Make the Most of It (Destiel...

By ithinkdeanisadorable

14.7K 724 150

When Dean is 18 and Sam is 15, they switch schools once again, and Dean discovers Castiel, a shy boy with spi... More

Ladies' Man
Cute Boy
Fricking Laps
Apple Pie and Awkward Small Talk
Nectar of the Gods
When a Trickster Loves a Siren
Cass's Love Poem
The Day of the Dance
Dance Lessons
Sleeping in the Impala
Dad? I'm bisexual.
Dean? What are you doing?
Why Am I Kissing Her?
"Meg? It's Cass."
I Don't Know What To Do Without Him (More Megstiel)
Oh My God, They're Psychopathic Killers
What The Actual FRICK
An Unearthly Screech
Make the Most of It (Finding Lisa)
Tying Up All The Loose Ends
Shakespeare and Goodbyes
It's Smut Time!
The Wedding (Epilouge)

The Valentine's Day Dance

602 25 4
By ithinkdeanisadorable

An hour after Dean drove Cass back to his house, Cass fell back into an enormous pile of clothes and groaned. Nothing he had was fancy enough. He didn't have any good dress shirts that didn't shout I'm a preppy little crap pile. Where was he going to find a tux an hour before the dance? But he was sure for girls it was much harder. All those patterns and sizes and makeup and shoes. He rolled around in the clothes, but stopped abruptly when he heard the door open.
"Who is it?" Cass called.
"It's your mother, Castiel. Look at this mess. You'll clean it up later. What is this for, anyway?"
"I told you, mom. I'm going to the school dance and I have nothing to wear."
"Well, in that case... I have something special for you. Here, follow me to the basement."
The basement was where she kept all of his older brothers ' stuff. Michael was the oldest, but he left them for some bigshot business job. He sends them the occasional Christmas or Birthday card. Then Lucifer was born. A troublemaker all his life, he's in prison now for attempted assault of a man who wouldn't pay him back. Raphael is the one closest to Cass's age. He's in college, but Cass has never gotten along that well with him. He follows his mother down the steps, and watches her dig through old boxes for the better part of 5 minutes before she pulls a black clump out of one of them.
"This was Lucifer's. When he was your age."
The lump takes shape. It's a tuxedo.
"Wow, mom...Thank you. I'm going upstairs to find a tie."
"Check your dad's closet." She said, already one step ahead of him.
He heads upstairs to his father's closet and finds a blue tie that he's pretty sure won't clash with anything. He's about to leave when he hears Gabe's voice on the other side of the wall. He had forgotten Gabe's room was next to his father's. He wanted to hear what Gabe was talking about, so he scooted closer, tie in hand. Suddenly his phone buzzed with a text from Dean.
Go to Gabe's room. He's talking on the phone with my brother.
It read.
Already there.
Cass texted back. He scooted forward more and could almost make out what Gabe was saying.
"..... Dance. I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, see you there, Sam...... No, I can't tell my mother we're together. Isn't it bad to be gay?" He questions Sam.
Cass can't believe that Gabe and Sam are together. How is it possible? He never knew Gabe was gay, but maybe seeing Cass be so open about it let him find a boyfriend. But Sam? Dean's brother? What are the chances? He hears Gabe start to wrap up the conversation and grabs the tie and suit and moves slowly away from the door. When he's far enough away, he runs back to his room and sits down on the bed, trying to process what he's just seen. He's happy for them, of course. He chuckles to himself at his little brother trying to kiss Sam. He unfolded the somewhat rumpled tux and tie in his hand, and went into his bathroom to change.
Meanwhile, at Dean's house, Dean and Sam were doing the same thing. Dean, just as pleasantly shocked as Cass at the new information, did the one thing he could to get his mind off of it: he got ready for the dance. Usually, he hated Valentine's Day dances. Just another event for a couple billion girls to ask him out, and having to gently reject them because he couldn't form attachments.
This Valentine's Day was a lot better, mainly because the girls saw he was with Cass when they held hands as they walked down the hall, or only talked to each other on their shared classes. He realizes now why he never had feelings other than lust for them. His brain was saving his feelings for Cass. And they came, in a rush of emotions. He didn't want all that touchy-feely yoga crap and chick flick moments, but he couldn't hide his excitement at the dance, to be near Cass. Dean tucked those feelings away, he had more important things to worry about. He had rented a tux with the money he got from playing pool at bars, but it the legs were a little long. He didn't think Cass would mind. He stripped to his underwear in front of the bathroom mirrors, saw his toned body in the harsh bathroom light, took in his abs and powerfully built chest, but it didn't feel right without Cass by his side. He blew out a puff of air and looked away. Dean turned away from the mirror, put the tux and his dad's borrowed tie on. He slid on the ring Cass gave him earlier, the thin band of metal reminding of his boyfriend who was practically an angel already. He spun around on the heels of his feet, winked and said, "Dean, you can do this."
