robsten love story

By msclrobsten

29.2K 462 92

It's just a random thought about what happened between Rob and Kristen in the past time and in the future. Ho... More

1. the audition
2. I knew it's you
3. It's Over
4. Drama
5. Fix You
6. New Journey
7. It's Her
8. Awkward Moment
9. I need you
10. Back to Reality
11. Accidentally
13. Hesitation
14. New Chance
15. Another Accident
16. Steamy Car
17. Reconcile
Met Gala 2016 (Imagining Story)
Imagining Story
18. Promise
19. PDA
20. Little Treats
21. Into you
22. Feeling
23. Him
24. News
25. the L words
26. No Control
27. Bet
28. Ours
29. 9 months
30. New Members

12. Early Gift

766 13 4
By msclrobsten

(Kristen P.O.V)

I'm standing in front of the mirror and looking into my self. I'm nervous, because Rob is coming to my house not more than an hour later. I even cooked today and made his favorite pasta. Does it even necessary? Is he really coming? Do i'm hoping he's not late or the worse cancelled it in the last minute because he realize that we can't make it works no matter how often we met and he choose to go on with her girlfriend. "No!" i'm talking to myself. he would come Kristen, calm down Or maybe actually he want to tell me yesterday when we met in the theater that he couldn't come today. Oh my god!! why i'm so overthinking? Damn!!


(Robert P.O.V)

I parked my car in the carport in her house, beside her mini. It was my house too actually. The view is still the same. My heart suddenly beating more fast as i walked in to the porch and stood up in front of her door. The situation around the house i pretty quite and i didn't see any paps hanging around. i think it's a perfect timing.

I knocked the door and wait until i heard she's shouting from inside the house. "I'm coming" and a moment after that the door is opened. I saw her standing in front of me, she's very beautiful today, she's wearing casual tshirt and a hotpants, it's really her style. Does she always look this pretty before? Oh yeah she does, even her short hair make her more beautiful. I crooked a smile for what i'm thinking and looked down sheepishly. "What?" she asked me curiously. "Nothing. Can i come in?" i asked her. "No... kidding" she's laughing and open the door little more to please me in.

I step in to the house and looked around. I saw Cole and Bear running towards me like they're asking me to cuddle them. "Hello buddie!!" I lean down to my knees and pat them head. They're shaking their tails. "yeah yeah.. daddy know that you guys wanna play with me. I promise later, but now i need to talk with your mommy first. OK?" I'm crazily talked to them. but as if they could understand what i'm saying, they run upstairs leaving us behind. She giggled and so does with me. "They're a good boy! and they're really miss you, can't you imagine that?" she said with full of wonder on her words. "Yeah.. they even still recognizing me after all this time" i said. "you're not easy to forget" she said seriously. "What do you mean?" i asked then she's just crooked a smile on her face and walked away.

"do you want a drink? or maybe eat? i made a pasta for you. Actually" she said. "That's sounds good, i missed your pasta" "Ok.. i'll prepared it" "No no no... let me take it by my self" i grab her arms. "No.. it's fine dude. You're my guest right?" "well.. let me join you to prepared it, and you must eat with me too" i asked her but it's sounds more like i'm forcing her than asked her. "are you forcing me right now?" she's squinting her eyes. "I'm asking you, but if you don't want to, than i have to force you"i smiled. "Ok fine" she answered as she walked to the kitchen counter and grab some plate, fork, and spoon. she's also put in the pasta to the microwave. "I'll warm it up a moment" she said. "Ok" i answered shortly as i watched what she's doing now.

"so... what did you said to your girlfriend for escaping today?" she asked me suddenly. "do i really need to answer that?" i asked her back. "hmm.. not really. i just wondering wha.." "I just said that i want to meet my old friend and probably i'll be home late. That's all" i cut her words. "she didn't asked a name then?" "Nope.. she's not really interest with my friends" i giggled. "Cool.." she answered as she took out the pasta from the microwave. "bon appetit" she said to me as she put the pasta on the kitchen counter in front of me. "wow.. it's look so yummy" i said. "Thanks Rob".


