Typical {H.S}

By LirryFlowers

13.5K 728 104

Via was too blinded by, supposed, true love to realise what she went through wasn't right. But she finally fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Thank you.

Chapter 36

183 10 2
By LirryFlowers

This morning was quick and simple. Just how I wanted it. Niall and I left the house with out a single word to my mum. She didn't even bother to come out of her room. Maybe she was still in shock about yesterday, because she seemed a little rattled when she left to ponder over to her room, and never come back out again. Or maybe she just didn't care that Niall and I were leaving. Who knows and who cares.

Dad's slowly driving to the airport, the traffic being tedious. But soon we reach the drop off bay and the car comes to a halt.

"Be good kid," says my dad to Niall as he begins to get out of the car. My dad even showed a small smile for my cousin. Lucky kid he is.

"Always am!" Niall chirpily replies and jumps out of the car. Shutting the door behind him then walking to the boot.

"Thanks for the lift," I say simply, pulling the door handle of the car.

My dad quickly turns around. "Wait Violet." Oh here we go. What now. "I'm sorry about Zayn," he says, throwing me off completely. He even looked sincere. Was this my father talking right now or his doppelgänger? "I had no idea he was doing that. You did a good job at acting fine."

"Ah, well thanks," I show a small, yet confused smile. He gave me a quick nod then turned his body around again, facing what's in front of him. "Bye dad."

I get out of the car and walk over to Niall who's already at the front doors waiting for me. Both his and I's bag over his shoulder.

"You ready?" He asks with a wide grin on his face. He's probably just as excited to go home as I am.

"More than ever," my sigh is loud.

It's 1am here and I haven't heard from you. Just hoping you're ok babe. I'll be seeing you Monday xxx

Shit. Throughout the whole drama I didn't even think to message Harry. I just wanted everything over.

Messy, messy time in Melbourne. I was too distracted to message you. I'm sorry. I'm so excited to see you. I love you so much xx

I put my phone back into my back jean pocket and walk through the front doors of the airport. Absolutely buzzing to be going home.


I forcefully open the front door to the flat. I hear Niall let out a small chuckle from behind me due to my dramatic actions. It's so fucking good to be back. I haven't even stepped foot through the door yet.

"Wow what an entrance," Louis says with a smug smile from the kitchen.

He's standing there with his phone in his hand and a glass of water in front of him. It's been one night and boy I missed his cheeky smile and scruffy hair.

I walk into the flat, throw my bag onto the lounge and run to Louis. Hugging him so tightly. I didn't think one terrible encounter could make me miss everyone so much. I need to go see everyone else after this.

Louis is startled by my sudden show of affections, but only few seconds later, he wraps his arms tight around my waist. "Rough night?" He carefully asks, sounding muffled due to my hair being in his face.

"Don't even get me started," I say into his neck. I release myself from the hug and look at him, realizing that he's here at our flat and not his own. "You're seriously still here though? Did you ever go back to yours while we were gone?" I chuckle and completely move away from him.

"Yea! Once to get some shoes. I only had one pair here and I was getting a little sick of them." I don't get a chance to reply as I'm interrupted by an exhausted Niall who hugs Louis just as long and tight as I did.

"Missed you Louis. You should've come with us!" Niall pouts and pulls himself away from Louis' body.

"Hmmm nah, glad I didn't. Doesn't look like you two had a blast of a time. Plus I got your whole flat all to myself," he boasts proudly.

"Honestly, do you just want to move in man? You're always," Niall emphasizes the word always so much that I think I saw a vain slightly pop out from his neck. He then continues, "here. Like, always here."

"Where would I even fit?" He laughs, "the lounge gets a little tiring after a while. But thanks anyway Niall. I really appreciate it."

"We could always just get one of those lounges that also pull out and turn into a bed. What're they called again?" Niall looks up at the roof in thought.

"A sofa bed?" I interrupt and laugh at the simple words he's forgetting. I think it would be good having Louis around. Unless they're going to be playing the ps3 at ungodly hours all the time. Then no Louis can't move in. Ever.

"You sure? Are you alright with this Via?" He looked to me with a hopeful expression. I can't say no, plus Niall's right, he's always here anyway.

"You may as well," I smile contently at him. He seems so excited. He probably was getting lonely in his empty flat.

"Thank you guys," he grabs us both from around the neck and pulls us together in a tight embrace, almost clashing Niall and I's heads together.

Later on I went and saw Danielle. I filled her in on what happened last night, whilst missing a few details. I also went and visited Molly and Brodie. It felt like I hadn't seen them in a week when really it was just one night and to be honest, I probably wouldn't have visited them anyway. They're just another part of my happy place where I want to be right now.

