The Silent Storm. [✔]

By sashabwrites

520K 16.7K 6K

He's ruthless. He's powerful. He's demanding. He's in pain. Twenty-six year old African-American journalist V... More

The Silent Storm❌
Chapter One❌
Chapter Two❌
Chapter Three❌
Chapter Four ❌
Chapter Five❌
Chapter Six ❌
Chapter Seven (Part 1) ❌
Chapter Seven (Part 2) ❌
Chapter Eight ❌
Chapter Nine ❌
Chapter Ten ❌
Chapter Eleven ❌
Chapter Twelve ❌
Q/A (For Fun)
The Interview(For Fun)
Chapter Thirteen ❌
Chapter Fourteen ❌
Authors Note.
Chapter Fifteen ❌
Chapter Sixteen ❌
Chapter Eighteen ❌
The End :)

Chapter Seventeen ❌

9.1K 406 48
By sashabwrites

The Cooper's and the Browning's.

Destiny and Lorenzo.

~Nature is at work. Character and destiny are her handiwork. She gives us love and hate, jealousy and reverence. All that is ours is the power to choose which impulse we shall follow~


"Annullare i miei piani per questa sera, ho-" Lorenzo stopped midsentence once he saw Victoria tearing up the closet in a frantic motion.

"Parlerò con te più tardi" He said as he hung up and made his way over towards her.

"Having trouble there?" He asked raising a brow at the damsel in distress. Victoria glanced up at him with a few hair strands hanging from her messy bun. "I can't find the bottoms to my bathing suit and my family is downstairs in the lobby already".

"When was the last time you had them on?".

She stopped what she was doing to think. Her mind went back to the time she had meet Yuri on in the pool that day months ago.


His name stood out the most. His name brought back eerie feelings of something. She hadn't seen or heard from him since that very first night.

It was like he'd disappeared without a trace.

"Like two months ago I think...its been a while" Victoria shrugged as she dugged inside one of the other drawers.

Finally she hit the jackpot pulling out the black bikini bottom. She changed into her swimming wear and grabbed her beach bag.

"Lorenzo are you-" Victoria paused midsentence to see Lorenzo still dressed in his suit. "I thought you were coming with us to the pool".

Lorenzo sighed as he took a few steps to his girlfriend. "I just realized I had to do something this afternoon. I promise I will take you and your familia for dinner this evening bella. I won't disappoint you".

Victoria smiled slightly looking up into his eyes. "You promise?".

"I promise bella". He kissed her forehead and took his leave. "Be ready by eight pm. I have a little surprise for your niece".

She shook her head as Lorenzo left the penthouse with his men.

Time to deal with my family now.

On the way down the elevator to the main floor she began to think of lies to tell them about how she met Lorenzo and why she decided to stay in Italy for so long.

Its not everday someone you love dates a mobster.

She entered into the lobby area to see her family sitting outside the restaurant section in their swim wear.

Here we go.

"Aw my baby. Your skin is glowing. Have you been using the lotion I gave you" Faith asked as she embraced her daughter in a bear hug. "No ma. I think I've been using this thing called happiness".

Little Destiny ran over and wrapped her arms around Victoria's hip as she picked her up. "Happy Birthday baby girl. You're getting so big now I can't even recognize you" Victoria cheered. "Thank you Aunty Tori. I really like Italy and I'm excited to have my birthday here with you".

"Me too Des. I'm so glad I can spend this special day with you. Now let's head on over to the pool".

They made their way over to the pool section and came towards the shallow side. Victoria was surprised it was only her parents and Destiny.

"Where is Veronica and Bryan?" She asked as Faith and Troy exchanged worried looks. Destiny jumped into the shallow section causing a big splash.

"I'm going to the bar to get a drink" Faith excluded herself out the conversation leaving it up to her husband to explain. "They had an argument this morning and it wasn't an ordinary arugument..."

"What do you mean Dad? Is everything going to be okay?".

"Their marriage is failing Victoria. Bryan woke up this morning and told Veronica he doesn't want to be married anymore...they argued...and he left for the afternoon but said he will be back tonight for Destiny".

That statement left Victoria shook as she digested this information. She couldn't believed it.

She knew that their marriage wouldn't last but, thought they would have the decency to wait until Destiny got older until they go their separate ways.

"I can't believe this" She whsipered to herself.

"Did he give any reason why he wants to divorce?"

"Not that I know of. You will have to ask Veronica when she comes out" Troy scratched the back of his head.

"Ask Veronica what?"

Troy and Victoria turned around to see Veronica walk over to them in a fabulous white and gold one piece with a large fedora hat and white wedges.

"Sorry I'm late...I had to get myself together" Veronica flipped her hair over her shoulder catching men's attention all over the pool deck.

"Well you sure did pull yourself together because you were a mess about an hour ago" Troy spoke bluntly. Veronica chuckled.

