Snake Bite.

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The three vampires stand as Sam enters the room and remain silent as he closes the door behind him. He turns to face them again and sighs as his gaze meets Marcus’, he crosses his arms but doesn’t break the silence. From the corner of his eye he watches as blood falls from Paddy’s ear and trickles down his neck. He wipes it away quickly and lowers his head, hoping Sam didn’t notice.

 “Choose a coffin and get in it, Paddy.”

 “But...” The young vampire pouts childishly.

 “You have the bleeds.” Sam growls as he speaks but never looks away from Marcus. “Get some rest.” Paddy scoffs in annoyance but climbs into a coffin below a boarded and blacked out window. Sam looks to Damian, he nods and after a disapproving look at the large vampire next to him he chooses a coffin near to the door. Sam knows he has done this in order to block any escape Marcus may try to make.

 “Sam...” Marcus’ voice is pleading.

 “I know you didn’t do it.” Sam intervenes before Marcus can continue. “Although at first I was convinced you did.”

 The large vampire sighs in relief. Marcus, like most other vampires, refuses to give up the habit of breathing no matter how un-needed it is. “How do you know?” He asks.

 “The holes where the fangs went in are too small to be a vampires.” Sam explains. “But only by centimetres, the humans will pin this on you easily.”

 “But it wasn’t me!” Marcus exclaims.

 “Where were you last night?” Sam hisses. “You were with a human, weren’t you?”

 Marcus does not speak but bites his bottom lip. Guilt is visible in his eyes. “Does it matter? I didn’t kill the old guy!”

 Sam’s eyes flare with anger and he throws himself at Marcus, pushing him back and he holds him against the door by his throat. “His name was Martin Routen.” He spits. “And if you were out drinking some bitches’ blood then why wouldn’t you drink and drain an old man?” He shouts.

 “The humans will not care what we have to say and the King will have your head on a silver platter!” Sam continues, pressing his hand harder against the large vampire’s throat.

 "Alright I’m sorry!” Marcus demands, pulling at the elder vampires hand. Sam lets his hand drop and walks back a few steps, his hands clenched into fists.

 “Sorry won’t sort this mess out.” He says. “What was her name? The girl you were with?” He asks.

“I didn’t go there to get to know her, Sam.” Marcus spits, rolling his eyes. “She didn’t give her name and I wasn’t about to complain!” Sam pushes past him and opens the door, just before he leaves he turns back to Marcus and growls.

 “As soon as it turns dark, you will go out, find her and bring her here.” Sam orders. “Do you understand?”

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