My Bloody Romance (Darkiplier...

By mygoldEntreasures

114K 3K 3.5K

I've been reading a lot of fanfics about Dark, and I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on all the fun... More

Whispers in the Dark
99 Red Balloons
Madness in Me
Little Talks (of Monsters and Men)
Die in a Fire
I See Things Nobody Else Sees
Another Way Out
Sims 4
Emily Wants To Play Yandere Simulator
Love Confirmed
ANother break
Googleiplier Saves the Day!! (And Destroys the World While He's At It) Part 1
The Blue (and Red) Button: Part 2
****Instructions & Warnings***
So, Who's Really In Control?...
Crybaby In Between Heathens
More Apologies
I'm sorry

I Put a Spell on You

4.6K 131 114
By mygoldEntreasures

( By Annie Lennox. Song was in first person. I had no idea it was from 50SOG. Please don't hurt me. I am innocent! ~G)

Wilford's POV

I'm finally free of that emo vampire's head!
It's such a relief to feel the cool air and stretch out than being whipped or shot by the imaginary little Emily that Dark summoned/thought about when he was bored or annoyed and had nothing to do. See, she'd give me severe blows or hits, but it didn't kill me; just gave me as much pain as it normally would. "It's all imaginary for me, but it will all seem real to you" Dark had said before putting me in his cell. (Why was it in his head, I do not know).
(Keep your friends close and enemies closer—Wilfy here is both, so that was the closest I could think of. ~D)

I had helped him a few times before, like a third conscience. Or, at least tried. Mostly he wouldn't listen to me, and when he would make a mistake, I would be taunting him and insulting him. And when I would be in the wrong, he's do the same, and then get Emily to turn off the lights, leaving me in darkness.
(The cell was in a room— mostly like in the music video Elastic Heart by Sia. Onward! ~G)
I was only able to roam freely in the Dream Realm whenever Dark fell asleep and went to watch other people's dreams; sometimes, to even interact or be part of. (This is when he's not "working".) I would go my own way, but whenever he woke up, I was back in. It confused me a lot of times because while he did that, he changed to look like some random handsome guy, so he wouldn't scare anybody while he was sneaking around in their dreams. But after that, if Dark went to go get me I wouldn't be able to recognize him, and it often took me by surprise. It was always risky do this, because if the person woke up, we would be stuck there for a while. (Magic and their rules can be quite complicated.)
This is where we originally found (y/n).

(He looked like a blonde, if you want to know.)
I was there with him when he met (y/n). She was having one of those deep controlling dreams, and a pretty good one. (Y/n) was dreaming that she was an angelic queen, in a far away (f/c) planet from another galaxy. Her palace was in the open, made out of decorative limestone pillars and bright green vines grew all over them. She was sitting right in front of us; her throne was golden and bordered with many semi-precious stones. Her army was right behind us, and had blocked our way back.
"What have you come here for?" She said in an elegant and royal way, then stood up, spread out her huge silver wings and flew to us; her long white sweetheart dress flowing as she came to us. Her features were much more mesmerizing in person. (Hazy, because we're in a dream).
She was very pretty, there's no denying it. I looked over at Dark (the blonde). His jaw had dropped, he was breathing incorrectly; his face was turning pink. She smiled at the sorry sight of him, then turned to me. I decided to play along. "I'm so sorry to have come here without permission or invitation, m'lady. We were just trying to pass by to arrive at the Warfstache kingdom, which is this kingdom over." I explained in a normal voice. (My voice accidentally tends to gets wavy sometimes.) She smiled softly at me; her red lips slightly turning at the ends. "That sounds reasonable; I'll let you go on your way." She turned to walk away. I grabbed Dark's wrist and started to pull him away from here, when suddenly he yanked away from my grasp and went after her. "Wait! What is your name, my dear?" Dark asked her. I did a facepalm. "(Y/n). Queen of (your kingdom's name). And you are?"
"I'm D— I'm Edward. It is such a pleasure to be talking to such gorgeous royal as yourself." (Y/n) giggled gleefully. The cuteness was starting to make me gag.
"I didn't catch your name either, sir." She said to me. "My name is" I started to say. I paused and thought about it. "Wil. I'm Wil."
"Very nice. Well, it seems to me that you have traveled a long time, yes? Why don't you join me in my tea party. Trust me, it's more fun than it sounds. The Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat are going to be there! It's lots of fun when they come. And the food is just so delightful! What do you say?"
"Yes!!" Dark said before I could even reject. "Splendid! Come along now! The others will be coming soon!" She stretched out her hand, and a toothy smiling Dark cheerfully took it. I rolled my eyes. We stayed there for like an hour; Dark had this stupid grin of a total goofball and was talking to (y/n), and I was stuck petting the cat while trying to figure out why a raven is like a writer's desk.
"I'm afraid we have to depart now, your highness". I said. Dark hadn't heard me, and so I had to kick him under the table. "Ah! (Ouch!) Yes, we must be on our way, (y/n)." Dark winked at her. "Will I ever see you both again?" (Y/n) asked us.
"We'll see." Dark hugged her, then we moved to another dream. "Wait! I want to see what she really looks like!" He disappeared for about a minute, then came back with the same look of stupidity.
"She was more beautiful in person."

"Did you went to see her?"

"Uh-huh. She looked so peaceful sleeping in her (f/c) bed."

After I finally dragged him from there and back to start; I slapped him. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"I don't know" he shrugged.
I put my hands on his shoulders and shook him. "Pull yourself together man. This girl isn't good for you. I mean, look at yourself; you've gone from demonic and cruel to dumb ass and as if Cupid shot you! I think it's best to not see her again."
'It's like she put a sick love spell on him'
"She did not!" Dark snapped. "I'm 100% me, I just acted like as if I was part of her dream. I'm a grown evil man; I can make my own stupid choices! And I only went to see her so I can scare her later. Now get off my case, you stupid reporter."
End of Flashback
Hey there! Super sorry for taking so long to update. School, family, work; you get the jest. Plus, I really don't have ideas jotted down, like a good writer; they all just come to me, and my "creative juices" are low.
So some things may not make sense, and if doesn't, please don't hesitate to leave a comment for clarification. (Just so you know, the songs in here aren't actually a playlist. But you're free to check them out.)
Also, I'm thinking of making another book which is going to be a Markiplier x ________.  (Hint: Think outside the box.)
I'm very surprised that people are actually reading/liking this. You guys are great! Thank You!
*Dark walks in with his favorite knife*
Why would you be surprised? It's about me, after all.
Egotistical much?
You're just jealous.
I'm perfectly fine.
Why did you have to add those two morons in here?
#1: Because I love them too. #2: I'm the writer.
Change it.
*Wilford walks in with his golden gun. Puts his arm around GoldEn's shoulder. She shifts nervously.*
I tHiNk ShE's DoInG a WoDeRfUl JoB In hEr WoRk: dO nOt WoRrY GoLdEn, I WiLl PrOtEcT yOu!
Hehe. Thanks Wilfy. I'm fine, though. Dark will just have to cope with it.
*Dark rolls his eyes and walks away grumbling under his breath* *Wilford gives GoldEn a peck on the cheek. Goes over to reader, hugs them and winks at them. Makes glittery pink mist appear, then disappears with the mist.*

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