My Killer Love

By _Skyx_

18.9K 621 75

Nikki was a normal teen, that is until she met Jeff the Killer. At first he almost killed her. Jeff just has... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Thirteen

494 19 1
By _Skyx_

At first i thought that it was Sally. I turn around thinking she wanted to join us. It was NOT Sally. Jane stood before us, an evil smile on her face. Jeff has rage all over his face. I was a bit confused, did he know her? He must hate her, for whatever reason.

" So, you're not fazed that he killed, your little sister? The one you cared for most?" she was being rude and a snob.

" You know what! I love him, and i cant stop that." i don't know, i must have been what i said because she ran at me.

She held me tight, i tried to get free, but i couldn't. She took out a knife and sliced my legs. I let out a scream that was quickly covered by her hand. My legs went weak and i didn't feel that i could stand. Much less use my legs now. She must have sensed this and she threw me in the river. I was slowly floating downstream, i was going quicker be the second. I looked for anything to grab, i soon spotted a fallen tree to grab. I looked downstream to see rushing currents. I would surely not survive that. I hung on to the tree as best i could, my legs were no help to me. I feel lucky that i left my phone in the car, it would have died in this river. Jeff turned to Jane, anger was all over his face. Jane only smiled and laughed, i tried to pull myself up on the log. I think Jeff had a plan and ran behind Jane. She followed and her eyes were off me. I climbed from the ice cold water. My legs seemed better, i didn't want to see them at this moment. I quietly walked over to her, as i neared i was about to hold her in a head lock, but she seemed to know my move. She instantly grabbed my arm and held the knife to it. Jeff seemed shocked, he knew i had made no noise. Not even the sand crunched under my feet. Jane turns to me, then Jeff.

" you knew i would hurt her eventually." she pressed the knife harder on my skin. I showed no pain. This must have annoyed her, she pressed harder and harder with no emotion in my face. She turned to me to make sure i started feeling pain. She kept pressing harder, then moved on to my other arm. Still i showed no pain. Jeff wasn't getting that i was trying to distract her. My vision was getting dizzy, i still show no emotion. She must have had it, and was about to stab my chest. Jeff ran and tackled her. He said he would trade me for him. He came over and whispered to me, that i should go to the house where everyone was, and to tell them about what happened. He walked away with her. I washed up in the river and ran to the house. The water seemed to help the wounds. When i got to the front of the house, Sally could tell what was wrong. I told her the story, she ran into the house, screaming about Jane. Sally told me that we would go to Janes house very soon, but i needed to be a prop. Jeff was normally trapped in a cage, with another person that Jane already killed. If he sees me he will be ticked off, he will use all his strength to break out, then do whatever to kill Jane. I will also be carrying a knife, Sally took me upstairs. She started by messing up my hair, it was a frizzy mess when she was done. She put some rips in my clothes, and covered me in fake blood. She made fake gashes on my stomach. Them to top it off, she gave me contacts, not ordinary contacts, but ones that were a yellowish, so i looked dead, like i just died. Sally told me to get in a duffle bag, and they started to walk to Janes house. Once we arrived outside the house, Slendy handed me the knife. He quickly teleported in and replaced the body already in there with me. I looked around, Jeff was passed out. Slendy made a creak which awoke Jeff. Jeff mumbled something like, hello other body. He then took a second look a me. I saw tears in his eyes, he came over and just held me. I went all limp noodle, so i was just a corpse to Jeff. He looked at the knife that i had. He wasted no time taking it. He dropped me, i guess he didn't care about how i landed. I landed on my head, i was slowly, fading into a deep unconscious sleep.

Jeff pov

I awoke to the noise of my cage. Of course there was a new body replaced by the old one. I mumbled,

" Hello, other body."

I got closer and took another look. It was Nikki. She was covered in blood, gashes everywhere, and her eyes, looked blank. Jane would PAY! I pick her up and notice, she had a knife. I quickly grab it and drop Nikki. I close her eyes, i loved her so much and Jane killed her. I use the knife to open the lock on the cage. I look back once, Nikki' beautiful brown hair was now covered with blood, her icy blue eyes now a dead yellow. I leave the room, i would come back for her so i could give her a proper funeral. I walk to a room to see Jane in it. I quietly walk up to her, swinging the knife into her back saying.

" Go to sleep" i soon left the room and went back to the room i was in. Nikki was still in the spot i left her.

Nikki pov

I awake still in the cage, i remember Jeff dropping me. I mutter

" Ugh, why my head?" i turn around and get up. Jeff was staring at me. I remembered about how he thought i was dead. He runs up to me, and whispers

" you were dead... How?" his voice quivers, i take out a contact and wipe a little of the makeup off.

He walks me out of the house, and back home, where i take a shower. I take the contacts out. Today was tiring. I get in bed and fall asleep. Jeff watching me like a hawk.


hey just an explanation, during the 6 months Jeff and Nikki were apart, Nikki got rid of the black and went back to her natural hair color, brown. And her eyes were always an icy blue. But anyways, comment, vote, and follow me!


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