He left the bathroom and knocked on Sam's door. "Sam? I'm leaving now. Come on!" He yelled.
A small head of brown hair poked out.
"Dean? Can you help me? I don't know how to tie a tie."
Dean laughed and quickly corrected Sam's knot.
"There. You're ready."
"Let's go, then." They head out to the Impala, and make their way over to Cass's house.
As Dean and Sam are driving, Cass is changing. He finishes, adjusts his tie, and walks out, only to be confronted by a very teary mother. She wraps him in her arms and says in a tear-choked voice "My baby is is finally growing up. Going to his first dance."
"You don't mind that I'm gay?" Cass asks.
"Oh, sweetie, I wouldn't care if you were purple with green spots. I'm just happy you found someone to love. I've prayed, looked at the bible, and God has told me there's nothing wrong with being who you are. Dean seems like a very nice young man."
Cass blushes. "I don't love him.... I mean, I like him and I might love him, but it's too soon to know."
His mother smiles. "You do. I can see it in your  eyes. Now, come downstairs. We have to take some pictures with.... Dean, wasn't it?" She grabs Gabriel and they dutifully troop downstairs. After a few minutes, they heard someone knocking. Cass's mother opened it, and Dean and Sam came into their living room. Cass's jaw dropped. He already knew Dean was good looking, but the sight of him in a tux... He was about to faint.
"I'm here to pick up Cass and Gabe." Dean says, looking at Cass with what Cass is pretty sure is pure lust.
His mother insists that Dean stay for pictures, and while she goes to get the camera, Dean sits next to Cass on the couch.
"You look pretty damn hot in that tux." Dean whispers into Cass's ear, but before he can reply, his mother walks in with the camera and it's all Cass can do not to turn as red as a tomato. They stand awkwardly next to each other until Gabe farts. Then, they crack up and hold their sides, shaking with laughter.
"Okay, that's enough. Go stink up the school now." Cass's mom says.
They stampede put to the car, still laughing. The ride to school was filled with with happy chatter between Sam and Gabe. They don't say anything about the fact that they're together, and Dean and Cass don't ask.
"Sorry I couldn't pick you up in something better. This is as close to a limo as I can get." Dean says worriedly.
"This car is awesome." Cass says firmly. "There's nothing wrong with it."
When the car finally pulls into the school parking lot, Dean can barely find a parking spaace. Dozens of couples swarm the sidewalk, most on their way in, some making out already. The walk past them and enter the school. The gym has been transformed. Just yesterday morning it was a site of torture and pain, and now..... Now, red and pink garlands line the ceiling, there are mini cupcakes everywhere and every hour on the hour, Cupid comes out and sings a love song. There's a D.J. No one cares about that's playing only old music. Whatever. To Dean, it's perfect, and he puts a hand on the small of Castiel's back and leads him into the dance. With deans excellent teaching and dance lessons, Cass can keep up with Dean. It's hard at first, but after he gets more comfotable, they can dance and talk at the same time. Dean is a great teacher. He taught Cass modern dances so he wouldn't feel left out.
They dance to the beat of songs neither of them know, Dean because he only listens to his dad's music and Cass because, well, he doesn't get out much. Having a great time, jumping around and stuffing themselves silly on the cherry punch and heart cookies, watching Gabe and Sam do the same, Cass can't help but fill with happiness.
He notices that Dean is wearing his ring, and his mind jumps to a big wedding with- No.... Focus, Cass. He forces himself to put all thoughts of marriage aside and looks deeper into Dean's green eyes.
