I Fell For A Gang Member [EDI...

By SimplyAmber96

1.6M 28.4K 4.1K

When Marco Millet, Kennedy High's bad boy, shows interest in Bailey Hartlem, an inconspicuous school nerd, th... More

Chapter 1 (Rewritten)
Chapter 2 (Rewritten)
Chapter 3 (Rewritten)
Chapter 4 (Rewritten)
Chapter 5 (Rewritten)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 37

28.1K 471 66
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 37

For Us

Today I'm 24 weeks and one day pregnant. Marco is almost finished with the nursery and Justin still doesn't know that I know about his blackmail. I'm afraid to say something to him because I don't want to lose him, but I also hate him for being that cruel to someone. Marco may have been a jerk and heartless, but he doesn't disserve to die.

I drove home, wanting to take a nap and clear my head. Marco would be over later today, but my mom could let him in. He already knows what to do. Besides, I don't really want to see him today.

I pulled into the driveway and went inside. I went straight up to my room and climbed into bed. I was just getting comfortable when my cell rang. I groaned and answered it.

"Hey Bailey. I was wondering if we could talk." Justin said.

"Can we do that tomorrow? I'm tired."

"Please? It'll just take a minute."

"Fine, go ahead."

"Can we do it in person?"

"Are you kidding me?" He didn't answer. "Fine, but hurry up."

I ended the call and got up. I went downstairs to wait, then I realized no one else was here. I went into the kitchen and there was a note on the fridge. It read:

Sorry we didn't tell you we were leaving. Your father is having a dinner with his boss. It could mean a promotion so he couldn't turn it down. We left early because his boss lives about an hour away. Don't be mean to Marco, and don't let him and Justin be in the same room. We'll be back soon.

Love, your parents.

I sighed. I wish I saw this earlier. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it . I opened the door to see Marco. He smiled and came in. He no longer walks with a limp, but he still has to take his pain meds sometimes.

"Where's your parents?" He asked me.

"They went out to dinner with my dad's boss. He might get a promotion."

"Oh, well that's good. I'd better get to work."


Marco went upstairs and I was left to wait for Justin. I let out a big yawn and closed my eyes. It was a long day at school today. So much work. The doorbell rang and I jumped. I sighed and answered the door. Justin had a smile on his face.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Come in." I said.

He walked in and I closed the door. I turned to him to see him still with a huge smile.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Okay, so I wanted to ask you... if you want to go steady." I just stared at him. He wants us to go steady? "Well?"

"Uh... Well..."

"Hey Bailey, I need some towels." Marco said, bouncing down the steps.

"Oh, uh, they're upstairs in the linen closet next to the bathroom."

"Okay, thanks." He retreated back up the stairs and I turned my attention back to Justin.

"I didn't expect you to think about it. Especially for so long."

"It's just that... I know about you and your blackmail."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't deny it. I overheard your phone call a few weeks ago. And I read one of your text messages."

"You went through my phone?!"

"That's not as bad as trying to kill someone. You're not the guy I thought you were. I really liked you, but now..."

Justin studied me, then his face became emotionless. I gave him a quizzical look and took a step away.

"I didn't want him dead. I just wanted him crippled for life. I wouldn't go as far as to kill him." All emotion was gone from his voice.

"And that's still not as bad?"

"Look, I did it for us. I knew that if he was perfectly fine, you'd still like him. Girls don't usually fall for a crippled guy. He was hurting you and you disserved better. You disserved me."

"No, I disserve the truth. I disserve someone who doesn't lie and who isn't sick minded."


"Get out."


"Get out."

"I said no." He kissed me and I quickly pushed him away."

I wiped my mouth and glared at him. He looked hurt, but also frustrated. I just want him out of my house and out of my life.

"Is there a problem?" Marco asked. He was standing at the bottom of the steps, looking between Justin and me.

"No, Marco." I said. "Just go back to work."

"No, no." Justin said, turning to Marco. "There is a problem, and that problem is you."

"You really want to start with me now?" Marco asked, anger rising in him.

"Oh I do."

"Don't, you guys. Justin, just leave." I tried to stop the fight.

