"I know, and he wouldn't know my dark side existed if it weren't for you."

"I was threatened. Please El, please believe I never intended for you to get hurt. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just want you to believe me." He begs.

"I can never trust you again Malfoy."


"Where's Sirius? He has to be here somewhere right? Why is he here? You've got me." I ask changing the subject.

"He's three cells down. The dark lord is trying to get more information out of him about your gift." I informs.

"Gift?" I scoff. "This isn't a gift. It's a curse."

"And the dark lord want's it." He looks down. His blonde hair falling around his face.

I'm not sorry, or sad. I'm angry. "This is my power. NOT the dark lords. I control it, not him. So I should have a say in what I do with it!" I yell.

Draco looks up and in my eyes sympathetically. "---But you don't."

That's when a tear finally escapes. My body shakes as I sob. Draco tries to hug me, but I push him away. "NO. This is all your fault." I walk forward and bang his chest and he tries to grab my arms. "I trusted you. You Arsehole!" He pushes my arms down and grabs my face. Calming me down.

Tears streak down my face endlessly. Goosebumps trailing down my skin. I angry with him. So, so angry, but it doesn't stop what I say next.

"I loved you, Draco. And you stabbed me in the chest."

My last tear hits the concrete floor.

And I finally crack.  

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