Endotherm {Thorin/Hobbit}

By Patagonian

259K 9.4K 2K

"The world was young, the mountains green, No stain yet on the Moon was seen, No words were laid on stream or... More

Endotherm | Part 1
||Chapter 1||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 7||
||Chapter 8||
Endotherm | Part 2
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 10||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 19||
Endotherm | Part 3
||Chapter 20||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapter 24||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 26||
||Chapter 27||
||Chapter 28||
||Chapter 29||
Endotherm | Part 4
||Chapter 30||
||Chapter 31||
||Chapter 32||
||Chapter 33||
||Chapter 34||
||Chapter 35||
||Chapter 36||
||Chapter 37||
Further Reading

||Chapter 14||

5.4K 224 57
By Patagonian

||Chapter 14||

<|Third Age 2974|>

    The ride back to Erebor is far faster than the ride away from it.  Whether it is Thorin's exertion of panic or the tension between the riders, but the ponies seem to move faster than before, and with greater ease.  To them, they simply want to be away from the quartet who gets in more trouble than they are worth.  At least in the eyes of the ponies, that is.

    Dwalin is the only dwarf awaiting the four when they arrive early, his eyes latching onto that of Thorin Oakenshield's orbs.  In the king's eyes, Dwalin sees an innate panic, which he figures has to do with Endor, seeing as she is riding with the king.  Of course, as a great friend, Dwalin desires to know the cause of Thorin's fear, but it will have to wait until Thorin's anxiety ceases.

"Come on boys.  Dis needs you in the kitchens," Dwalin ushers Fili and Kili as they dismount their ponies in a hurry.  Truly, they are swinging off the backs of the animals before they come to a complete stop, wishing to be away from the serious tension.  And thus, they run off after Dwalin, heaving their small bags over their shoulders without a look back at Endor and Thorin.

The King Under the Mountain dismounts as gracefully as before, pleased to be home yet still panicked due to Thranduil.  His hands move to wrap around the waist of the hobbit, who is less than capable of dismounting, and yet, she hits his help away.  "I can do it."

"No, you can't.  I will not have you breaking an ankle," Thorin commands, grabbing her forcefully around the waist and lifting her to the ground.  Behind them, a stable boy grabs the ponies with ease, Endor looking after the direction of Dwalin.  Wishing to be far from the dwarven king, Endor moves after Dwalin, only to be grabbed around the wrist by Thorin.  "I need to speak with you."

"Can it wait?" Endor asks, the close-contact with the king and the day's travels wearing on her nerves.

"No, plus it's our typical meeting time anyway," Thorin replies, wishing heartily to reconcile his relationship with the female.  Not only is his guilt eating him away, but he fears for her safety from Thranduil.

Endor sighs at the king's words yet follows behind him as he fast-walks to the library where the firelight paints their golden faces.  Instead of heading to a table like typical, Thorin directs her to an armchair by the fireplace, taking the couch next to her.  The king rests his forearms on his knees, leaning forward to meet the weary and wary eyes of the female hobbit.

"I would like to apologize for my words two days hence.  I was wrong to differentiate yourself from that of my Company when you fit in perfectly.  They see you as family," Thorin remarks honestly, from what Endor can tell, as he stares at her.  And sure, the woman is glad for his apology, though curiosity overcomes this is fiery waves.

"Why now?  Why are you apologizing now?" Endor asks tensely, fed up with the antics of this king.

Thorin seems hesitant to answer the woman, yet relinquishes his own intentions to hide the truth in her favoring of honesty.  "Because Thranduil threatened you."

"In what way did he threaten me?" Endor rushes out, eyes wide in shock and disbelief.  What has she ever done to get Thranduil's attention?

"He threatened to take you from us...I am sorry that it took a threat for me to realize how much you mean to these dwarves," Thorin remarks, melancholy painting the tired rims of his blue eyes.  The last thing he would ever want is for Endor to come under pain via his own competition with Thranduil.

"It is fine, Thorin, though I will not claim that your words did not hurt me.  The Company is the first family I've found since the incident," Endor remarks with a blunt honesty that she usually avoids.  It's not that Endor is not typically honest, but she usually avoids any reference to her past in Hobbiton.

"The incident?" Thorin asks softly, realizing this is the cause to the pain under her smile and reservations towards the dwarves.  But this time, his questioning does not come from sheer curiosity and suspicion, but care for the female and her family.

Endor sees this difference in his eyes, prompting a sigh of relinquishment to escape her lips.  Her blue eyes meet those of Thorin's, which shine in the light of the nearby fire.  "I want you to promise me something."

"Anything," Thorin responds, knowing that he would do anything for Endor Baggins at this time.  She means much to him and his family.

