Run Wolf Run (Complete)

By Reject-rabbit

21.6K 714 75

Aria, a feisty Alpha female of the Flame pack who orphaned only a few years ago now hunts for answers as to... More

Run Wolf Run (Edited)
Chapter Two (Edited)
Chapter Three (Edited)
Chapter Four (Edited)
Chapter Five (Edited)
Chapter Six (Edited)
Chapter Seven (Edited)
Chapter Eight (Edited)
Chapter Nine (Edited)
Chapter Ten (Edited)
Chapter Eleven (Edited)
Chapter Twelve (Edited)
Chapter Thirteen (Edited)
Chapter Fourteen (Edited)
Chapter Fifteen (Edited)
Chapter Sixteen (Edited)
Chapter Seventeen (Edited)
Chapter Eighteen (Edited)
Chapter Nineteen (Edited)

Chapter One (Edited)

1.9K 55 1
By Reject-rabbit

Read, vote and comment!! :D

Chapter One

 I let the water wash over me, scalding hot it ran over my wounds. I hissed at the shooting pain.

It rushed over my wrists, which were now healing, and ridded them of the old blood. I washed my hair, taking a long time to rid it of all the tangles and tats, bathing in luxury.

The gashes would heal slowly, had I been a human however they would have been fatal. The pain screamed at me and radiated up my arms and it was all I could do to bite my lips to stop me from crying out. There was no one to hear me though; I was alone in the house, as usual. I would sometimes expect a few members of my pack to be hanging around, but they’d already headed to the club.

                The water began to turn cold and I stepped out into the steam filled bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, only seeing the hazy line of my figure in the fogged up mirror. I whipped away the condensation and then immediately wished I hadn’t.

                A long cut scraped its way along my cheek bone, thin and already scabbed over, but it would be healed within hours. A bruise covered my jaw where the Hunter had backhanded me and it ached to the touch. My arms were another story, cut all over and bruising nicely; I dared not look at my wrists. My legs were in the same condition, the bruises were black and blue, but would heal over the next few days.

I stared into my own eyes, reflected back at me. They shimmered in the light, a light blue with sliver specks that glittered. They were one of the many things that classed me as abnormal and inhuman. No human would be able to see the way they flashed silver every now and again, but they could certainly see how my pupils would sometimes expand to an abnormal size. This allowed me to see the smallest of things, or see in the faintest of lights.

                It was said a person’s eyes were the windows to their soul and, as I stared into mine, all I could see was wolf. I sighed, what did I expect to be able to see? My life reflected back at me- all the wrongs and good things I’d done? I almost laughed.

                I began to run my hands though my hair, dark brown streaked with natural red highlights. It was long and wavy but the remaining knots snagged at my fingers.

                 My irritation began to build as my mind wandered back to my pack. I dressed hastily, making sure my wounds were covered and my face thick with foundation before I even stepped foot outside my house. As the darkness threatened to send my mind wheeling back to images of the cellar, I shook them off.

                My house, grand as it was, was surrounded by a forest. The trees were highlighted with moonlight and I could hear every cricket chirp and every rustle of an animal. The wolf in me began to churn, threatening to take over. I let it seep over me, but not enough to allow me to actually change.

                My instincts screamed at me to chase after everything that moved, to catch it and feast on it. I smelled the air, a deer and a fowl grazed in the next clearing, oblivious to the monster that was seriously considering hunting them. However, a rational thought crept into my mind, the club; I was meant to be heading to the club.

                I took off at full speed, having gone the same way thousands of times before. The smells of the forest filled my nose, the musky odour of my pack, the damp of the leaves, the sweet smell of wildflowers. With each leap more smells exploded in my nostrils as my feet landed on even more leaves and rich earth. I leaped over plants and small trees and flew past a small stream that bubbled not too far away from me. Images of the many summers spent there with friends and family rushed into my mind, the sensation of sun on my skin, warming my body, and the clean smell of water.

