Ment To Be

By kw12382

4K 131 3

I was 13 when i started this story so the ages are young and I'm changing the ages to make it better. More

The New
Ogh! Why Me
New Alpha
No Fair!
Why Me
Your Mine And I'm Yours
Nothing But Consequences
Truth or dare
Hangovers And Cuddles
No More School And A Panic
No Time
Busy Busy Busy
Tears Tears And More Tears
When Jealousy Strikes Hard
Love....... It's Bitter Sweet
Training Is What Started It
Road Trip
My Fault
My Love

Know Your Place

67 3 0
By kw12382

Maddie( Top Left:, 3 pics )

Kalani ( Top Right:, 2 pics )

Tyler( Middle Right :, Under Kalani 2 pics )

Taylor( Center Middle:, 1 pic )

Eathen( Middle Left:, Under Maddie:, 1 pic )

Lucas( Bottom Left:, Under Eathen:, 1 pic )

Paige( Bottom Center )

Brook( Bottom Right:, Under Tyler:, 1 pic )

^*Next Day...........*^

I woke up the next morning in Eathen's arms. I loved it like this..... Nice , peace and qui-

*Knock Knock*

I sat up immediately. Who is knocking on Eathans door at 8am ?! I quickly molded myself to Eathans body , his arms naturally wrapped around me immediately recognizing the body of his mate. I then pretended to sleep as the door slowly opened.

"Eathen?" The voice..... I recognized it in a heart beat Kalani........

That stupid witch what is she doing in here?!

"Eat- Maddie?!" She whispered yelled to herself surprised.

I continued to pretend to be asleep as Eathen hugged me unimaginably closer to his bear chest, as he was only in boxers and I in a sports bra and small silk booty shorts. He then started to stir to which Kalani took that chance to run out of the room.

"Mmmhhmm Mads what time is it?" He groaned waking up.

"Time for us to get a lock ." I mumbled.

"Wha?" He looked at me confused and rubbed his eyes.

"Kalani......... She just snuck in and out of this room looking for you!" I whisper yelled.

He sat up and pulled me into his lap , burying his head into my neck.

"I'll talk to her mads don't worry." He said .

I nodded and got out of bed. I then put in one of his shirts , it fit me like a dress it went down mid thigh .

"Let's go get breakfast." I said and he got out of bed to and we made our way downstairs.

Once downstairs I made some cinnamon rolls and orange juice and we ate.

"We should go to the beach today." Eathen said.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Kalani said walking into the kitchen.

"Ummm Kalani I would like to ask you why you were in our room this morning." Eathen said bluntly.

Kalani looked shocked , at a loss of words .

"I-I- I was looking for you to ask you something but you were asleep so I just left." She said .

"Well I'm awake now you can ask me." Eathen said with a shrug .

Kalani bit her lip and played with her fingers some then looked at me then looked into Eathen's eyes .

"I was hoping it could be in private." She whispered.

"Maybe later then." He said and she nodded leaving to go get her swims stuff as she put it. I just rolled my eyes.

"We should probably do the same ." I said.

By the time we were ready and going to leave we had a small group going with us from the pack. That consisted of : Me , Eathen , Kalani , Tyler , Paige, Lucas, Brook , and Taylor .

Eathen , Taylor , and I took Eathen's truck it only being a small 3 seater .Putting all the coolers ,grills , and coal in the back layout trunk.
Brook, Kalani, and Paige took Paige's truck and Lucas and Tyler took Tyler's truck.
We started driving me in between the too boys Eathen driving. When Eathen wasn't looking I could feel Taylor's hand creep up on my thigh but quickly move when Eathen looked over and told him a joke . He gave a very believable laugh so I just brushed it off . It continued so I eventually sat in Eathen's lap while he drove . My back against the window so I was facing Taylor. Eathen then put one hand on my thigh and one hand on the wheel . He used his thumb to rub my thigh giving me a slightly confused glance feeling my tense stance.

We ended getting to the beach in less than an hour the situation before hand not forgotten by me and given the nervous look on Taylor's face it wasn't by him either. We all then set up a big spot and ran in the water .

* 2 Hours later *

We all after a while of fun in the water decided to get out so the boys could make some lunch. All the girls went and grabbed big sheets and laid them out.

An hour later the boys had made chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, brots, and bacon then put it all on separate big plates . While the girls on the other hand cut up fruite and put out several different bags of chips and set the coolers in a row and opening them to show the several different drinks. Lastly I set out a pile of plates, plastic silverware, and napkins.

Everyone dished up and sat together on the biggest blanket . I sat on Eathen's lap as he sat criss-cross , I had our plate in my lap as we ate together sometimes I fed him bits and pieces here and there. Him giving me kisses in return, I saw some jealous and envious looks come in our direction more then one time.

