
By idek_Jessy

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Jasmine is an out-going type of girl.She has no fears.And now she gets a summer job at her local mall.She wor... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

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By idek_Jessy

The Next Morning~Jasmine's POV:

was in deep sleep mode up until I heard Zayn getting out of bed. He walked over to my bathroom and turned on the sink. He stared brushing his teeth. Rather loudly actually. He wasn't kidding when he meant he had to wake up early. It was only 7:12. 

I tried to go back to sleep cause I was really exhausted from last night,but then Zayn appeared right in front of me. I gave him a rather lazy smile. "What?"

"Ah, well good morning to you too." he said with a smirk. 

"Cut me some slack. I'm tired, and it's early." i said rolling onto my stomach.

 He chuckled. "Anyway,I have to go pick up Lou and Liam for our practices. I won't be able to stop by the mall today.Think you can cope without me?'' I nodded. I'll miss him even though it's silly to because i'm getting off early today.

Not gonna lie,but I'm very curious about his practices. I wonder what he does and where it is. Before he left i asked,"Where do your practices take place? Also, do you think I can go and watch?" He froze,but then turned on his heels answering," Um I don't think that's the best idea,but if you want Niall and Harry can pick you up whenever you want and take you where I'll be all day."

That's all he said then left. Rude. He left me hanging. Like what does 'I don't think it's the best idea' even mean? Guess i'll have to find out later.

 -At Work- 

Me: Niall can you & Harry come  pick me up?? 

Niall: Yeah sure. How come? 

Me: Just...Well i actually wanted to go check out where you & the guys do all your 'practices' :) 

Niall: Did Zayn say you can come? 

Hmm. Zayn said it wouldn't be the best idea,but he never said that i couldn't. So i texted him by saying yes. Him and Harry are on their way.


*HONK* I heard their car. I got up and turned off the TV. Made my way down the sidewalk to reach their car. I hoped in the back. "Hey!" 

"Hello." Harry chirped. "Aye Jaz.. How've you been?" Niall asked. He is probably referring from the other night. Everyone is probably worried and still wondering what had happened to me. But i guess i'm good. I mean i got almost everything off my chest when i told Zayn my story. So yes i'm good.

"Good.How 'bout you?" i answered. "Same." was all he said. We were all quite for no reason. Which was nice cause i am a little tiered. So i pulled out my iPod on shuffle and closed my eyes.


"Jaz we're here." i heard someone say. I stretched and yawned and got out of the car. While rubbing my eyes, i walked to where the boys were. "This is it. Well this is where the races take place and where they practice. I nodded.The track was so huge. 

If i'm not mistaken, Zayn as of now is in a black car speeding to finish off a lap. 

"Hey Ni, could i go sit up at the bleachers?" i asked. He nodded and pointed towards the staircase. I made my way up the stairs and sat in the middle.

The view from up here is nice. I could see a huge gym hidden in the back. Probably where the other boys practice their boxing or whatever they do.

What i also seem to notice is a lake not too far from here on the right side of this view. It looked beautiful. It must look sick when the sun sets. I sat there thinking about nothing in particular. My thoughts were interrupted when tattooed arms snaked around my waist.

"So you came after all hmm." he asked. I nodded. Zayn then kissed my cheek and asked,"What were you thinkin' about babe?"

Should i tell him? Would he think i'm stupid?

"How cool the sun set must be here." i say before over thinking it.

He doesn't say anything at first. Which makes me think he thinks that i'm pretty stupid. But then he answeres by saying,"It is actually. I was lucky enough to see it at times. It look pretty sick when the sun shine reflects on the water." Then he turns his head to look at me and smile. I return the action.


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