                As I neared the edge of the forest I slowed, as my body screamed at me, danger, danger. My foot paused in its step forward.

I pushed my instincts aside.

My anger was rising; my pack had definitely gone past here. Had they worried about me? Even wondered where I was? Each one of my friends’ scents filled my nose in turn as my feet finally hit solid concrete.

I ran the rest of the way to the club in minutes. Soon enough I was in the heart of the city, standing in front of what at first appeared to be an old theatre.

And the reason it looked like an old theatre was because it was exactly that. The theatre had been converted into a nightclub years ago, yet still had the same red and gold paint it had always had.

Standing at the front of the building, I could feel the music pounding relentlessly from it. I ascended the steps slowly, pulling back the old wood and glass door. I walked past the old ticket booths and the popcorn machines and walked up the stairs to the first floor of the building. Red carpet covered the floor and mirrors rimmed with gold frames lined the walls. I continued to the end of the corridor and up a set of elegant stairs to where the music was at its strongest.

I opened the door and then the wall of sound hit me as I entered the heart of the club.

Illuminated by the flickers of neon lasers and small lights, it was dim. I could easily make out each face that passed me, but to them I would just be another girl in the dancing crowd. There was far less people on the first floor than the sea of dancers below me but enough for me to have to weave around several of them to even get a few meters into the throng. A bar stretched across the back wall, with each chair filled by a person drinking away their sorrows, and all rational thought by look of some of them. I paid little attention to the people around me, only focused on the area of plush sofas ahead.

People parted in front of me, they weren’t completely stupid. The human mind was able to recognise the animosity about us and the danger that presented, and without knowing it they would avoid us. The parting of the red sea took place before me as I stalked forward, rage bubbling over as I came up behind the sofas.

My pack sat before me, chatting to each other, seemingly oblivious to the chaos of the dancers around them. A girl sat in the sofa across from me looked up.

“Aria!” she shouted over the music. I wasn’t interested in her though. My eyes locked onto one of the boys, who was now staring at me, along with everyone else. I crossed the distance between us in a second and hauled the boy off the couch by his collar.

I rammed him into the wall, pushing him up so his feet just came off the ground. My face was only centimetres away from his, his breath covering my face.

“What the-” He grabbed my wrist, trying to break my hold on him. My wrists flared with pain and I dropped him immediately, holding my wrist to my chest. He slammed me against the wall, restraining my arms and legs with his body.

“What’re you doing Aria?” His breath was hot on my face and his amber eyes glared into mine, confused. Only then did he seem to really look me over, seeing the gash on my cheek and the bruise on my jaw. He let go and stepped back.

“Aria, I-” he began, but I cut him off. I slapped him across the face. Hard.

“Where the hell were you Blaine?!” I shouted in his face. “Did I not say, if I’m gone longer than a day, come and get me? We’re meant to be a team.” The music had quietened, and people had stopped dancing to stare at the cause of the commotion. My whole pack was on their feet, all considering rushing forward to break up the fight.

Ray, my beta in the pack, took a step forward. I growled at her, a low and rumbling sound that could only be heard by my pack. It was a warning growl, telling them not to get involved- or else. Ray immediately took a step back, her head slightly bowed in apology. I turned back to Blaine.

I looked him up and down, his light blonde hair perfectly gelled as always and his muscled torso clad in black. His amber eyes stared into mine; he knew what he’d done wrong.

“I’ll ask you again, where were you?” My voice dropped lower, menacing.

“I figured, as Alpha female, you’d be able to look after yourself.” He huffed out at me in a tone I didn’t care for.

“Yeah- well I guess you’re right... I can look after myself. Don’t worry about it.” My tone was light, causing his features to waver. Had I really just forgiven him that easy?


I placed my hands on his shoulders, my face serene and caring, and then I thrust my knee where it hurts.

The air came out of him in a blast and he doubled over, gasping.