We ended up playing lots of competitive games us being werewolves always loving to show off our power..... Of course since Eathen is the Alphas son he did win all of them except the ones that he let me win, but Taylor always came 2 . After a while we al decided to go find some wood for the camp fire we were going to have.
Eathen left me for the first time this night to bring some wood he found and I was fine with it but soon regretted it . After he left my sight Taylor entered it. He left no room for talking walking right up to me and pinning me up against a nearby tree.

"I have been waiting for this moment all night . Just me you and your gorgeous self." He said and started to kiss up my neck . Since he is not of 16 he didn't smell my mated mark. I started to push him off with all my strength but he was holding every part of my body against the tree that was until we heard a very powerful and loud growl.

Taylor turned around immediately looking scared shitless.

"Eath-" he started the but was cut off.

"No ..... Rider now I'm going to give you to the count of zero for you to get away from my MARKED MATE!" He shouted and Taylor listened running back to the group but not before Rider punched him in the nose thankfully I didn't hear a crack but there sure was blood. I then ran into Riders arms and he picked me up. We were face to face our noses touching with my arms around his neck and his under my but.

"Thank you thank you thank you for saving me." I said and kissed him on the lips.

He held me impossibly closer and kissed back. We kissed until we made it back to our set up on the beach . By then the fire was all set up and going so we just took a seat around the fire with the rest of them.

"You want to get me a beer Mads ." Eathen said now back in control . I nodded and as I walked away he smacked my butt and I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. I soon came back with the cooler that had all the beers in it knowing everyone else might want one to. I gave him one then the others passed them out . He smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek before taking a sip of his beer. I smiled back and sat in his lap cuddling up into his bear chest. Everyone laughed , told stories ,and ate s'mores but everyone could tell Eathen would never let Taylor live down this 'incident' .

We ended up getting home by 9pm showering up then went to bed .

When we woke up in the morning we did our usual routine and then went down to breakfast. While we were at breakfast Taylor came into the kitchen.

"We have training today with our Alpha in 10."  He said and now that I take a good look at him he is wearing training wear.

"Oh then tell the Alpha that I am sorry but I will be a tad bit late." Eathen said. I knew Taylor wouldn't have minded to tell Salem (The Alpha) if it wasn't for the way Eathen had said it he said it as if he was higher above him as if he was more of worthy of being.

Taylor stopped what he was doing and turned to us a smirk on his face saying as if he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Why can't you tell him yourself?" He asked .

"I don't have to explain myself to you . I am your soon to be Alpha. Know your place in this pack." He said using his Alpha voice he's had from the very young age of 5 .

Taylor looked shocked then hurt and ran off to go tell Salem the message.

"That wasn't very nice." I said looking down while standing up .

"I get you want to establish where you stand with this pack but we both know that was rude of you and rude of me for not saying anything. If I'm going to be Luna I need to step up as one .......... I'm going to go see if he is alright then say my apologies then you will to. " Eathen looked angry then guilty and nodded .

"You need to take responsibility of your actions Eathen we all know that Taylor is going to be this packs Beta." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek, fixed my dress, and posture putting my hands together behind my back then walked out to the training yard toward Salem (Alpha) and Taylor.

Lots of people stopped to stair everyone know knowing where I stand in this pack and people looked up to me from what I've heard .

Once close enough I tapped on both of their shoulders . They both jumped some and turned around to focused on themselves to keep all of their senses on high alert.

"Salem I am sure you have gotten the message about Eathen, im here to give my apologies to you I should have remembered to tell him and write it down it won't happen again ." I said genuinely not wanting to disappoint or display anything less then perfect all the time.

He looked shocked at first but then gave me a small warm smile and gave me a gentle pat on the back.

"Don't worry about it Maddison it's no big deal and I trust you it won't happen again." He told me I gave him a small nod and smile then turned my attention to Taylor.

"Taylor I'm sorry about the incident this morning and I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry for letting him treat you that way . He has no excuses , he knows his place in this pack and from last night he probably felt like his position was being threatened and just wanted to make sure you knew what was his and what was yours this morning. Again I'm truly sorry." I said and he just nodded and scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about last night to I- my actions were way out of line and even if I did know you were marked I should have never done that ." He said and I looked down but quickly looked back up and gave a small smile.

"All is forgiven yeah? Let's just not discuss it anymore." I said and he nodded. Eathen then showed up .

"Dad I'm so sorry I was late I completely forgot about today I was a little stressed out from last night ." He said and his dad nodded.

"And Taylor I'm sorry for the way I talked to you this morning. I guess I was feeling a bit shooken up from last night but all is behind me." He said and I smiled at him proud that he apologized.

"Yeah I'm sorry to I didn't know Mad- Maddison was taken I didn't see the mark or smell it in sorry." Eathen just nodded .

"Well I'm going to leave you guys to your training, I'm a bit late to my own now so goodbye." I said but before I could leave Eathen gave me a tight hug which I returned and a kiss on the lips then sent me off with a smack on the ass .

"Eathen!" I squealed.

"I suggest you go before I do more." He teased . I blushed and went off seeing his Salem roll his eyes and Taylor look away.

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