Fang Banger.

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 The bright headlights of a small, blue car breaks up the darkness of the empty road ahead. As Jessica checks her rear view mirror she notices a doe sat in the middle of the road, watching her drive away. She brings her eyes to focus on the road in front of her again and turns the steering wheel right to drive along her driveway to her house, the gravel beneath the wheels crunching and moving. She comes to a stop, removes the keys from the ignition and steps out of the car.

The front door opens and an elderly man sat in a wheelchair waves to her, a wide grin on his face. “Hey.” She calls to him. She runs up the ramp to her porch and hugs her father, pushing her weight against him to move the chair back into the house.

She closes the door behind them and follows him into the kitchen. Jessica moves straight to the sink where she sees dirty dishes, and begins to fill it with hot water. “Let me help you.” Her father offers but he does not move as he begins to cough uncontrollably, one hand covering his mouth and the other pressed to his chest.

She turns the running tap off and walks over to her father, a worried expression on her face. “You didn’t have to wait up for me, Dad.” She kneels down and rests her hands on his knees.

“I’m fine.”

“No you’re not and you haven’t been for a while.” She rests her palm against his forehead and shakes her head at the heat she is met with.

“Jessie...” He starts to speak but she stops him.

 “Martin Routen. You are going to bed, now.”  She pushes him out of the kitchen, turns left and opens a door which leads to a bedroom; she leaves him alongside the bed and turns on his bedside light. “Do you want any help?” She asks.

“You know I don’t."

She sighs and kisses him goodnight and as she walks out and closes the door, he calls after. “Goodnight, Jess.”

Carly falls back on to the firm mattress and pulls Randy down on top of her. He rests his hands either side of her head, he brings their lips meet in a rough kiss and he pulls her leg up to his side, running his hand along her thigh. She runs her hand through his thick, black hair and rubs her body against his.

He breaks the kiss and moves to her jaw, lightly pressing his lips under her ear, to her chin and down her neck, she closes her eyes and smiles. He kisses her collarbone twice and once between her breasts, bringing her to moan softly.

Carly pushes him away and pulls her T-Shirt over her head, throwing it to the floor. Randy smirks and leans back to admire her. He notices something at the top of her left breast and frowns in confusion. He gently runs his fingers over the mark and once he realises what it is, he climbs off of the bed in disgust.

“You’re a fang banger?” He whispers, as if someone was listening.

She leans against the headboard of Randy’s bed and rolls her eyes before answering. “It was one time and she paid good money for it.” She shrugs as if stating a fact Randy should have already known.

He puts his hand to his forehead and leans against the doorframe of his bedroom. “She? And I pay you enough money, Candy! You work for me.”

“It’s Carly.” She reminds him. She gets off the bed and walks over to him, swaying her hips. “Does it bother you that I have been with a woman?” She tugs the bottom of his shirt but he pushes her away.

“In normal circumstances, no, but this chick wasn’t even alive.” He waves his hands in the air while he looks at the bite on her breast again. “Did it hurt?”

She shakes her head and bites her lip. “It was amazing.” She stands on her toes and kisses him. “It was the best I’ve ever had.”

Randy raises his eyebrows in disbelief. “The best?”

She winks and tries to pull him towards the bed again. “Show me a better time than she did.” He scowls, pulls away from her and picks up her T-Shirt, throwing it into her face.

“Get out.”

“Oh, come on, Randy!” She complains.

“No! They’re killers! It ain’t right!” He shouts at her and she steps back, shocked by his outburst. “You saw that Vamp on the Telly. He ripped that man’s heart right out of his chest and then gave some speech like he deserved it!”

“They aren’t all like that, Randy.” She insists.

He snorts and turns away from her. “They’re all killers.” Randy nods to the door, waiting for her to leave. She stamps her foot on the floor and curses under her breath before deliberately shoving Randy with her shoulder on her way out. 

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