The Blind Girl||V FanFiction||

By Emrald123

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"Can I feel your face just for one second?" And that's how it all started, with a question. Kim HanEul a bli... More

Proulogue: Love At First sight
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Pt.1
Chapter 8 Pt.2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
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Chapter 14

392 15 29
By Emrald123

"Do you like her hyung?" He asks me 'yah TaeHyung why would I like a girl who's already taken I don't flow like that" I argue almost smacking him making him flinch. He shows me his  infamous rectangular smile "thanks hyung, I almost got scared that you were out to get her" He smiles walking away resting his hands in his pockets.

'Yeah that's right TaeHyung I love her so what?' Is what I really what I wanted say but I don't have enough courage to do that.

I can't just start a fight in the beginning I have to seep my way in there I have to be patient. "TaeHyung!" I hear someone call for him and it sounded like HanEul I rush inside the room "who's there?" She asks her forehead creasing and her eyebrows furrowing.

"It's TaeHyung's..." I trail off "h-his friend" I continue 'just a friend a friend of his and a friend of yours' I sigh to myself. "Oh! Come here!" She ushers me. I chuckle my heart beating out of my chest at her cuteness. "What do you need?" I ask "oh wait, what are you doing here?" She questions "I had to get a checkup on this floor" 'I came because I wanted to see you.'

She nods her head "can you do me a favor?" She asks holding on to the hem of my shirt "of coarse" I smile "do you see a calendar anywhere?" She asks "umm yea there's one on the table, why?" I ask "can you please tell me what day it is?" "January 15" I reply not looking at the calendar "yay!" She suddenly throws her hands in the air.

I flinch taken back by her sudden outburst "I'm officially 23!" She smiles. 'Just a year younger than me huh?' I smile "congrats" I smile patting her on the back "but where's TaeHyung?" She asks. I furrow my eyebrows clenching my fist 'him again' "I think he left" I lie making sure not to show the anger in my voice. "Oh okay" she says disappointed.

"Hey you never told me your name" she suddenly lightens her mood "oh call me...Yoongi" I reply. My phone suddenly beeps indicating I have a message. From manager hyung he says I have to go to the dance practice room ASAP.

So that's his name, Yoongi. For some reason I can't get his name out of my head even after he left. Well I have nothing to do now since TaeHyung's gone and so is Yoongi.

"Oh HanEul your still awake?" I hear my nurse that just entered the room ask "can I go outside?" I ask smiling "umm I don't know" she replies "please pretty please unni" I pout putting my hands together "well when you do it like that" she sighs "I guess I can make an exception."

Grabbing my walking stick she leads me to the garden right in front of the hospital. "Don't wander too far okay?" She yells walking away "okay!" I smile shoving my left hand in my coat pocket "boy it sure is cold" I whisper sniffing my now stuffed nose "Hyung stay away from her" I suddenly hear as I lower myself to sit down on a bench I found.

"What do you mean TaeHyung-ah?" 'Oh is it Yoongi and TaeHyung talking?' I think quietly to myself. I should've gotten up at that moment but my body forced me to sit down and listen to what their talking about "I don't want to start anything between you and me but I'm serious hyung HanEul is  mine and mine only" he says anger clearly staining his voice.

My eyes widen, this is about me? "Yah TaeHyung who says she belongs to you? She's not fully yours yet" he argues "and so what is I like her? It's not like your any better! You stood her up, lied to her for months, and broke up with her for your career! If she was mine that would've never happened she deserves much better than you."

I hear TaeHyung gasp "but in the end who is she with? Oh yea me and not you" he fights back emphasizing the word 'you' "you want to fight it out we can go right now in front of these people" Yoongi challenges.

"Fine then" my eyes widen as I hear their gloves and coats being discarded on the floor. I need to do something! My foot hits a rock and an idea immediately comes into my head. Grabbing the heavy rocks with my cold hands I throw it not knowing where I threw it. "Who's their?" They ask and I run not caring if I fall. "They shouldn't know I'm here" I whisper as I kept running finally going through a door.

Feeling the warm air hit my face I bump into someone "I'm sorry!" I quickly apologize grabbing the persons coat and hiding behind them. "Um--" "please don't let them find me" I cut them off. "Have you seen anyone run in here?" I'm suddenly shocked as I hear TaeHyung's voice going around asking people about the 'mystery' person who threw that rock.

The man I'm holding onto backs up into a corner pretending to be on his phone as he hides me "hey" he whispers "their gone" I sigh in relief "thanks" I smile letting go of my death grip on the mans coat.

"No problem" I hear the chuckle in his voice. "HanEul!" I hear my nurses voice "there you are!" She exclaims dragging me to the elevator "thanks again!" I smile as the doors close. Leading me upstairs she takes off my coat.

Grabbing and sanitizing the needle she puts it in my arm. "Ow" I wince in the pain the needle making my arm go weak and throb. "Now no more outside I don't wanna have to keep looking for more veins to put the needle in okay?" She warns playfully "okay" I smile laying down as I grab the remote control for the bed.

She exits the room closing the door as I fall asleep pressing buttons on the remote so it can elevate the first half of the bed. Falling asleep like that I hear feet come into the room. I pretend to be asleep wanting to hear who came in.

"It couldn't have been her she's asleep" I hear a voice that sounds all to familiar 'TaeHyung' I think to myself. "Yeah couldn't be her" another voice mumbles 'Yoongi' I say in my head the two boys exit the room leaving me to 'sleep.'

Sighing in my head I open one eye making sure their gone before nodding off into slumber. I have a small headache probably from all that running. I shouldn't have inferred right? But if I didn't they would've beaten each other into coma's. If only Yoongi didn't challenge him in sure I would've been asleep peacefully nothing on my mind but what I'm going to do for today.

But does Yoongi really like me? When? How?...Why? I mean I only talked to him a couple of times I never seen him. I never did anything with him come to think of it. So why does he like me? Or is he just lying so that he can get TaeHyung mad? Or maybe he wants to toy with my feelings.

No he wouldn't be that kind of a guy then again I don't what kind of guy he is I've only talked to him never went to places with him. He's fun to talk to but...I don't know really what if I fell in love with him and never TaeHyung? What if...TaeHyung doesn't like me as much as Yoongi?

'What am I doing?!' I shout at myself in my head I should not at all never ever doubt TaeHyung's love for me. In fact I should be asleep! What am I doing?!

"You know what lets just go to sleep" I mumble shaking away all the horrid thoughts that's invading my mind.
Done! I hope you all like this chapter I tried to make it long so I'm sorry I failed!

I hope you like this book I'm not so sure if you guys do. And just so you know I may not be able to reply to your comments or do anything that involves Internet for a while.

But I will update! So please VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE! Bye guys thanks!

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