Justin ignored me and moved towards Marco. Justin dug in his pocket and pulled out a knife. I didn't see him as the type to carry a knife. Marco tensed, but pulled out a knife of his own.

"Don't!" I yelled.

"Stay out of it Bailey." Justin said. They were just going to ignore me. What could I do? I can't get blood in my house and I don't want either of them to get hurt.

"Uh... I think I'm going into labor." I said. They stopped and looked at me. I held my stomach and gave a look of pain. "Yeah, I'm having contractions. I need to get to the hospital."

"Let's go!" Justin said.

Justin wrapped an arm around me. And opened the door.

"Wait. I'm coming too." Marco said.

"No!" I said quickly. He gave me an expression of hurt. "I don't want you there." I felt bad for doing that, but I had to. Justin got me outside and that's when I pushed him away and rushed back into the house. I shut the door, and he began to bang on it from the outside.

"What the hell?!" Justin yelled.

"Leave before I call the cops!" I yelled back.

"Come on Bailey! Just let me in!"

"No! Now leave!"

Justin eventually gave up and left. I looked out the window to make sure. I sighed and looked at Marco. I had forgotten he was here.

"Sorry, for the scare. It was the only way to get him out of the house."

"Do you really not want me there when the twins are born?" Marco asked in a small voice.

"I... I don't know." I looked away and walked towards the steps. I walked past him to leave, but he grabbed my arm to stop me. I turned to him and he moved closer. He looked down into my eyes and brushed my hair out of my face.

My heart began to speed up and it suddenly felt really hot. My breathing picked up and I felt nervous. He smiled and I felt weak.

"You need to get back to work. My mom is paying you per hour." I muttered. I moved away from him and went upstairs.

Marco's P.O.V*

I saw a spark in her eyes. She still feels something for me. I may not bother her in school anymore, but that doesn't mean that I've lost hope. I just wish she'd open up and give me another chance. I've screwed up so many times, and I usually do that. But I usually get more chances. With Bailey, she's leaving me to drown in my own loss and heart break.

I sighed and went upstairs to finish working on the nursery. It's turning out good and I only have to paint one more thing. Bailey will love it. Mrs. Hartlem promised not to let anyone see until it's finished and I trust her on that. I know that once the twins are old enough, it'll be painted over or covered with wallpaper. But it's what Bailey wants and I did it for her.

About an hour past and I finished the room. I stood back and looked at my work. It's finally done and it only took me a month. I sighed and cleaned up the room, moving towels and pulling up the painters tape. I threw it in a trash bag and brought it out the room. I noticed Bailey's light on in her room and went to see what she's up to. When I walked into her room, she was laying on the floor. She was doing her homework and had fell asleep. I smiled and went to put her in bed. I gently picked her up and put her in the bed. I put the covers over her and turned out her light as I left. I grabbed the bag of trash and took downstairs. After throwing the trash out, I left to go home. Hopefully they like the room.

Next Day

I woke up and got ready for school. Dustin hangs with us, but he doesn't talk to me much. I don't really have much to say to him anyway. I'm still a little pissed at him.

Beating him up helped me vent some of my anger. Lacey is upset with me for beating up her precious boyfriend, but she still talks to me sometimes. The rest of the gang has been steering clear of me a little since of what happened with Dustin. I understand, but it's getting a little annoying.

I ate breakfast then left for school. Now I'll only get to see Bailey when we're at school. I know that I can't go over there now that the room is finished. But hopefully she'll let me be there when the twins are born, even if I'm not in the delivery room.

I parked in the parking lot and got out. I walked over to my friends. They were standing next to the school entrance, bothering some people as they went inside.

"Hey guys." I greeted

"Hey Marco." They greeted back.

"The girls aren't here yet?" I asked,

"They went to their lockers." Kyle said.

Everyone was still talking to me like I would explode any minute. I'm really getting tired of it.

"Why can't you guys just talk to me normally? I'm still same the Marco." I said.

"We just don't want to say anything wrong." Paul admitted.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. We just don't want to end up like Dustin."