I walked away from him, convinced he got the picture. I sat down beside Ray, who looked at me cautiously before relaxing into the plush, red leather seat. The music had turned back up, and people had begun to dance again, some still casting curious glances towards our group.

“You ok Ari?” My nickname on her tongue frustrated me more than ever, but I let it pass, it wasn’t her fault.

“I am now, thanks.” My beta looked me over carefully, a seventeen year old girl with jet black hair, and a stormy personality to go with it. I’d always loved her like a sister and it had only seemed fitting to appoint her as my beta, she could take on any of the boys in the pack in a fight. Most often she would win too. Her depthless brown eyes and sleek figure gave her a dark beauty that no boy could resist, and then she turned it on them.

“Hunters?” Her gaze travelled down to my wrists, seeing the thick bandages I’d used to cover the cuts.

“Yeah, they injected wolfsbane into me with a needle. I don’t know how they got the jump on me; I should have heard them coming a mile away.” My brow furrowed, how had I not noticed them coming? There was a pause, and from her expression I could tell what was coming. I glanced away.

“Why didn’t you tell me Ari? I would have been there in a heartbeat.” I looked at my friend. She was so tough, she could handle anything. So why hadn’t I told her?

“I only told Blaine because he caught me on my way out and demanded I tell him where I was going,” I glared at Blaine who was now on his feet and sending me just as evil glares, “I thought I really had something.”

She let it go.

“Did you get anything though?” It seemed years ago that I’d first entered the small farm house in search of answers. Yet, it’d only been a few days.

“Nothing, I have a feeling whoever killed my parents is keeping it a well-guarded secret. I figured they might have something because of their slightly higher ranking status, obviously not. I searched through all their files and didn’t get a thing. It was just old files on Hunters and history things.” I sighed.

“We’ll have to try higher up then, get into the Guards’ files. We’ll find something.” It was frustrating, the higher we crept up the social ladder of Hunters, the less we got. There had been whisperings in the lower circles, now though; we hadn’t gotten anything in months. The Guards were the higher ranking Hunters, and they were infamous for their ruthlessness, it would be tricky getting information.

“That’s what I’d been trying to avoid, but it looks like that’s what I’m going to have to do.” My head flopped back against the soft leather, eyes closed to the mayhem of the club.

                “What we’re going have to do.” She gave me a reassuring smile. 

“I need a drink.” I stood, casting one final glance over my pack. Blaine had gone off to the lower levels of the club moments before, leaving a few of the pack sitting on the sofas.

Lana, Xavier and Dame, my friends and the closest things to a family I had.

Dame, with blonde hair so bright that it shone silver, bright green eyes, and a pencil thin figure, was the youngest of the pack at sixteen. She only spoke when spoken to, but apart from then she would fold in on herself with vacant grey eyes. Xavier was the next oldest, only a few months older than Dame. Xavier never left her side. With coppery brown hair he was the manifestation of fire, with eyes so dark they could be black and a fiery personality to go with the ensemble. He was as protective as ever over Dame, she didn’t seem to mind.

Lana had joined our pack three years ago, learning the hard way what it meant to be a wolf. I hadn’t liked her at first, but then I’d gotten to know the girl, with brown pixie like hair.

I walked over to the bar, through the swarms of people, with ease. I stood before a long stretch of wood that reflected the only proper lighting in the club back into my eyes.

“Shade!” I called down the counter.

Almost immediately a guy, around the height of 6, 2 appeared in front of me. He smiled, baring his canines which were as white as mine and just as sharp. Soon enough his grin faded and a frown appeared on his perfect forehead.

“The usual, please.” He nodded, I could tell he wanted to know what was wrong, but had the right idea not to ask about it. I could hardly see his green eyes from behind his sweeping black side fringe, but I knew they would be written with concern.