Dean is having fun, too, until he sees a black shadow curl out of the vents in the corner of his eye. It seems like it goes into a teacher chaperone and a girl his age, but Dean can't be sure and when he turns his head to check it out, it disappears. Cass doesn't seem to notice. His mind flashes back to his father warning him about what happens when you form attachments around monsters. What if the trickster-siren got to Cass? Suddenly, it's all too much. The magic is too loud, he's too crowded, so he grabs Cass's hand and pulls him out the doors.  Just as they're about to exit, Dean runs into Sam, who is pulling gave, trying to do the same thing, except Gabe is more stubborn than Cass and refuses to leave.
"No. I'm having a fun time here. And it's cold outside." Gabe says uncooperatively.
"Dean, can I talk to you for a sec?" Sam says, and they stalk off to an unoccupied corner, "Did you just see what I saw?" Sam hisses. "I saw this Blake smoke coming out of the vents..." Dean starts.
".... And going into those two people. Whew. So I'm not crazy. Good." Sam finishes.
"Do you think it's the thing dad's hunting?" Says Dean.
"I don't know, but I'm getting Gabe out of here anyway." They walk back over to Cass and Gabe, and Dean leads Cass out the side door. They walk around the back of the school and sit down on a bench bordering the tree line.
"Why'd we leave? " Cass asks confusedly.
As soon as Dean breathed in fresh air, he could think again. "Cass, can I kiss you?"
Dean needs something to focus on, and right now, Cass's soft, kissable lips look like a good option.
Cass smiles at Dean's question. "Of course."
WARNING SOME SMUT/MAKING OUT FOLLOWS and it will be really badly written but I had to write it. If you're my friend don't judge me ok I know it sucks... soo you don't have to read it....
Their lips crash together, Dean runs his fingers through Cass's hair while Cass grasps at the lapels of Deans tux to pull him closer. A moan escapes Cass, and before he knows it Dean's tongue slides into his mouth, tugging at his lower lip and Cass wants to give in, he presses himself even tighter against Dean, practically straddling him on the bench. They finally part, gasping for air. "You should know.... I don't normally do this..." Cass says, out of breath.
"If you always kiss like that... You definitely should." Dean replies and Cass resettles himself on Dean while Dean leans back against a tree trunk. Their lips meet once again, and Dean can taste the sugar and excitement on Cass's. He smiles and runs his hands down Cass's arms. Dean doesn't know how, but an hour later, they somehow manage to end up, jackets off, lying on a soft patch of grass outside the back of the school, still making out. Cass's tongue traces small circles on the roof of Dean's mouth as he grabs Dean's muscled arms to keep him in place. He needs Dean, and Dean isn't objecting. (He thinks it's kinda hot, actually.) They kiss until both their lips are swollen and sore, until the moon and stars come out, until Cass can't even remember his name and Dean has forgotten all about the trickster-siren, forgotten everything except for Cass, never tiring, exploring and trying new places to kiss. Dean breaks the kiss and trails a line of kisses up Cass's neck. He'll probably have hickeys in the morning, but he doesn't care.
Okay, the worst part of the smut is over. You can uncover your eyes now. Again, don't judge me. (You know who you are.)
Just the feeling of Dean next to him, his muscled form encircling his, makes him feel more comfortable than he's been in a long time. Dean has never had a real home, just the road, but curled up under the stars with Cass curled into his chest, he finally feels at home. They lay like that for a while, breaths and heartbeats in sync. Dean glances over at his watch. 10:00? Already?
"Crap." He extrapolates his arms and legs from the tangle of limbs, grunts, and slowly sits up.
"Come on, Cass. Sit up." He coaxes him.
"I don't wanna. I was so comfy there!" Cass whines. He pulls Dean back down for another kiss, but Dean only chuckles and pulls Cass up to a sitting position. Dean stand up, picks up his jacket and looks at Cass. "You coming?" He says over his shoulder.
"Ugh. Fine. " Cass gets up, too and realizes why Dean was in such a hurry. "Our brothers!" He gasps.
"Took you a while." Dean laughs. "C'mon, let's go find them. They better not be making out somewhere."
But after searching everywhere -including the most popular make out spots- they've got nothing. Cass is practically dead on his feet, so Dean picks him up and carried him to the car. Cass barely even notices. He lays Cass gently down in the passenger seat and climbs in the driver's seat. He's pretty tired by now, too, so he decides to take a little nap while he waits for Sam and Gabe. Before he does, though, he checks on Cass to make sure he's okay. He smooths Cass's hair, takes off his shoes and jacket and pushes the passengers seat back so Cass can be comfortable. Then, he goes to sleep, to exhausted to do anything else but close his eyes.

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