(Kristen P.O.V)

We just finished eating and chit chat during we ate. We talked about our job, family, her girlfriend, even just some random topic. "Kristen.. why u didn't come to met gala?" he asked me suddenly, and surprisingly i can not answered it, or even make any reason for it. "hm.... i.. mm.. ii.." damn!! i'm stutter. "i.. have a scene, that i need to finished, so yeah. i cancelled my RSPV to met gala" i lied to him. "don't you know i'm really hoping to see you at that night?" he said with pathetic sound. I curve a smile on my lips as i heard his grumble on his words. "i.. actually don't know about it. but your suit is very fit on you that night" i said. "thanks... wait. how you know that?" he asked curiously. "i'm not telling you" i laughed. "come on tell me Kris.." "No. i wont, you better just forget about it" "fine"he answered unhappily.

"so.. are you going to London this Christmas?" i asked him. "Yes.. my mom would kill me if i dont,you know" he chuckled. "absolutely. is she coming with you?" damn.. stupid question Kristen. of course she is. i cursed myself for a question which just slip out from my mouth. "Who?" "your girlfriend" i said again. "oh.. yeah. her family in london too, so we're going together" "cool" i answered with a awkward sound. "wait... are you jealous at me" he asked me. "what?? no!! Robert, don't be so sure about that" i said panicky. "well. just try my luck if Kristen Stewart still have feelings on me" he grinned. "that's not funny rob" "it's's... sweet" he made a very wide smile on his face as he telling me that i caught up jealousy on him. "shut up, we're not talking this again" i said. "oohh.. don't mad at me Kris. I'm just kidding. okay?" he stroke my arm with his hands. "Ok".

We share and talked so much today. we also spent a movie time together, just like the old time. I didn't even realize that it's already 10 p.m. I'm laying my head on his lap while his stroking my hair continuously as we talked. "Rob.. it's already 10. you'd better go home before your girlfriend being worry about you" i said. "I'm already home" he said and i giggled. "Nice try.. but i'm not gonna accept you to stay in my house" i asked again. "you don't need too. i don't need your house either. all i need is you, because my home is wherever i'm beside you" he said straightly. I woke up from his lap and looked at him. He's looking at me too. for a moment, it's like a dream from me to spent a day with him again.

"Rob.. i've one question. please answered it" "anything" he said. "is it really her? that you'll be married with?" my heart beating faster as i said those words to him because i don't know if i'm ready enough to hear his answer. "I don't know, i'm still confused. but i always trying to convince my self that maybe she's the one. It's so hard for me, believe me Kris. Moreover after i met you again on Florida. I even can't think about my relationship anymore with her" "So.. that's why you called off your wedding?" he chuckled on my question. "Yes, but that's not the only reason. I'm busy, she's busy, just like that. Why? are you interest on my love life now?" he said.

I curve a smile on my lips as playing with my fingers. I don't know how i supposed to react now. Do i have to feel happy for what he's saying or the opposite. "No.. I just.. Listen, Rob.. I hope you'd be happy for all of your decision" "Kristen why you're saying that? of course i would be more happier if i could be with you Kristen" he said as she lift up my face to look at him. I smiled to him. "Maybe we're supposed to not seeing each other anymore after this time" "No kris, that's not gonna happen" "why? there's no use for us, to meet each other like this. I have to admit it to you now that i still have a feeling for you, and you know that Rob. That's why i keep avoiding you, because i don't want to run into your embrace every time i see you. and that's why i have to lied that i have a boyfriend even though i don't. and i'm tired for all of this stupid lie. and i'm not gonna be the one who distract you from her anymore" I can see rob drop his mouth for what i'm saying and we're both fall into silence for a while until he finally said something.

"So you're not with nicholas?" i chuckled for his question. "Rob.. i'm talking all way long and the only thing that you asked is i'm not with nicholas? seriously" "yeah.. that's the only one that matter to me. Why you're lying? No, i don't need to asked you that. i know you're lying since the first time" I chuckled for his pouty face. "don't laugh Kristen. it's not funny" he's mumble and that makes me laugh even harder, he's so cute. "Look.. i'm sorry but you're too cute Rob. I'm sorry" i stroke his arms. "Kristen.. don't ever said like that again" "like what? like you're too cute?" i ask him confusedly. "No. Of course Not. Like we're supposed to not meet again. I don't like it. Listen, i'll always be around you okay? it's doesn't matter who's i'm belong to. Because all i know that my heart already belong to you. Understand?" "No.. Rob. It's not fair. I don't like your perspective, We have to move on, and i guess you're already do a right step then. at least you've tried to be with her and it works, right? so i guess it's time for me too to moving on from you" "i'll never let you move. Kristen, don't be so naive. Just live it like this okay?"