"Look, I was pissed that day. I'm fine now. The mention of Bailey doesn't bother me anymore."

"Really?" They all seemed surprised.

"Yeah. I'm going to get her back. She still loves me, it's just complicated right now."

The bell rang and we went to class. I have Bailey first period which means I get to say a few words to her. I got to class and Bailey was already at our table. I walked to the back of the class and took my seat.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hi." She greeted back, not making eye contact.

"I finished the nursery yesterday. Tell me what you think when you see it."

"Ok." Still no eye contact.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She finally looked at me. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"No reason." She looked away and I sighed. "You didn't really answer my question yesterday." She looked back up at me. "Would you really not want me their for the birth of the twins?"

She sighed and put her head down. Does she really not know? She must be having mixed feelings about me. That's bad, yet good also. He decision could go either way.

"Of course I want you to be there." She answered, looking at me. I gave her a smile and she slowly smiled back.

I was ecstatic when lunch came around. I was starved from being in all the boring classes. Some of the guys were gone. They went with their girlfriends to their lockers and were taking forever.

"I'm thinking about leaving them." I said.

"They're probably somewhere making out. I don't want to miss lunch because of them." Chase said.

"Uh... M-Marco?" An unfamiliar voice said. I looked to see a guy with shaggy red hair. He had freckles and brown eyes. He was shorter than me by two feet and was a little scrawny.

"What?" I asked.

"I was uh... I want to join your gang." I looked at my friends and back at the guy. We all just laughed.

"You're joking right? Get out of here, runt."

"Please? I can be tough and mean." I looked him over and decided to mess with him.


"But..." Eric started, but I held up my hand to stop him.

"Meet us after behind the school when the last class is over."


After school was over, we waited behind the school. The guys thought I was crazy at first, but then I told them what I had planned. A few minutes past and the guy showed up.

"Hey, he actually showed up." Kyle said.

"Of course." The guys said.

"So, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Randolph. Or just Randy."

"Let's stick with Randy. So what makes you want to join?"

"Well, you all run the school. People fear you and I think it's cool that just a couple of people can have that much power. I want to know what it feels like."

I slowly nodded, taking in everything he was saying. This kid is stupid, or really just doesn't care what happens to him.

"Alright, well you have to be able to do something before we just let you join."

"Okay. Bring it on. I can do almost anything." He said, smiling and rubbing his hands together.

"You have to kill someone." His face fell and seemed to turn green. We laughed. "No, I'm just messin' with ya." He sighed with relief. "All you have to do is stand on one leg, rub your stomach, pat your head, and cross your eyes for two minutes straight. No breaks."

"Okay. Easy enough."

Randy did what I said for two minutes without any breaks. It was easy to do. Even I could do it.

"Now, you have to do a hand stand and do 20 steps on your hands."

"Uh, okay."

Randy did just that and I was impressed. This guy will do anything. I could tell the gang was getting a kick out of all this.

"Okay, just one more thing."


"All you have to do... is beat me in a fight." I saw the fear in his face.


"Okay. If not me, then one of my friends. Go ahead and pick."

Randy still looked terrified, but seemed to have calmed down some. He looked at every single one of my friends before finally picking. He chose Paul. Paul looks the weakest, but he really isn't. The weakest of us is Lance since he really doesn't like to fight.

"Alright." I said. "Is that okay Paul?"

"Yeah, I have no problem." He said with a smile.

"Get in position and I count you off." They got in their fighting positions and I began to count. "1... 2... 3!" They began to fight and Paul had the guy knocked out before you could say: Damn. Paul's a good fighter and after that, that's all you wanted to say. That kid was an idiot to think he could get into our gang. We're all friends and I've known my gang for years. No more additions.


There's the chapter. Those of you who liked Justin, I'm sorry that he ended up like this. But right now, I'm going with what happens, happens, because all of this wasn't meant to happen. I'm still working to reach my ending, but it's not easy. Picture is of the room. Sorry it doesn't show much, but it's the best photo I could get ->

I'll try to upload soon. Either Teusday or Friday. =)

Please COMMENT, vote, and/ fan. =)

P.S. Didn't edit. Sorry. =(

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