Star Wars Rebels Fan-fiction:...

By starloverrebel

12.8K 433 206

Ezra is happy with the Ghost crew, everything goes well. He has his own lightsaber now and his Jedi training... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
swr s2 continue
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27:BONUS
Ghost of the Past previeuw
Ghost of the Past

Chapter 22

281 11 4
By starloverrebel

Kanan POV

We were fortunate to get of the Star Destroyer without too many problems. Just a few Ties have to shoot. No big deal.

Now we all stood in the med. We gazed at the three teenagers who were tied up to a chair. We did not quite know what to do. Of course the question was how they would react if they were awake.

So now we were here since we buried Dai. Pour kid.

Maia's head moved and she seemed to wake up. "What?"

She looked up at us. And we stared expectantly at her.

After looking at us with a question look, she looked at the ropes with which she was tied to the chair. "Uh? Should I even ask? "

I let out a sigh. Hera stepped forward to make her loose. "Sorry honey, but we did not really know how you would react when you woke up."

Once she was loose she stretched out. "Man you hadn't have to tight me up so tight." Yep totally Ezra.

She turned to the two boys. "Where's Dai?" She turned back to us. Confusion was written on her face.

"Euh ..."

Then she had to remember it because her eyes filled with tears. "He is dead. Isn't it?"

I nodded. "We have done our best, but he was already dead when we brought him here."

"Where is he?"

"We buried him at Ezra's Tower." Sabine answered her.

"Can I ..." I knew what she was asking, but before I could stop her, I was interrupted by someone. "Maia?"

She turned around. "Jonathan!"

She reached down for her brother and took his face in his hands. "You're alright?"

"Euh ... sis why am I tied up to a chair?"

She laughed and gave him a hug. The kid looked confused. Then his eye fall on us. "Who are they?" He whispered to her. Yet I could hear it.

"Well ..." Maia wanted to explain. Only she was also interrupted by Ezra. Not by a noise, by a movement.

He struggled with his bonds, but he did not seen to wake up. He had a nightmare.

Ezra POV

The lightsaber sank into Dai's chest. "Noooooo!"

We strangled the Inquisitor almost to dead.

All three of us.

Protective arms around me.


I resisted.

No! Stop!


No he is dead!

Dai's body lying there on the cold floor in a pool of blood. Maia and Jonathan sit next to him. Their eyes are filled with tears.

"Hey Bridger. I hope that we can finally call it even."

I try to break free from the embrace, but the person did not let me go.

Goodbye my friend.


Stop! Leave me alone!

"I will slaughter them all and then you will come back to me."

"No! Leave me alone!"

I use the force and push everyone and everything away from me.

"Common orphan, face it. You belong to the dark side. The dark side calls to you. Answered that call. "

"Shut up!"

"Good good. Now open your eyes. "

Funnily enough, I listened to the voice. I opened them and saw what I had done. Maia was lying in a pool of blood next to Dai. Jonathan beheaded.

And then the Ghost crew.

They hang on the wall. Chained. Tortured.

The proud Lasat: broken.

The Mandalorian: dull. Not colorful. So gloomy.

The Twi'lek who took care of me like a mother. Covered in blood. Her powerful attitude disappeared.

And then the Jedi. My master. Kanan ...

"You did this."

I shook my head. "Lies"

"Say it often enough and maybe you will believe yourself."

Again the laughter.

"Noooo ..."

Everything went black and I was alone with my thoughts in this dark pit.

I could not think of anything worse ...

And I suddenly I felt colder but also warmer...

Kanan POV

Ezra struggled against his ropes, as he screamed.

"Ezra," I said, and I knelt in front of the chair. "Ezra calm down, it is only a dream." I did my best to wake him up.

"Shut up!"

I jumped backward. What was that?

I was pushed to the side by Maia. "He used to have it sometimes when we lived to gether. We always had to tie him to his bed. Luckily it stopped eventually and it was no longer necessary. "

"What did you do then?" I asked her.

"Well at first we just used earplugs."

Everyone gave her a look. "What?! Remember we were eleven and twelve. But eventually, when he started to throw things around so with the force, we throw a bucket of water over him. "

Again the look. "Hey, how would you respond if things suddenly begin to float around and Ezra who is tied up to his own bed is screaming."

"Sabine ..."

"Already on it."

Sabine ran out of the med bay to get a bucket with water.

Even Ezra stopped screaming and moving. Yet I stayed on my guard.

"Noooo ..." I was pushed backwards with the force. My head hit the wall, and as I saw black spots. Maia had apparently gone to meet the same fate as I heard Jonathan say her name.

Hera helped me up and I saw Sabine throw the bucket of water over Ezra's head.

His head snapped up and his eyes flew open as he gasped.

But there was something wrong ...


So there are 2 reason why I will update less

1) homework, lots of Homework :-(

2) I'm working at 2 other stories and if I have an idea I write it down immideatly. but first I will finish this one and then there will come an other storie that has nothing to do with this one

but I will do my best

 ~starloverrebel out

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