Living in a Dream - a Joe Sug...

By JKRtotallypink

4.4K 220 41

Hi, my name is Cora Foster. I'm 19 years old, and live with my best friend Aspyn Clicke in the heart of Minne... More

My Name's Cora
The Three Mystery Men
Dream Come True
The News
Surprises Good and Bad
Mistakes Were Made
Familiar Faces
The Hotel
Embarrassment and Excitement
Sometimes Nervousness is Okay
Take Risks
With Love Comes Great Sadness
Ask Them
The Dance
Cute and Clumsy
Hurt, Love, Choices
The Girl
Radio Lies
Who are They Against
Lies and Sadness
I Will be There
Guess Who's Back
Where Did He Go?
Something Special
Nothing Lasts Forever
Make The Most of It
Is Everything Okay?
What is Happening?
Don't Be Afraid
Beautiful Silence
All Is Not Well
So... That Happened
I Can't Do This


78 4 0
By JKRtotallypink

Cora P.O.V.

I was elated that Joe came to visit. He sat next to my hospital bed, and spoke to me sweetly, and told me jokes to help cheer me up.

"Hey Cora, I have another joke," he said with a stupid grin on his face. I giggled at his excitement.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked, crossing my hands on my lap.

"What is brown and sticky?" he asked me, a grin plastered to his face.

"I don't know, Joe, what is brown and sticky? Tell me please! I'm dying to know!" I said dramatically.

"A stick!" Joe practically yelled out. I couldn't help but laugh at his enjoyment from the joke.

"Good one!" I praised. He laughed before pressing his soft lips against my own. Suddenly, someone bursts through the door. My immediate thought is Gryphon; but to my surprise, it was a small group of men and women from a news channel. Joe stood up, and walked toward them.

"Excuse me? Why are you here? Who gave you permission?" Joe questioned, trying to make the news cast leave.

"We got permission from the hospital, sir. Now if you could please step over we need to talk to this young lady for a moment," an average looking man in a blue suit said. He tried to cross behind Joe, but he wouldn't let him.

"I'm sorry, but that's my girlfriend, and we didn't agree to anything," Joe said defensively. I tried to tell him it was fine, but he wouldn't listen. Finally, the man convinced him to let them talk to me. I had one large camera facing the front of my face, and another getting profile view. The man knelt down next to the hospital bed, and I can only imagine what I look like right now. Haven't brushed my hair in three days, and completely make up free. The news castor shoved a large microphone in my face, as he asked questions about the rumors Gryphon had told.

"So, you are miss Cora Foster?" The man asked me, to which I nodded. "And from my understanding, you are currently in a relationship with youtube phenomenon, Joe Sugg," he said raising the microphone closer to my mouth.

"Yes, I am," I said meekly.

"Well, there has been a rumor going around, and I don't know if you've heard it, but the rumor is that you are pregnant with his baby, is that true?" He asked, and I glanced at Joe as if a cry for help.

"No! It's not true! I promise!" I said, as Joe rushed over to my side.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but you guys have to leave now. Is it really something you need to make a big deal about?" Joe asked impatiently, pretty much pushing the news castor away from me.

"Hey, listen, we don't need to get physical," the man said, sounding nervous.

"Fine, than just stay away from us," Joe said menacingly.

"I just need to ask one more question!" He pleaded, before Joe hopped in front of him.

"Do you not see what condition she's in? Cora is in a hospital! She was not aware that you were coming, she was not able to prepare for anything! Please just get out, and let her heal up!" Joe said angrily, pushing the crew out the hospital room. I let out a sigh of relief. Joe rushed to my side. He gently brushed a strand of hair off my face. "Are you alright?" he asked me, concern filling his eyes.

"Yeah, I think I'll be okay," I said, managing a small smile. "Why do you think a news crew came? Surely it's not that big of a deal! People get pregnant all the time," I said, taking hold of Joe's warm hand.

"I don't know, I mean, yeah, you would think it wouldn't be a big deal!" Joe exclaimed, standing up, and pacing slightly.

"Joe, everything will be okay, just calm down," I said, reaching for his hand again. He slowed his pace, bit his lip, and returned to his seat next to me. He raised my hand to his mouth, and kissed it softly. Joe let out a deep breath, and I could instantly feel his tense body loosen a bit.

"Cora, I honestly don't even care what they say about me, I just don't want you to get the brunt of this rumor," he said sweetly. I looked at him through dark brown eyes, as a small smile crept onto my face.

"I'll be alright. I really don't want anything to happen to your career," I spoke gently. "Oh, Joe, I have to tell you some-" I started, getting interrupted by someone at the door once more. Except this time, I was happy to see this someone. Aspyn burst through the door with an expression like no other. She seemed happy, but also sad, relieved, but lost. I extended my arms out to hug my girl. She hugged me the best she could since I was in a hospital bed.

"Cora!" Aspyn exclaimed, her facial expression changing completely. She lost all sadness, and had pure joy plastered on her face. "I can't believe it, I can't believe it," she kept repeating, until she retold me the entire story one more time about Dan and Phil.

"Wait, Cora, what were you saying?" Joe jumps in, I had completely lost my train of thought. I wracked my brain for what I was going to say earlier, but to no avail. I had completely forgotten.

"Uh, I can't remember," I said quietly, still trying to remember.

"You know, that's okay," he said, even though I could tell he wanted to know. Suddenly, I started to hear a buzzing sound. It was coming from Joe's pocket. He quickly reached inside his jean pocket, and pulled out his phone. Caspar was calling. Joe picked up pretty swiftly. "Hello, mate, how are you doin'?" He asked, slouching in his chair slightly. I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, but from what I picked up, all is well, Caspar just wanted to check in. "Yeah, everything's good, except for the surprise news cast showing up," Joe ranted on about our encounter with the news cast. Aspyn listened intently to Joe's story. "Well, I should probably let you go, huh?" He paused, "Alright, see ya' later," he finished, hanging up the phone, and placing it back in his pocket.

"Wow, I can't believe a news cast came here just to see if you were really pregnant or not," Aspyn said softly.

"I know, doesn't it seem weird?" I asked, looking at Aspyn's clear blue eyes.

"Yeah, really weird," she replied, running her fingers through her hair.

"Nothing we can do about now though. Just have to wait and see how it all turns out," I said with a slight shrug. Joe and Aspyn nodded in agreement. I just hope this is the end of this madness.

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