(Sequel To MITNN) Life Of The...

By Dalton159

13.1K 710 59

Sequel to Mutant Is The New Normal More

1) New Member
2) The building
4) Viral
5)The Party
6) Superheros
7) Normal Life
8) New
9) Aidan
10) Meniff
11) What's Going On?
12) Dreams
13) Fortune
14) Revealed
15) End

3)The Great Escape

916 47 1
By Dalton159

Cam p.o.v.

"Are you ready," I ask Nash. He nodded his head at me.

Ever since the feds came, there has been security stops around the city, checking everybody who come in and out of the city. My team, the Beta team, was suppose to create as much chaos at these places, for the other mutants to escape.

Nash and I got out of the car and Sammy stayed in the car. "See you guys soon," Nash said before Sammy drove off to a different check point. Sammy's plan was to put a duplicate into a car and ram right through the police check points. Nash's was just grab an empty car and throw it somewhere. Skate's was just to blast through the check points. Skate's power was creating energy blast.

Nash walked up to me and looked down at me. "See you soon Lexi," he says, kissing me on the cheek.

I feel my cheeks heat up at the compliment. I stuttered out a goodbye and super speed away to another checkpoint.

The checkpoints attacks were made all over the city, so their forces would be spread thin. The other mutants in the city would soon realize to flee and with all the people distracted, they could escape more easily.

I arrive to my check point and I see. police guy and a fed woman stopping a family. The driver opens the door and he talks to the officer. The driver hands the officer the paper while the woman walks around the car. She has device in her hand that detects mutants. The device looked like a glass circle screen at the top, connected to some stick with buttons. The feds have tricked the police to thinking it is a bomb residue detector.

The screen glowed red and that meant a mutant was inside. The woman looked at the officer and showed him the device. The officer said something to the guy. The guy was about to open the door, when I stepped in.

I grabbed a tree branch on the road and ran to the officer in super speed. I hit him hard enough that the branch broke and he feel. I didn't stop there or else the woman would have seen me. I ran back to my hiding place and grabbed the wallet the officer had.

The woman grabbed her gun and walked towards the officer who was groaning. She signaled someone from the other car and another officer came out.

When he did this, he left his keys in the ignition. I ran and grabbed the keys and quickly tripped the officer. The officer groaned as he was on the floor. The woman rolled her eyes and said to hurry.

When she looked away, I ran towards her and rammed her. Her head hit the window and the glass cracked. She then fell and was out cold. I quickly inspected her and grabbed whatever was useful and ran back to my hiding space.

The officer ran with his gun and checked the woman and the other officer. The other officer was also out like a light.

I then ran to the last officer and kicked him in the stomach. He doubled over and groaned. I ran to the family and threw them the wallet. "Go go," I yelled to them. The guy understood and drove off.

"Well, Well well. What do we have here," a person asks behind me.

I turned back at him and said, "Maybe a well."

The guy glares at me. He's wearing a black detective jacket, black pants, and sunglasses. His hair was brown and styled in a quiff. "Haha funny," he says sarcastically.

I shrug. "I try."

"You mutants all think your funny don't ya?"

"What do you want?"

He smirks at me. "To cure you," he says.

I hear something behind me, but before I could turn around something grabbed me and shocked me. I yelled in pain as I fell to the ground. I see that the thing that was shocking me was a net. "What the hell," I say.

"We underestimated his pain tolerance," a female voice said.

"Just shock him some more," the guy said.

There is another shock, that is stronger, but I don't pass out, because of my speed healing. I look at them and they too seem surprise. I take the time of them being distracted and think of a way out. I remember that when I first went super speed, my clothes would always burn off. My mom had to buy me a specific kind of clothing so they wouldn't.

I start rolling on the ground in super speed and eventually the net burns off of me. I look at the guy and girl and they have their jaws dropped. I smirk at them and run towards them. I punch them multiple times in super speed till they fall onto the floor groaning.

