One war and then another.

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Sky screams out in pain as Warren places her gently down on the sofa, blood spills from the wound on her stomach and she struggles to take enough air into her lungs. “I’ll be right back; I will get something to cover you up.” He runs from the room and Jessica coughs, causing her to cry out in pain again. She grips the edge of the sofa with one hand while the other one is pushed down on her stomach in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

“I brought a blanket and some clothes in case you wanted to put some on.” Warren ran back in, breathless with panic. She nods and the werewolf carefully dresses her bottom half. “How are we going to do this?” He asks, showing her a tank top which he had picked up for her.

“Over... Over my head.” She says through gritted teeth.

He gently lifts her, not finding it difficult as his werewolf strength lends him a hand and Sky lifts her arms to allow him to cover her breasts and rolling the bottom up so it doesn’t touch her wounds.

“How long will it take you to heal?” Warren tries and fails to stay calm for the Hybrid, his voice shaking and he continuously clenches and unclenches his large fists.

“I... I won’t, I don’t... heal. I’m only half... Half vampire.” She takes her hand away from her stomach and sees her blood. “I need... Blood.”

Sam bursts in and runs to her side, as he holds his daughters hand he looks to Warren. “Please tell me you have Jessica here?”

Warren shakes his head. “I thought she was with you... Sky doesn’t heal, she needs human blood.”

Sam looks to her and squeezes her hand. “No.” Sky shakes her head. “No, I need blood... It doesn’t have to be... Human blood.” Her breaths are coming shorter and shorter as she speaks. Sam stands and runs to the door.

“I will find a human.”

“Drink mine.” Warren offers.

“You don’t have to do that.” She coughs again and cries out in pain.

“I don’t want the blood of a werewolf in my daughter.” Sam spits.

“Dad, I’m half... Werewolf. Do you... Hate me as well?”

“No, but...”

“Bite me, Sky. Please?” Warren holds his wrist out to her and after a moment of hesitation Sky looks to her father.

“Make sure I don’t drink too much.” She takes hold of the werewolves’ wrist and waits for Sam to come closer.

“I don’t care if you drain him.” Sam gestures to Warren.

“All I’ve done is help you and now I want to help your daughter, now help me.” Warren growls. Sam looks from the boy and then to Sky and sighs, moving to stand by their sides. Sky opens her mouth and shows her fangs. Warren closes his hand into a fist again and grunts as the fangs sink into his wrist.

Sam watches, waiting for the wound behind the blood to heal and when nothing but dried blood remains he pulls the werewolves arm away from her. She licks her lips and blushes. “Thanks, Warren.”

“Why are you blushing?” He asks, rubbing at the holes on his wrists and the blood returns to his knuckles which had turned white.

“Didn’t you find it a little awkward?”

“We’ve seen each other naked, Sky. No I didn’t find that awkward.” She laughs and Sam sits back, watching the two. He didn’t like how close Sara was to the Werewolf, he hated the creatures and wanted to avoid them as much as possible.

‘Sam?’ Jessica’s voice sounds in his head and his eyes widen.  

‘Jessica?’ There is no reply. He stands and pulls the curtains behind him open. Rain hits the window and his palms tingle. He looks down to find a single rain drop resting in his hand, it slowly evaporates into his palm and he pushes his eyebrows together in confusion.

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