What is love? (O2L Fan Fictio...

By lashtonismyotp

146K 2.6K 1.1K

We try to figure out the real meaning of love. But how come nobody can define it? Why is it that every time y... More

Chapter:1 Meeting my new friends
Chapter 2: Playlist Live
Chapter:3 Just Friends..
Chapter 4: One Chance
Chapter 5: Well this is awkward..
Chapter 6: The Fight & Paris Kissed Who?
Chapter 7: Talia is here! & Ponnor or Jaris?
Chapter 8: Too Much Drama
Chapter:9 YouTube Convention && Couple Challenges
Chapter 10: Turn That Frown Upside Down
Chapter 11: Day 1 In California && How Do I Tell Her?
Chapter 12: Forgive Me, I Love You So Much. && The Accident
Chapter 13: This Can't Be Over
Chapter 14: I Still Love You
Chapter 15: I Can Feel The Love
Chapter 16: I Thought We Were Friends
Chapter 17: If Only This Was A Dream
Chapter 18: Too Much To Handle
Chapter 19: I Wish You Were Here
Chapter 21: Is This A Dream?
Chapter 22: Forgive & Forget
Chapter 23: The Secret
Chapter 24: It's All A Dream (Final Chapter)

Chapter 20: It's Not You, It's Me

3.1K 73 19
By lashtonismyotp

Talia's P.O.V 

''I'm sorry okay!?'' I screamed at Kian before leaving his house, and going to Ricky's apartment. 

What was I thinking, going to Kian's house and acting like he would take me back after I said that I wanted to go out with Finn. Life isn't that easy, it's not like he was just going to give me a pass. 

I slowly walked over to my car. and drove to Ricky's house. When I arrived at Ricky's house, he embraced me with a hug and I started balling my eyes out in his arms. He lifted my chin so that I was looking at him. 

''What's wrong darling?'' He said while bringing me over to his couch. 

Sam whom was also in Ricky's house looked at me all weird  but slowly made his way over to me, while rubbing my back. 

''What's wrong?'' Sam said while resting his head on my shoulder. 

''Who's weave do I need to take out now?'' Ricky said while laughing. 

''It's nobody'' I lied, and Ricky could tell that I was too. 

''Then why were you crying? Are you okay?'' Sam said while standing up and getting infront of me. 

''I'm fine'' I said while looking away. 

''No you're not'' Ricky said while folding his arms and giving me the death stare. 

''Please tell Ricky and I''

''I don't want to'' I said while wiping my tears from my cheeks.  

Ricky and Sam both looked at each other with sad faces, then looked back at me. ''Please tell us what's wrong Talia'' Ricky said while down next to me. 

''It's nothing'' I said while shrugging my shoulders. 

''It has to be something, if you came over not acting yourself'' Sam said before Ricky could say anything to me. 

I nodded my head and looked at Sam and smiled. Why does he always have to be right? ''Is that a smile I see?'' Ricky said while tickiling me. 

I laughed but then pushed him away and got up from the couch. ''It's Kian'' I said in a low whisper so they wouldn't hear me. 

''Who is it? Talk louder'' Ricky and Sam both said. 

''Kian!'' I yelled and walked over to the door to leave Ricky's house and go stay at a hotel. But before I could step foot outside Ricky grabbed my hand and brought me over to the couch.

''I'm not going to let you leave my house sad'' He said while hugging me. ''Come we are going to Kian's'' 

Sam, and I followed Ricky to his car, we were going to Kian's house. I don't know what Ricky has planned but I'm pretty sure his plan is not going to work. 

When we arrived at Kian's house, Ricky ran to the door and started ringing the doorbell, while Sam , opened the car door for me. When Kian opened the door his facial expression went from happy then to sad. 

We all walked in awkward, making ourself settle down on the chairs or couch. I looked over to Kian whom sat next to Sam, and Ricky whom was making his way over to me, so that he could sit next to me. 

''Kian you an-'' He was cut off by Andrea, Kian's new girlfriend, whom made her way over to Kian and rested her head on his chest. 

''Um Andrea'' Ricky said while rolling his eyes.'' This is a talk between Kian, Sam, Tal and I, so if you could, can you please go with Sam outside?''

She looked at him as if he had two heads, and rolled her eyes. ''Sure but if you think that Kian is just going to go back out with Tal, well you have it all wrong. He's in love with me not her'' She said while slamming the door behind her when she went outside with Sam. 

''Like I was saying'' Ricky proceeded to talk. ''I think that maybe you and Talia could have a talk with each other, just the two of you. I'll leave you two alone while y'all talk about how you feel, about anything. Now I'm not saying that you guys have to be back as a couple, but if you guys could try to work things out, it would mean a lot to me. I don't want to see Talia crying everyday, the poor girlis hurt! All I'm saying  is could y'all just talk?''

It was silent for a whole 3 minutes, and then Kian finally spoke and said ''Sure'' I nodded my head in agreement, and Ricky went outside to join Sam and Andrea. Kian got up to lock the door, then sat down on the same couch that I was on, but moved over to my far left. 

It was quiet, only our breathing was heard, and the sound of my phone going off every 2 minutes or so. 

''So'' I said trying to start a conversation. 

''You know I don't hate you right?'' Kian said while looking at me. 

I nodded my head and took a deep breath in, I looked at him and smiled. 

''Why not? Why don't you hate me? I put you in so much pain.'' 

''Do you remember when I first asked you out? I was so nervous, I kept biting my lip and studdering, I remember Ricky had helped me find the right words to say to you so I didn't mess up. I was a nervous reck, just everything at that moment was perfection. Do you remember our first little fight? It was so hilarious, I remember you always use to give me the silent treatment when I did something wrong. Those days were gold. Oh how about when you first met my mom? Her reaction was priceless, she still likes you and always will. She says you have a great personality, I agree with her. I don't hate you because I don't want to throw all those memories away '' He looked at me and smiled. 

I started to laugh. ''Yeah I miss those memories, I also miss when you made me look like snookie!'' We both started laughing till our tears came out. 

''Yeah I remember everything. Never would I ever forget those memories. I still have all the pictures we took!'' Kian said while taking his phone out of his pocket and showing me all the pictures we took together. 

He looked so happy in all of them, he still even had all the videos we took together. I looked at him  and smiled. ''We were so happy together'' I said while looking at him, he looked at me and smiled. 

''Yeah well love doesn't last for ever.''

''Well then tell me Kian what is love?''

''I'm still trying to figure that out myself.'' He said while scracthing the back of his head. 

''Yeah I am too'' I said while plastaring a fake smile on my face. ''I should be going'' I said while getting up, and heading straight to the door. 

''Bye friend'' Kian said while shaking my hand. 

When I left Kian's house Ricky and Sam seemed annoyed. 

''How'd everything go?'' Ricky said while smiling. 

''We're friends'' I said while a big lump started to form in my throat. 

''I'm sorry!'' Sam said while hugging me. 

''I think it's best if we were to  stay friends.. I'm happy single'' I lied to myself. I just wanted to be Kian's once again. But I'm not going to keep giving and giving when I get nothing in return. 

We're just strangers with memories. 


a/n- hello everyone this story is almost close to 6K reads, it just hit 5K reads! Oh my goat thank you guys so much! Please give me feedback on this chapter, and comment and vote. What ever floats your boat. Thanks for reading once again! (:

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