A shot appeared in front of me. Ah, tequila, what would I do without you? I downed it in one go and smiled quickly at Shade in thanks. Soon enough another appeared in front of me, and it took me just as long to drink it. I waved off another; I didn’t want to be too drunk, just happily tipsy.

“You look like you need those.” The person sat next to me spoke. I didn’t take too kindly to strangers, but I just laughed, a short, humourless ha.

“You have no idea.” Shade had disappeared from view and I could feel Ray’s eyes on me, I ignored her.

“I can imagine.” Finally, I turned and looked at him. I froze.

Green eyes stared into mine, sparkling even in the dim light. One was blocked slightly by warm brown hair that drooped over his eye in a side fringe. I looked him up and down, taking in the sleek black jeans, white t-shirt and black jacket that hung open. They did nothing to hide the muscles that hid under the thin layer of cotton.

Finally my eyes rested on his neck, clear of any symbol. He was a human then, basic, boring. However, boring seemed the completely wrong word to describe the person who sat beside me.

Tingles shot through me as I looked into those eyes again, had I seen him before? Then again it was probably just the tequila talking.

“I’m Archer.” As he spoke, he looked slightly confused and his eyebrows arched slightly. I just stared back at him.

“I’m-” I was interrupted by a hand on my waist.

“Everything ok here?” I sighed. Jase had arrived; the air instantly grew tense as the two guys sized each other up.  Jase had an edge, stood next to me with his arm wrapped around me like I was his possession.

An emotion I couldn’t read flashed through Jase’s brown eyes, jealousy? Recognition?

                I ignored it, boys will be boys.

                “Everything’s fine.” I spoke, breaking the guys’ staring contest. Archer’s eyes turned to me, while Jase continued to fly imaginary daggers at him.

                “Good.” Jase’s voice was cold as ice and I hoped I was the only one who could hear the low growl in his chest.

“Let’s go.” I placed a warning hand on Jase’s chest, half stopping him from leaping forward, half pushing him backwards. He suddenly seemed to remember I was there and smiled sweetly at me.

“Yeah.” We backed away from Archer, turning and wandering into the mass of dancers.

Once we had settled firmly into the middle of the dancing we began to move.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were going to be here today.” I didn’t have to shout to be heard over the music, he had excellent hearing.

“Well, I thought it might be a good idea. Obviously I was right.” I knew he’d glanced over to where Archer was no doubt still sat at the bar.

“I was coping just fine.” He smiled sweetly at me.

“Of course you were.” He leaned down to kiss me, his hands on my hips, but I turned away.

“Baby, don’t do that to me. I’m only looking out for you, and I haven’t seen you in days.” I rolled my eyes slightly and started to pull away.

“Don’t call me ‘baby’.” I’d dropped my hands from around his neck and was seriously considering getting away from Jase. He hadn’t asked about where I’d been at all, I bet he hadn’t even noticed I’d been gone.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Don’t go.” I sighed and played with his dark blonde hair just above his ear. The wolf in me growled, but there was no point in getting worked up about it, he was always like this. I knew he was a jerk but he didn’t know any better, his wolf instincts made it ten times worse.

“Where’s your pack?” I glanced at his neck where the gold symbol of earth glistened.

“They’re around.” We began to move once again to the music that was pumping loudly in our ears.

My arms looped around his neck as his hands placed themselves once more on my hips. I got lost in the music for a while, moving against Jase in our own little circle of the dance floor. Our lips were millimetres apart and I could feel his hot breath panting against my cheek.

Gradually he reached up and grabbed my hand, taking it down from where it was wrapped around my neck. He pulled me through the crowd of people, heading towards the doors at the back of the balcony. I felt eyes follow me as I exited through the door.

I glanced back to see Archer looking at me, his expression wondering, and then I was through the door.

Now wandering down the short corridor the music was muffled slightly as the doors shut. I walked down the corridor, my breath still coming quickly as Jase pulled me along by the hand.

