I fell for him; Hunter Rowland

By SupHunter

83.1K 1.9K 718

He glanced over at me while I was looking at him. Little did I know what would happen next. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1

8.8K 131 76
By SupHunter


"Brielle" Ree says jumping on me "10 more minutes" I say covering my head with a pillow, "No, get up right now we have to get ready to go" Ree says removing the pillow from my face.

"Ugh" I groan, I love Ree I really do but she's to obsessed with these internet boys.

I get up and walk over to Rees bathroom, I realize she's already ready for the meet and greet.

She was wearing a long sleeve white crop top and some ripped white skinny jeans. To finish it off she put on white vans and some mascara. She straightened her black hair and was wearing her grey and pink SnapBack.

I straighten my long dirty blonde hair, I put mascara on my icy blue eyes and winged eyeliner.

I decide to wear a black short sleeve crop top with black leggings with a plaid long sleeved shirt tied onto my waist, I wear my black and red adidas.

I walk out of the washroom and Ree was just chilling on her phone on Twitter, "I found where there hotel is" Ree says sounding creepy as ever..

"What?" I say with a laugh "Never mind, I didn't" she says with a fake sad reaction, I laugh.

"What time does this meet and greet start at?" I ask "1" Ree answers "So we're leaving in like 20 minutes" she adds and I nod and just go on my phone. She also dragged me to Slaybells ice so this isn't the first time I went to a meet and greet with her.

"Do you guys want anything to eat" Rees mom yells to us "Too nervous to eat" Ree yells back.

"Let's go early then" Her mom yells back and we walk outside to the car.

Ree plugs her phone in the aux cord and we just listen to music the whole car ride.

We get to the meet and greet and her mom hands us the Vip tickets, we got the one where you get to go to sound check and and the backstage tour thing.

The car ride was longer then we thought it would be because we got there like right as they were letting all the vip in.

We show the guy who is running the events our tickets and he tells us to go upstairs and follow the hallway and we do as told.

We get to the room where everyone was and all the guys were and they were all just talking to fans and stuff.

I just look around the room and I see Hunter, Not going to lie he is pretty cute.

He glanced over at me while I was looking at him. I look away quickly and then take one last glance over at him and he was still starring at me.

"Brielle" Ree says hitting my arm, "Yes?" I reply "Let's go see Mario" she says pulling my hand dragging me over to where Mario was.

I roll my eyes and she laughs. "Mario" she calls out and he walks over to us, "Hey cuties" He says, I look over at Ree and she wants to freak out but you can tell she's trying to keep her cool.

Hunter walks over to Mario casually, "What time does sound check start at?" He asks Mario "I'm actually not sure" Mario replies and then he starts talking to me Ree and Mario.

"What's your name?" Hunter asks me while Ree and Mario have there own conversation.

"Brielle" I say then look around the room, "I like that name" he says "I don't" I laugh, "It sounds like the name of my next girlfriend" he says and I blush.

The guy comes over and let's them know that it's time for sound check because they have to let the other girls in soon.

-After sound check and show-

Right now we are in line to take the photos, Ree just keeps going on and on about how she got Marios number, he actually gave her his number. I guess there conversation went really well and she didn't go all fangirl on him...

If he heard the way she talks to me about him she wouldn't have got his number. We are legit last in line because she wanted to be the last people too see them. I don't know why but she did.

We are next to meet them and I'm pretty chill because we already talked to them. Ree goes before me which makes me the last person to meet them.

She walks up to first in line who is Brandon Rowland. He's a shorty, when I watch his broadcast with Ree he looks way taller. She finishes with Brandon so I walk up too him, "You're shorter then I thought you'd be" I say with a laugh "I get told by a lot of people that" he rolls his eyes and laughs. We take the photo and then I move on.

Next was Mario, "Hey didn't we talk earlier?" He asks "Yup, and you gave my friend your number" I reply "Ohhhh, Hunter called dibs on you" he says with a laugh "Called dibs?" I ask "Never mind" he laughs and we hug and then we take a photo together and I move on too next in line.

I had good conversations with the other boys, them calling me pretty and stuff... Hunter was last in line and I'm going to talk to him now.

"Hey cutie" he says as I hug him "Hey" I say plainly "So you called dibs on me?" I ask with a laugh "Mario" he yells and Mario looks over and laughs.

"Let's take the photo" Hunter says and I pass him my phone and he takes the photo, he also does something else but I didn't really see, I'll check later.

I say goodbye and walk off the stage where they were taking the photos.

I do my password to get into my phone and the notes app was open, he wrote a note saying.

"Come to my hotel later, (hotel name), oh and here's my number (***) *** ****, I look back and him and smile and roll my eyes playfully, We walk out of the room and I show Ree the note "We will have to sneak out" Ree says because I'm sleeping at her house again.

"I can convince my brother to drive us, I have some stuff on him" She says with an evil smirk and I laugh, "What is it?" I ask and she just shakes her head "You'll see" She says and we walk out to the parking lot where her mom was waiting.

We both get in the back seat and just listen to music through our earbuds, She kept texting someone... I'm pretty sure it was Mario...


A/N: First chapterrrrr, Hope y'all enjoy, Next chapter they will be hanging out dwwwww.

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