But as I lay here in bed at two in the morning, crying my eyes out, I just can't get back to that happy place. Incredibly vivid memories keep resurfacing of what I went through with Zayn and I can't seem to push them back. These are the times where I really need Harry here.

I really need you right now :( xx

It's only three in the afternoon there so hopefully he should get my message. I want to be able to at least message him. We can't talk on the phone, I can't wake Louis or Niall up. Especially Niall, he doesn't take well to me crying over Zayn. The protective bugger that he is.

"You alright Via?" I look up to see a tired eyed Louis standing by my door frame. He's in a baggy, long grey sweater and green boxers; looking incredibly cuddly.

I quickly wipe the tears away from my eyes. "Yea, yea all good," I show the best fake smile I am capable of. "Why are you awake? Are you okay?"

"I heard you crying. I thought I better check on you," he shows a sympathetic smile. This isn't the first time this has happened.

Flashbacks of the night when Harry came and checked up on me. The conversation we had completely forming our friendship. The memory causes a genuine, small smile from my lips.

"Trust me. I'm all good." I hate lying but sometimes I just need to. Makes it easier for everyone else. Louis walks over to my bed and sits beside me, wrapping his arm around the top of my shoulders, bringing me into his side.

"You can't fool me kiddo. Someone who was just crying isn't all good," he mocks me lightly through a chuckle. As I lay into his warm side, I finally feel an inkling better. Sometimes it is better not to be alone.

"Thank you Louis," I pull away slightly to give him a true smile this time. "I really appreciate it." I don't know how long we were sitting there like that, but it was good. I needed it.

"Anytime. And I mean that. Are you going to tell me what happened or is that too soon?" He cautiously asks me.

I tell him everything, from the point of my dad picking me up, Zayn randomly appearing, my mum backing sides with him. Then I lift up my pajama shirt slightly, with few tears trickling down my already damp cheeks. "That's the scar. I think the mental one is worse though. I can't see that one healing anytime soon. I was always so scared Louis. Yet when he was pretending to be someone else, I believed that was the true him and idiotically got past all the other things even though they were so so wrong." My tears get a little heaver, again. Great.

Louis quickly but gently pulls me into his torso. Arms supportively around my shoulders. "I'm so sorry he was doing this to you Via. I had no idea."

I hug him for a few seconds longer then pull away, looking up at him. "No one did. Niall only just found out last night, Harry doesn't even know. I had to lie about the scar. It's too embarrassing."

Louis frowns at me. "What he was doing to you was never your fault. You have nothing to be embarrassed over." He leans closer to me and stares at me intently. Trying to get his message across.

Slowly, oh-so-very slowly, Louis leans closer, and closer. The proximity between our lips almost vanishing. And then it does. His soft and unfamiliar lips are planted onto mine. So caring and careful. I mindlessly place my hand to his cheek, slightly deepening the kiss. What am I doing?

"Louis," I tear away incredibly fast, moving myself backwards and off my bed. Louis sits there, looking a little astonished from his own actions. "We shouldn't have done that," I shake my head frantically. "Fuck! We really shouldn't have done that."

"I'm so sorry Via. I don't know what came over me. It just happened," he says a little dazed. He's genuinely sorry, I can tell that much.

"I..." I pause. What do I say to that? My mind is already so clouded. "Please, leave my room Louis. I just need to think. I feel so bad!" I frantically yell through a whisper, making sure Niall won't hear me. "I can't believe that just happened. What about Harry? I'm so fucking in love with him and I just." I stop myself again. I'm so mad at myself for letting this happen. "Please go," I say calmer than my previous statements.

Louis is quick to stand. "We don't have to tell Harry. We were both in the wrong but no one needs to know," he says eagerly. He's probably a little scared too, because gosh that man can be intimidating when he's mad.

"I have to Louis. When ever anything happened between him and Eve. He told me. I can't keep this from him. And the guilt, it would eat and eat at me. That's just not an option Louis," I look to the ground weakly. Harry is back on Monday and he's going to have to hear this? I'm such a shit girlfriend. "I won't tell him straight away. But he needs to know."

He shakes his head understandingly, and with that, he leaves and walks out of my room. I walk back over to my bed and flop onto my back. I would be fuming if Harry kissed another girl while he was away. And I did almost exactly that.

The room suddenly lights up just that bit brighter from an artificial light of a phone.

I can call you if you're still awake? I hate that you're sad and I can't help you :( I love you Via. I know you'll be ok. I'm back Monday! Fuck I've missed you x

I just stare at my phone, the guilt growing even more inside me. How could I have been so stupid?

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