Noah Majors.

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Jessica rolls over and opens her weary eyes, she can see through her bedroom window that the sky is still dark but the ceiling light above her glows, filling her room with a warm light. Sam walks through her door and smiles, walking over to her and sits by her side. “You’re beautiful, Jessica.”

She smiles as he moves himself so that he is over the top of her, his hands either side of her head and his legs between hers, pushing them open slightly. He leans down and kisses her passionately, immediately claiming dominance. He nibbles lightly on her bottom lip and she moans, as her mouth opens he thrusts his tongue inside and runs it over hers. She reacts immediately and runs her hands through his hair, he moans as she grabs the back of his hair and raises her legs up to his sides.

He grabs her thigh and presses his fingers into her skin, not enough to hurt but enough to leave a white mark. She pulls at his shirt and rips it open; scattering buttons across the floor and runs her hands across his chest and his stomach. Their lips part and he moves down her jaw and to her neck, planting light kisses along the way. He unbuttons her shirt as he sucks lightly at her collar bone and she smiles at his patience. He runs his hands up her body, over her bra and pulls her down from the pillows, she lifts her head and kisses his neck and chest and he groans as she strains her neck to pull lightly at his ear with her teeth.

Her hand runs along the top of his trousers and slowly un-hooks the buckle of his belt. “Jessica?” She continues to kiss his body without responding and she pulls the zip of his trousers down. “Jessica, wake up.” She pulls his trousers down to his knees and runs her hands under his shirt and along his back. “Wake up, Jessica!”

Jessica opens her eyes and looks to Sam. “What were you dreaming about?” He raises an eyebrow questioningly at the blush that crosses her face.

“Me and you...” She coughs, shyly.

He laughs softly and kisses her on the mouth quickly. “That would be my blood, sorry.” She shakes her head and pulls him into another deeper kiss.

“I’m not complaining.” She smirks.

“So what happened in this dream?” Sam asks with a playful tone in his voice.

“You told me I was beautiful.”

“You are beautiful, Jessica.”

She bites her lip and giggles. “Then you climbed over me.” She pulls him over her and he places his hands either side of her head. “You kissed me...” He leans down to push his lips against hers but she speaks quickly. “And I broke your shirt.” She adds, pulling it open. He laughs and leans down, kissing her.

“Oh my God! No, don’t let me see that!” They turn their heads towards the door and see Sky running from the room, screaming. Sam laughs but Jessica’s face turns bright red. “Warren, help me! That was just so wrong!” Sky’s voice echoes through the house and Sam laughs again, resting his forehead against hers.  

“I’m going to take a shower.” Jessica blushes and slides under Sam’s arms and off the bed.

“I’ll be in soon.” Sam winks and sits back on the bed with his arms behind his head.

She opens the door and turns the shower on, steam fills the room as the water heats up and Jessica removes her clothes. She climbs in and sighs as the water hits her face. She closes her eyes and runs her fingers through her wet hair, whistling a random tune.

The water stops and she drops her hands to her sides and opens her eyes, confused. As her hands fall they hit a soft and smooth material like silk. She looks down at the beautiful red dress that covers her body. It stops just above her knee and has only one, thick shoulder strap.

A tall, muscular man in a white suit walks towards her and holds at a hand. She takes it and he pulls her forward one step. “Jessica, I need you to promise me something?” Noah looks down at her and she nods.

“Be careful.”

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