"No more secrets," Endor proposes, no joke or joy shining from her words.

Thorin examines her beautiful face for any sign of a lie to this promise.  Yet not finding anything, he agrees in a soft tone: "Okay."

The female hobbit leans back into her chair and away from Thorin who is tempted to move closer.  Instead, the king simply stares at her as she prepares her words of utter tragedy and pain.  This will be the second time she has told a dwarf of her story, though it is no easy than the first.  "I was the perfect hobbit just three years ago, you know.  I never did anything remotely interesting and spent a great deal of time homemaking.  I was a favorite in the town, for both men and women, with my pink bows and perfect skip.  If there was ever a reference made to me, it was in praise or longing.  But as it turns out, that was not the real me at all.

    "I find it strange that it took a tragedy to reveal my inner character and desires.  You see, my parents trained and perfected my image like the good hobbits they were, but when they drowned in the Brandywine River three years ago, I was left an orphan.  I went to live with Bilbo, and although he did everything for me, I could not stay in the Shire any longer.  And thus, I left.

    "I've been journeying the Western lands ever since, from Bree to the Western Mountains.  And in that time, I've learned of the world outside Hobbiton, and the looming darkness over our heads.  They say Sauron is rising in the east, in Mordor.

    "Whenever I would return home, I'd receive the nasty criticism of my own kin who praised me just years ago.  I am a hoodlum, apparently, and a no-good thief of their every sacred vegetable.  I have no concern for what they say to me, but my actions have repercussions on Bilbo and my brother.

    "Frodo, my dear Frodo.  He is the true light of my life, with his crystal blue eyes and large peaking smile.  And that mop of hair, as untamable as it was when he was a mere infant.  You ought to meet him, Thorin, for he can bring a smile to even the grumpiest of faces.  That six-year-old grin is a light in this dark, dark world.

    "I've been begging Bilbo to take me to Erebor since the first time I heard your story.  I grew up on the tales of the Lonely Mountain and the strong line of Durin.  Bilbo was always my idol, even in my reserved times, but I always looked up to you.  To the king who would do anything for his people.  Even before I met you, I knew you to be a great man.  And I was not wrong."

    To strangers and friends alike, the expression shining from the eyes of Thorin Oakenshield speaks of a pure and present love for the hobbit.  His desire to coddle and protect her is obvious to all the eyes excluding the hobbit's, whose tears are blocking the greater part of her vision.  But she does not need to see to know his care for her, leaning forward to squeeze his hand with a small smile on her face.  And though she wishes to pull her hand away, Thorin grasps tighter to it, brushing his thumb over her knuckles in the small expression of his adoration for Endor.  "I am sorry for your loss."

"I choose not to think of it that way.  It may hurt, but I've gained more in their death than I have lost.  Without that River, I'd never had made it here...I'd probably be married to some dingy hobbit," Endor says, making light of her pain with a laugh hindered by sadness.  Thorin sees through all this, holding her hand tighter in his own as he wishes for her confession of weakness.

"You think bad of marriage?" Thorin asks, and warily at that.

"No.  But I could not marry another of my kin...I think I'd go insane." This time, both the king and the girl chuckle slightly in ease of their renewed friendship.  "Almost as insane as your reaction to Thranduil today."

"Hey!" Thorin shouts, lunging at her distanced form as she scuttles away.  The king chases after her playfully, barely keeping up before she slips and hinders in her steps.  This allows Thorin to grab her around the waist, swinging her around in a circle as she laughs in her failed escape attempt.  Setting her down on the ground, his arm hangs loosely around her waist, eyes catching in the passion of the moment and glee for one another.  But with time passing and clocks strumming for nearby, all Endor can do is pull away with a cough of discomfort.

"Well, I think I'll head to bed.  Will you bring the key and map to the meeting tomorrow?" Endor asks, directing Thorin's slight hurt to the more important matter of their meeting.

"Of course," Thorin replies, prompting her smile as she walks away.  Thorin watches her lean body in a daze as she makes it to the door, stepping over the threshold as desire for her overcomes the king.  "Goodnight Endor."

The girl of his practical dreams turns around and smiles at the king with an expression unlike the ones she shares with other.  Rather than a mere friendliness, her smile shines with adoration for the King Under the Mountain.  "Goodnight Thorin."

And it is so that the two fell in love.


    The next night hosts a bigger surprise than Endor has felt in a long time.  When she arrives to the library at 4:55 PM sharp, Thorin is already waiting for her at the table with a large grin on his face.  Obviously, he is proud of this achievement, but Endor is in a playful mood from hours spent with Thorin's nephews.  He will not be getting the easy praise.

