Undead Love.

By Georgia-elizabeth

1.8K 27 3

Influenced by True Blood. A vampire, Sam Miles, and a Human, Jessica Routen, connected by an impossible made... More

Undead Love.
Fang Banger.
Sam Miles.
I want that Human.
A stranger and a crush.
Snake Bite.
A life is taken.
Two dead and One born.
And so it begins.
Encantado, Enchanted one.
One war and then another.
Growing closer.
Heavy Rain.
We did it!
Noah Majors.

Two Siblings.

52 0 0
By Georgia-elizabeth

“Sam?” Damian watches his friend climb from the coffin and straighten out the suit he is wearing. “Where are going, its morning?”

Sam places his finger on his lips and nods to the young vampire, Paddy’s, coffin. “I won’t be long, sleep Damian.” After a suspicious look Damian closes his coffins lid silently.

“Vampire, how are you?” Channing stands at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for him to approach.

“So, what do you have, Werewolf?” Sam is by his side in a second and looking into the eyes of the equally tall young wolf. “How do you propose I go out in the daylight?” He nods to the front door, stepping back warily as he sees the sunlight creeping in from underneath. Channing pulls a silver chain from his pocket and holds it out to the vampire. “Oh Channing, you shouldn’t have.” Sam rolls his eyes.

“Put it on, vampire.” He keeps his face blank as the vampire raises and eyebrow at the chain in his hand. The werewolf walks to the front door and holds the handle, ready. “Do it.” Sam looks at the chain and notices it is somewhat like a tube. Barely visible through slight cracks in the gold casing is a deep red liquid.

Sam gives Channing a reluctant nod and holds his hand out in front of him. The werewolf throws the chain and Sam catches it, hissing as it scolds his palm. He quickly pulls it over his head and grits his teeth as it sinks into his flesh. Channing opens the door and sunlight floods in, pouring over him and the vampire.

Sam feels the heat him and gasps as his cold skin warms. He looks down to see the necklace sitting in his skin, it isn’t burning anymore, in fact he feels quite numb. The sun begins to sting his eyes and he lifts his hand to shield them. “Move now, we need to follow them.”

He steps closer to the door and looks out to his garden. The sun shines off of the fresh dew clinging to the grass and the gravel of his driveway seems brighter in the sunlight. A smile plays at the vampire’s lips as he steps into the sunlight for the first time in years.   

“Now, Sam!” Channing growls, he pulls him out onto the porch and down the stairs. He shakes his head and moves his hand from his eyes and squinting to allow them time to adjust.

“Alright, I’m coming.” His voice is a whisper as he replies.

Jessica sighs deeply into her pillow and squeezes her eyes shut tighter as the morning sun brightens her room. Her heavy eyelids refuse to open as sleep again attempts to take over. A creak of a floorboard sounds downstairs but she ignores it, she yawns and stretches her legs until her toes touch the end of her bed.

Another creak, half way up the stairs now, and she opens one eye, peering towards her slightly open bedroom door. At first she thought she saw a shadow approaching her door but it disappears as soon as it appears so she convinces herself it is her mind being tired and playing tricks.

She begins to fall asleep again, a small breeze flowing in through her window and pushing her hair from her face. A sigh escapes her lips as her whole body relaxes.

Suddenly, a hand claps over her mouth and she is dragged backwards. She falls from the bed her hands are pulled behind her back and tied with some sort of material, it tightens and she winces as it cuts into her skin. “Scream and I’ll kill you.” A man’s voice hisses in her ear and she grunts as she tries to escape his grasp. He stands, pulling her with him and she is flung over his shoulder. It happens to quickly to see his face but she sees his greying hair. She curls her hands into fists and beats at his back as she is carried down the stairs; he drops her to her feet and holds his hand over her mouth. “Don’t make a noise.” He growls. He pushes her forwards, taking her from the house, down the ramp of the porch and thrusts her into the back of a large red van.

Her body hits the cold metal floor hard and she gasps a boot hits her ribs. “Hel...” Her cry is cut short by another kick. The doors slam shut and tires screech as the van drives away from her house.

“Get us out of here, now!” The man orders as steps over her to the front of the vehicle. As he does he steps on her hair, she cries out and grabs his ankle.

“This rain is crazy, I can hardly see!” A female voice exclaims, it comes from the driver’s seat of the van.

‘Sam, help me!’ Jessica sends a silent scream to the vampire.

“Where are they?” Sam whispers, shuffling forward to crouch next to Channing.

“How would I know? We just have to wait until they turn up and then we’ll follow them.”

Sam rolls his eyes and Channing bares his teeth. A twig breaks ahead of them and they look up to see a young girl with bright purple hair exiting the abandoned hall, she leans against the wall and lights a cigarette. She taps her foot to the music that plays in her earphones and after a moment she begins to sing out loud. “Brilliant.” Channing spits, sarcastically. Sam chuckles and runs a finger over the necklace embedded in his neck.

“How does this come out?” He tries to pull it free but hisses as the silver begins to burn him again and the sun burns his skin. He lets go immediately and the numbness returns.

“Like that,” Channing chuckles. “But do it when you’re inside, or at night, whichever you prefer.”

Sam raises his eyebrow at the cocky young wolf and opens his mouth to answer but his taste buds begin to tingle. He runs his tongue along his teeth and his fangs retract unexpectedly. He puts them away but the burning taste remains on his tongue.

“What’s wrong with you?” The werewolf pokes his shoulder.

“I...” Sam shakes his head, trying to make sense of it. Rain suddenly begins to fall down hard and Channing shuffles backwards, sheltering under a tree.

'Sam, help me!’ Jessica’s voice screams in his head and he falls back, causing the bushes around him to move. The young girl, luckily, has already retreated inside to avoid the rain. Sam closes his eyes and throws his head back as an image flashes across his mind. A red van, the back doors flung open the Jessica is bundled inside. As fear bubbles up inside of her the rain begins to pour.

“Shit!” His eyes open again and his head snaps to the werewolf under the tree. “They aren’t here, we’ve got the wrong day!”

“What are you talking about?” Channing shakes his head slightly to rid it of rain drops and looks at the vampire quizzically.

“They have Jessica!”

It is dark and Randy finds it incredibly difficult to breathe, for some reason it doesn’t bother him as much as it should. “Shtay shtill.” A muffled voice orders.

“Where am I?” His voice is equally muffled and a horrible taste clings to his tongue. Dirt?

“I shaid, Shtay shtill. You’ll be fine!” He makes out Carly’s voice next to him.

“Where am I, Carly?”

He tries to move but his limbs are constricted, his chest will not rise far enough to take a breath and he cannot find the oxygen anyway. “Go to shleep, Randy. We’re under the ground!”

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