"Rob i can't, it's hurting me so much to be in this situation with you" "Look Kris, if you don't lie to me about you're having a boyfriend. We must be together by now. But at that time, i can't accept that you're really admit that you're having a boyfriend. That's why i asked her to marry me. So i can get off you from my mind. But i'm wrong, it doesn't work, even for a bit. you should know that. It's your mistake that we can't be together now!" he almost shouting at me and i'm surprised for what he's saying. "whaat? are you blaming me? It's make no sense Rob! you made your decision, not me. and i'm not gonna be the one who will be responsible for it or be the one who suffer because of your decision anymore" i said angrily. I don't know why we're suddenly being like this.

"then why don't you stop to avoiding me?! it's make me suffer too" he voice become lower. We're both fall into silence again. After it i can feel his hand running to my hair as he stroke it smoothly. "I'm sorry love. for blaming you, i'm so stupid. I'm sorry" i close my eyes and sigh before finally turn my face to look at him. He stare at me. and i shook my head "you don't need to be sorry. It's not your fault or my fault. We just have to try to accept it" "Can't we stop talking about this" he said and i nodded at him. He took my arms to move closer to him and pull me into his embrace. I laid my head on his chest. He keep stroking my hair. It's weird, we fight and a moment after we act like nothing happen.

"Hey love, look i've something for you" he said as he tidying up his position on the couch and i get up from his chest. "what?" he dive his hand to her pocket and show it to me. My jaw dropped as he showing me what's on his pocket. It's a very beautiful necklace. With a little round charm hang on it. "what do you think?" he asked again. " it's be.. beautiful" i said haltingly. "do you like it?" "yeah.. why?" "here, let me put it on your neck. turn around" he said and asking me to turn around. "Rob.. is.." "it's for you" he cut off my words. "It's an early christmas gift for you" he said as he rest his chin on my shoulder. "wh..what? but it's still November?" i couldn't help but smiling to my self. "yeah.. why you're so surprised? I can't be in LA during christmas, so i have to give it to you now" "Rob.. but.." "please don't argue with it. Okay? just accept it" "no.. i mean.. i will accept it. but.. i don't prepare any gift for you. You should tell me earlier" but he shook his head. "nope, you don't need to prepare anything. I've already got my best gift tonight" he said and it makes me turns my head to look at him. He lift up his chin from my shoulders and smile. "what do you mean?" "you. you're the best gift for me tonight" he said and stroke my cheek slowly.

"why you're suddenly become so cheesy?" i said to him. "I don't know, and i don't care about it" I couldn't help my self but i quickly peck his cheek. "thanks.." i said to him. "anytime kristen"he bend a little and kissed my lips. I kissed him back. and at that time, i know that i love him, i love this man. always have and always will. "Look kris, I'll find the way to get you back to me" he said after. "Rob.. don't push your self too much. Just let it be" i said. "but i'll try, and you have to believe in me" he cupping my face with both of his hands and peck my lips. I nodded at him. "Rob, you should go. It's almost midnight. You're girlfriend must be worried about you" "arrghh.. i don't wanna leave" he mumble in his words and i laugh for it. "come on man, get up you lazy ass!" i pull him to make him stood up. "Fine.. fine.. i'll go" He stood up and i lead him to my front door.

"have a nice dream love. i'm sorry i can't stay with you tonight" he then kissed my forehead. "i dont asked for it. Take care rob" i smiled to him. he nodded at me then walked away to his car. i wave my hand as he started the engine and set back his car. he waving at me too. and when his car reach out the main street, i close my door and smile to my self. I don't know if it's gonna be good or worse later. I just enjoyed this moment for now. but i hope it will be good.

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