I look over at the officer I punched and he stares at me wide eyed. "They're the bad guys," I say before zipping right out of there.

Taylor p.o.v.

I start to feel a panic feeling when I don't see Shawn right away. There are only ten minutes to the yacht race and we need everybody here. My team, the Gamma team, job was to infiltrate the race and enter a yacht. Ms. Reyes had one, so we used hers.

Andrea took out all the mutant tracking devices out, so there wasn't going to be a problem with the police. She also deactivated the police boat and some of the police cars. Aaron also helped modify the boat, so it went faster than any normal yacht.

The plan was simple. To get to the other side of the lake and escape. The lake is so huge that there are five cities around it. The competition is to make it 1/3 of the way in the lake and come back. We just have to survive 2/3 of the way and we're golden.

JJ, the Dolans, and Jc are on the other side of the lake with rental cars. It turns out that JJ can breathe underwater and be undetectable to sonar. JJ can somehow make oxygen go through his lungs with his phasing power and stop hydrogen from going in and since water is H2o, he can breathe in it. Though the only way is with Jc, so they had to take him too.

JJ can also make the sonar noise go right through him and he becomes undetectable with it. That means he could go underwater without being detected. The Feds have a sonar detectors too, so they could track us if we try to escape like that.

"It's fuckinh cold," Ashton says, rubbing his arms. I nod my head. It's starting to get cold, not much, but enough feel a shift in the temperature.
"Is it still clear of people over there," Ashton asks Brent.

Brent nods his head. "Only the four guys are over there."

"The race is in a couple minutes, so they have to hurry," Andrea adds in.

"I know," I say, pacing around the room. They were cutting it a little close. The beta team, other than Nash and Cam, have already arrived, while the alpha hasn't.

Brent frowns at something and looks towards the crowd of people waiting for the competition. I look over and notice a some people leaving the event. "They're mutants," Brent tells me.

"Really?" Hailee said she was going to signal the other mutants in the city somehow, but she never explained how.

Brent just shrugs and looks at the people leaving. I then notice a blur running through the road and heading towards us. "Cam's here," I stated. Then two cars drive into the parking lot. One I notice is Shawn's group's car which drives to the front. While the other I didn't recognize and it parked in the way back.

"He's not the only one," Brent says nervously. "The policeman and Goth girl are here."

Shawn and the others get out of the car. They have a new blonde woman with them. They all run to the yacht and get in. From where I'm standing I can see the Policeman and Goth get out of the car. They look at their surroundings before the guys turns to me and smirks. I glare back at him, but he doesn't seem to care.

"Taylor are you okay," Shawn asks me. I quickly turn to him and smile. I pick up the little Canadian and twirl him around the deck. "Taylor," Shawn screams. "You're making a scene."

I put him back down and smile at him. "Shawn you make a scene every time you wear those jeans I like," I say. He huffs something under his breath as he avoids my eyes. I smirk down at him and grab his hand. "Hurry guys. The race is about to start." Everybody went below deck, so none of the refs could see them.

"Hello Everybody," somebody said through the speakers. "It's time for the annual yacht race. Now everybody get your boats ready."

I walk to the front of the boat and turn on the motor. I hear the boat's engine start up and I put my hands on the wheel.

"on your mark

"Get set


I put the yacht as max speed and we were off. The boat zoomed right out of the harbor and into the clear blue lake. I could hear a splash from behind me, so I knew we made a huge mess as we went.

Our boat was the in the lead and the others weren't even close. The closest one was a couple yards away from us. I smirk at our success and look in front of me. We still have about a good two miles, before we reach the red metal buoy that was marking the return line. In this speed we would be on the other side in about 15 minutes.

Then there is a huge explosion in the water right next to us. I look over to where it was and see nothing there. Then there's another explosion on the other side. I look again and find nothing. The door to the deck opens and I see Andrea and Skate come out of the bottom deck.