We walked past a couple of guys, stood drinking against the mirrored walls. At our approach they backed away back into the club.

Then we were alone.

“Jase-” My words were cut off by his mouth on mine. My eyes closed and my arms reached up and buried themselves in his hair. We backed up against the wall, my back finally meeting the cool mirrors. Jase pushed into me, his mouth still locked against mine. His lips were hot and wandering as they traced along my jaw line and down my throat. They were fiery hot kisses that I was sure would burn into my skin. Then they were back on my lips.

My mouth opened and his tongue entered. His hands were gripping my hips so hard I thought they might break, but it didn’t faze me. Neither did it cause me any alarm when they ran up my sides, taking hold briefly of my ribcage. Nor did I think anything of it when they ran over my shoulders. Only when they clamped on the tops of my arms, forcing me even harder against the wall, did the hostility begin to rise in me.

His mouth had begun to travel down my neck, his hands still restraining me to the wall. I struggled against his grip but he was too strong.

“Jase.” He wasn’t listening. “Jase, I need to talk to you.” He continued in his assault of my body, leaving bruising kisses along my neck. I didn’t know what had gotten into him, but it was starting to scare me.

I used all I had and threw him off me. He flew backwards briefly before hitting the wall with an echoing thud. His growl ripped through the air as he leapt to his feet, hunched low.

My own growl mingled with his as I bared my teeth at him menacingly. I touched where I’d felt his teeth on my neck, feeling the raw skin beneath.

“What’s wrong with you?” I questioned him as he continued to hunch low to the ground. “I’m missing for days and this is how you greet me again?” I looked at him like he was crazy. “The Hunters captured me, although it’s not as if you seem to care. You only want one thing…”

Music erupted into my ears and I knew my pack had come to defend me.

I circled Jase until they were all stood behind me, flanking my sides. I could hear his growl waver as he took in all of my pack, he was severely outnumbered. I knew his pack wouldn’t be far behind though, I had little doubt they were already aware their Alpha was in distress.

“I’m sorry Aria; you know how I get…” He paused, “Jealous. That guy back there-”

“What?” I laughed harshly, “I don’t even know him Jase and you think I’ve already got something going on?” I snarled. I felt them come and stand beside me, as my whole pack erupted into growls. I knew in that instant that Ray was stood to my right, and Blaine was on my left, our argument long forgotten.

“I think you should go Jase.” Blaine’s voice was cold as ice. Jase didn’t move, and I could hear the faint pounding of feet running up the stairs. His pack was arriving.

We faced his pack head on; there was only seven in Jase’s pack compared to our eight, but I knew they would defend Jase to the end. This was one heck of a standoff.

I looked each of his pack members in the eye, making sure they knew there were more of us than them.

The heat had begun to rise, causing sweat to form on their brows. I could feel the heat radiating along my arms, an unseen force.

                With every growl from their pack however the ground rumbled slightly, a warning as good as ours. But they were on our territory, and they were no longer welcome.

Jase backed up slightly, he knew he was out of line, and signalled to his pack to do the same, submitting to us. We held our ground as they backed off, still growling. One of his more feisty wolves lurched forward, causing two members of my pack, Garrett, Blaine’s beta, and Lana to rush forward.

However, with a warning growl the girl, Hannah, backed off and disappeared down the stairs with the rest of the Earth pack.

I straightened up, my growls ceasing along with everyone else’s, and stared down the corridor. How could I have been so stupid? I stood strong though, I couldn’t let my pack know I was suffering.

“Aria, I know now’s not the time but we need to tell the Elders about what happened to you.” I didn’t look at Blaine who had spoken, I just sighed. Everything was falling to pieces and I was helpless to stop it.

“Not tonight.” His brow furrowed, “I need to talk to everyone. We’ll face the music tomorrow."

The song is Loverboy by You Me At Six (love them!!). I thought it suited Jase's situation quite well... it was made for him! Hope you liked the chapter and the song :)

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