"My, my, Mister Oakenshield, are you catching the worm?" she asks with a grin and raised eyebrow that the king has grown to adore.

"Such a strange thing to say, and yet I cannot deny it," Thorin remarks with a smirk of his own, and one that Endor thinks is adorable by all fashions.

Laughing, the girl attempts to hide her fluttering heart and weak knees at the sight of him.  "I always wondered where Kili got that smirk of his...now I see it."

"Do you?" Thorin asks, playing along with her little scheme that is making her heart beat ever faster.

"I do," Endor says, winking at the king before skipping off down an aisle in an attempt to slow her heartbeat via his close contact and company. 

But this is a failure since Thorin follows after her in Endor's search for the correct books.  He watches as her hands pass across the book spines, eyes reading the titles quickly as she moves to-and-fro.  And the king practically laughs when he sees her focusing on one section, her tongue sticking out in concentration.  The girl has her quirks, that much is sure.  "What are you looking for?"

"On passing the other day, I saw a book about keys.  And I told myself that I'd remember where it was, but like always, I have forgotten," she girl responds without removing her eyes from the search, and referencing this habit much like his own.  Indeed, Thorin thinks that everyone does this.

"This seems to be a common occurrence for you," the king says, helping her look as he gazes at titles with furrowed eyebrows.  Having seen the book's title days ago, he knows of what he is searching for, but there are many books to go through.

"Aye, I had pluck some flowers earlier from my garden in a plan to bring them to Dis.  But I seem to have misplaced those as well," Endor says, chewing on her lip as Thorin looks over.

"Well, I am sure she appreciates the thought," Thorin remarks, overcoming his muddled thoughts at this sight of her.

Endor laughs at Thorin's words, knowing them to be true.  "Even without the flowers."

Endor moves to the next shelf in her continued search for the book, finally catching upon an older green spine with the title, To Unlock the Gate.  Endor rolls her eyes at the always indirect titling of such stories, though forgets it as she recognizes this as the book she saw days ago.  Grabbing it hastily from the shelf, she cannot help exclaiming "Aha!"

But Thorin sees something next to it with his sharp blue eyes.  Reaching outwards, he grasps a bundle of flowers in his hand and waves them around in front of Endor's startled eyes.  He raises a humoured eyebrow at her, though hers furrow with a baffled expression.  "I-I don't even know."

Thorin can only laugh as she ponders how in the world she managed to displace both the flowers and the book in the same place.  Indeed, she does not even remember entering the library with the flowers, but with her head in the clouds, she does not doubt that she did.  "Do we need any more books?"

"No, this and the dwarven history should do," Endor replies, looking for the large book around her small form.  Thorin's eyes, once again, get stuck to the hobbit in her search, an internal whim permeating his mind.  Plucking from the bouquet, Thorin gently places a lacey flower behind the ear of the hobbit, tucking her silky hair in the process.  As he pulls away, he cannot help brushing a knuckle down her cheek with a smile, almost laughing as she gapes at him.

"Better," he simply says, dropping his hand to his side as she struggles to get her emotions in check.  Huffing with frustration at Thorin's bipolar actions, she moves towards the large dwarven text nearby, struggling to pick it up from its spot on the lowest shelf.  Thorin, continually chivalrous, attempts to help with a "Here, let me take it."

"No, I am a strong and independent women.  I do not need a man to carry my books," Endor remarks, prompting Thorin to grunt and walk behind her as she continues to struggle.  If she want to be stubborn, so be it.  "Do you have the key?"

"Yes," Thorin replies, watching as she drops the book on the table with a bang.

"Well may I see it?" Endor asks, looking at the king that sits around his neck and rests on his blue tunic.

"Will you take it?" Thorin questions in response, overcome with suspicion at her sudden questioning.

"You're not serious," Endor growls heatedly.  "If I was a petty thief, I would be long gone with both Orcrist and your crown."

"My apologies," Thorin replies softly, handing her the key as she snatches it up from him.  Little does he know that by calling her a thief, she is remembering the comments of the hobbits in the Shire.

"I swear you're bipolar," Endor mumbles softly as she searches the key for anything suspicious.

"What was that?" Thorin asks, truly not hearing her.

"Nothing, nothing at all, old man," Endor replies with a small smirk, though she fails to meet the eyes of the inquiring king.

"I am not that old," Thorin grunts, crossing his arms in a protective instinct.

"Says the 228 year old," Endor replies snidely, her eyes quickly picking up to his to send him a cheeky look.

"Well you are a baby," Thorin says defensively, turning the tables of power in favor of his position.