"Yeah I know Dad. But who cares about Bryan? I can find someone who can be twice the man he is in an instant"

'Bitch you not Beyoncé'  Victoria thought laughing to herself.

"Yeah Tori it's over so you can have him now" Veronica  sneered at Victoria. "Woah woah who said I wanted your husband?"

"Girl stop. You already know" Veronica spit with venom laced in her voice making Victoria freeze. She began to think if Bryan actually did mentioned his love for her to Veronica.

"Veronica stop it. Do not take your frustrations out on your sister. No matter what happened this morning doesn't matter right now. What's important right now is Destiny's birthday" Troy lectured the two sisters. He was tired of the contsant fighting while they were suppose to be on vacation.

Victoria and Veronica stayed quiet as Destiny swam over to them. "Mommy...Aunty Tori are you guys okay?".

Veronica nodded her head. " Yes we are sweetie"

"Mommy where did Daddy go?" The little girl asked once more. This brought a tear down Veronica's face. "He went out to see the city a little more..he will be back later okay". Veronica had masked her voice to seem strong for her daughter when in reality she felt like curling up in a ball and crying.

Victoria didn't know what words Bryan had said to Veronica but she surely knew he had broken her heart because never in Victoria's twenty six of life seen her older sister this upset.


Victoria cursed glancing at the clock. It was 7:55 and she was still getting dressed. She cursed her mother for taking so long to leave the pool deck.

Rushing over to the bathroom where she left her slightly damp hair in its natural state, slipped on her black jumpsuit and red bottom heels.

The sound of the penthouse door opening alerted Victoria that Lorenzo had came back home on time.

Out of all the other times he is late he chooses to be on time

Lorenzo's came into the mirrors reflection as Victoria turned around. "I swear you get sexier every time I see you" His deep and Italian tongue made her insides melt in lust. He wrapped his arms around her waist embracing her from behind so that she could feel the rising tent in his pants.

Victoria gasped. "Lorenzo!"

"Can I have just a little taste before we go?" He held her tighter while placing wet kisses down her neck.

"Renzo! Not now my family is downstairs waiting on us if you have forgotten" She scolded him and slapped his chest before walking off.

Lorenzo smiled to himself. "I really love this woman".

The couple made their way into the penthouse elevator with a few security men following them to less suspicious to her family.

"Alright I told them you met me randomly on an elevator and we're going to be sticking to that story" Victoria told him casually. "On this elevator? Didn't you meet Gigi here as well?"

"Oh hush. They aren't going to be that nosy"

"Well if they are you then you might as well say you met both of us at the same time then" Lorenzo joked earning him another hit from Victoria.

"Woman stop hitting me....what was that even for"

"I just like hitting you" She laughed as the elevator doors opened to the lobby.

She spotted her family waiting for their arrival by the entrance doors. Bryan was there also as he had Destiny sitting on his lap playing on her tablet.

Victoria felt nervous as she squeezed Lorenzo's hand. This was the first time she has ever her significant other to meet her family.

Faith and Veronica were the first to see Victoria and Lorenzo walking over to them. "Oh sweet Jesus".

"Damn" Veronica whispered to herself as she stared down at them biting her lip.

Lorenzo fixed his suit while they walked hand in hand. He smiled warmly at her family especially Destiny.

"Guys. This is my boyfriend Lorenzo Catalona.....Renz, this is my mother, father, my lovely niece Destiny, sister Veronica, and her husband Bryan" She introduced as Lorenzo shook hands with her father first.

Troy was taken back by his strong grip but, smiled happily meeting the man whom his daughter spoke admirably about. "Its a plesaure to fianlly meet you Mr. Browning and Mrs.Browning" Lorenzo placed a deliacte kiss on the back of the older woman's hand.

Faith giggled immediately blushing at his chivalry. She turned to her daughter mouthing the words. "Keep him!".

Destiny stepped up in front of her parents looking at the giant man standing next to her aunty. "You must be the beautiful birthday girl" Lorenzo questioned bending  down to her size.

"Yup! I'm six years  three hours and twenty-five minutes old".

"Smart girl! I have a surprise for smart girls like you".

"Woah really?"

"Yes really. It will be here in a minute".

While Destiny ran over to her grandparents rambling about Lorenzo's surprise Victoria nudged him. "What surprise?"

Before Lorenzo could respond Veronica intervened.

"Well well well its nice meeting you Mr. Lorenzo....this is the first time my sister's ever introduced a man to the family so pardon my shock".

Victoria gave her sister a blank stare as Lorenzo laughed. "So I've heard". He noticed the man standing behind Veronica giving him the death glare. He instantly knew it was Bryan.

" who are you again?" Bryan questioned squinting his eyes.

"His name is Lorenzo. We heard it about a thousand times already" Faith answered oblivious to Bryan's shade.

Lorenzo's phone rang as he answered speaking in Italian. "Please follow me outside".

The dysfunctional family walked together exiting the lobby.

Destiny gasped covering her mouth trying not to scream. She turned to Lorenzo in excitement.



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