"What are you doing here," I ask them.

Andrea points behind the boat. "The police guy and the Goth girl are here. Brent sensed them," she explains.

I click on some buttons and the monitor shows the two of them in jet skis, following us. They were starting to get dangerously close. "Can you shut them off," I ask Andrea.

She shakes her head. "I can try, but they're moving too fast that I won't be able to focus on the machines."

I turn to Skate, "Can you blow them out of the water."

He nods, "I can try."

"Okay. Skate go try to blast them. Andrea, you go down and get Hayes, Tristen, Sam, Matt, and Carter." They both nod and follow my orders.

There a couple more explosions and I start maneuvering around the lake, so the girl doesn't have a good shot of us. We pass the buoy and that's when the real danger starts. The people will be confuse for a sec, but the police will soon discover what we're doing and will try to come chase us, in any way they can.

As I do this, Sam and Tristen come on board first. They start to lose their balance a little from all the moving, but they eventually sit next to me. "Sam if anything happens, fly out of here and take Tristen with you," I order.

Tristen shakes his head. "I want to stay here with you big bro."

"You will. I'm just taking precautions."

"I don't care about your pre auction. I want to stay with you," he says.

"Okay you will," I tell him. I then look at Sam and give him a look that says 'don't listen to him'.

Matt and Carter come out next and they run to us. I explain what's going on and tell them, to go help Skate.

We are about half way into the lake, when I start to feel real cold. We are going to enter the other city's area and it will only get colder from here.

"Taylor we may have a problem," I hear Hayes say.

"What now?" Jesus couldn't a guy escape a city in peace.

"The lake on the other side is starting to freeze over." Shit! If the lake freezes over, we won't be able to take the yacht over and we can't walk over, because the water will be too unstable to walk on.

"Get Matt here now," I tell him. I've seen Matt absorb ice before, so maybe he could help.

Hayes runs to the back of the boat where the others are fighting the evil mutants to get Matt. I start to think of an alternative plan, in case Matt can't take all the ice away. Maybe Sam's and Kian's powers can fly us over the ice and into the other side. The boat is made out of metal, so Kian could probably move it.

Throughout the whole water ride, I can feel the blast from both side. I can feel our attacks on them and theirs on us. Eventually they are going to hit us and I have to make sure we are close enough to our target area.

I was too focus on my own thoughts, that I didn't realize the new girl walk onto the deck. She's the only one who seem prepared for this weather. She was wearing black leather boots, a white sweater, a green winter coat without sleeves, black pants, and white gloves. She looks in front of us, where we are just a couple yards away from the ice. God where is Hayes with Matt, I thought.

The girl takes off her gloves and puts the palm of her hands out to the water. She closes her eyes to focus and some clear wave thing radiates out of her palms and hits the ice. Soon our whole path is clear with just water and nothing is in the way. I feel some relief come over me as I stared at our path. I look to the monitor and see Matt freezing the path behind us, so nobody can follow us. I also see Ashton and Kian on the side of the boat where Kian is holding onto Ashton and the boat, and Ashton is absorbing all the explosion energy that the Goth is trying to make on the ice.

I look away from the monitor and look over at the girl. I smile at her and say, "Thank you." She smiles back, but her eyes roll back and she passes out on the chair, with Tristen and Sam.

I soon get us to the other side of the city and put the boat in park. Hopefully, Ms. Reyes doesn't mind having her boat frozen over.

We all get out of the boat and hurry to the cars on the road. JJ, the Dolans, and Kian are waiting patiently outside for us when we get there. We tell them we need to go and they listen. We get into the 4 minivans and drive off.

I look back the whole scene we made and I see the two mutants blowing up the ice in front of them to get to the other side and police arriving in boats. There were also a few police cars driving over to the scene, but we were too far away for them to notice us.

I smile at myself. We have finally escaped the city and now, we have to come up with what to do.

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