"You do not even know how old I am," Endor confidently replies, knowing she has never told Thorin of her age.  She might be centuries old for all he knows.

"Sure I do.  You're twenty," Thorin replies with a confident grin, prompting Endor to raise her eyes in a startled expression.  Little did she know that Kili told Thorin this days ago.

"H-how'd you know?" Endor sputters with potent curiosity.

"Kili told me," Thorin responds easily, not understanding or recognizing the implications of his comment.  Rather, he is far too proud of his power over this situation.

"You were talking to Kili about me?" Endor asks, both in curiosity and the chance to regain power over the king.

Thorin shutters at this, realizing his fault in the conversation and the flip of power on part of the sharp hobbit.  She is his match, after all.  "You came up in the progression of the conversation."

"Well, what'd you say about me?' Endor asks, practically gaping as she sees a blush rise on Thorin's cheeks.  She may be inexperienced in romance, but this notion exemplifies a lack of platonic backstory to his conversation with Kili.

"I don't see how that's your business," Thorin replies, chin raised haughtily in an attempt to keep one thing hidden from the woman.  Endor has a remarkable ability to draw the truth from the dwarf's heart, and this scares him.

"It isn't, but I was curious," Endor replies, looking back at the key with a hidden grin on her cheeks.

"Curiosity is a burden," Thorin remarks, disgruntled fully with the turn of this conversation to personal matters, emotions, and attributes.

"Says the curious dwarf," Endor correctly calls out, having seen the many expressions of curiosity of Thorin Oakenshield.  He may try to hide this attribute, seeing as Thorin perceives it as a weakness, but Endor is very observant and sharp.

"Are you calling me a hypocrite?" Thorin growls out in question as Endor avoids his eyes once again.

"I don't know...are you curious about the answer?" Endor asks, looking up to meet the similarly blue eyes of the king as he growls at her.  The King Under the Mountain takes a seat at the table, opening the dwarven book on keys as Endor smirks in victory.

Tonight, the roles are switched with Thorin studying the literature and Endor working with the magnifying glass.  But as on prior days, the silence laps at them with hours passing away slowly and with ease in their situation.  But unlike the night prior, they have far less to search for, seeing as the key is small and there are very few books on the object, given its secret existence.  It comes as no surprise when they are done early.

"I don't think there's anything here," Endor sighs with eyes slightly red from focusing so long.

"I concur.  If I have to read one more line about keys, I might lose it," Thorin says, prompting Endor to release a small laugh.

"I am surprised you haven't already," Endor responds, Thorin nodding in agreement.

"Well, I suppose we start on the map now," Thorin says, looking up to the clock on the wall to see that it is only seven at night.  To leave now would to be a waste of time, and Thorin Oakenshield does not simply waste time.

"Ugh!' Endor groans, falling off her chair and onto the ground with a childish show of exhaustion.  Thorin can only raise an eyebrow at her scene, though he is fairly humoured with her antics.

"It is still early in the night.  I will go get some texts," Thorin says, taking no heed of her desire to escape the search with the reminder of his affliction.

"Can I at least stay on the ground?" Endor asks, prompting a sigh on part of Thorin.  He does not understand her love to lay on the ground, but fails to question it as her baby blue eyes plead with his.  And thus, Thorin is left to laying out pillows and blankets on the floor by the fire, all for an immature hobbit who is digging into his heart.  "There.  Now, I will be back."

So as Thorin grabs some books on the maps, Endor splays herself and the map out onto the ground and on top of the blanket.  She traces her fingers over the runes, so entranced by the beauty of the calligraphy that she barely recognizes Thorin's sitting next to her on the blanket, rather than the typical across from her.  But she fails to question this, falling instead to the questions of the map: "When Lord Elrond read the map, was there any sign of other ruins to symbols?"

"None, I made sure to look.  However, other ruins might have been recorded under a different moon," Thorin remarks, having previously thought his matter over thirty years ago and while on the quest.  But it is only logical to suppose that since one thing was hidden, so could another.

"That's seems nonsensical and misleading.  I think it is safe to assume that there are no further moon runes," Endor reassures, though she is suspicious of different types of runes being present on the map.  But neither dwarf nor hobbit know of any other type of rune, and thus, it will be a long night of searching.

"Then where do we start?" Thorin remarks, looking at the blue-eyed hobbit with complete trust and respect.  Who knew that the King Under the Mountain would ever rely so heavily upon the wisdom and brilliance of a hobbit?  Thorin certainly didn't, though the feeling of trust he holds for another is refreshing in this darkening age.

"At the beginning," Endor smirks, opening the rune book to the first page as Thorin groans in annoyance.  Tonight will be a long night.



Yay for more happiness! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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