I want that Human.

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Jessica is sat on her porch, looking out at the early morning sun as it hits the small garden. She watches dew fall from the delicate blades of grass and the flowers stretch in the slight breeze. A bird lands and pulls a worm from the ground, its small beady eyes search the garden for more but see none and its wings beat up and down, taking it back to its nest, hidden in the trees.

She pulls her phone from her pocket and scrolls through her contacts; she finds Carly’s number and clicks call. The phone on the other end of the rings and she smiles as her thoughts go elsewhere as she waits for an answer. She liked Sam; he is proof that vampires aren’t how they are being stereotyped.  

“Hello?” A tired voice greets Jessica. “Why are you calling me so early, Jess?”

“Hey Carly, are you going to be coming to work tonight?”

“Why should I?”

“Why shouldn’t you?” She waits for the answer she has heard from so many girls in the past.

“Your brother is a pig. I think I quit.” Carly shouts. Jessica moves the phone away from her ear and winces. When she brings the phone back Carly is breathing heavily but has finished shouting.

“You need the money, Carly. Let it go and come back.” She suggests.

“Oh trust me; I have better ways of finding money.” Carly informs her. “In fact, I’m making some money tonight.”

“Please tell me it’s legal?” Jess pleads, pressing the palm of her hand against her forehead. “Carly?” Jessica looks at the screen of her phone, Carly has disconnected the call. She rolls her eyes and bites her lip, worriedly.

There is a clearing in the woods, hidden by trees and bushes. The grass is worn away and the ground is dry. There are three people in the clearing, one of them is Lydia. She hides her nakedness with a large, white bed sheet. “I can’t keep buying new clothes.” She complains to the man stood with her.

He is tall, with greying hair and bright blue eyes. He is not wearing a shirt and as Lydia speaks he re- buckles his belt. Running down his back are three scars that resemble scratch marks.

The last person is a short girl; she is about 22 years old with shoulder length brown hair and she has tiger stripes tattooed down her right arm. Her brown eyes watch the two with an angry stare.

“So, where is she?” The short girl asks.

“Last time I saw her she was with the vampires.” Lydia avoids making eye contact as she answers.


“Launa, listen!” The man interrupts. “She is with Sam, and as much as we all hate to admit. He is trustworthy.”

Launa scowls at the man. “He is a vampire, Keenan. They aren’t trustworthy.” Keenan lowers his head, not daring to upset Launa. “You’re next. You will bring her away from the vampires and keep her away.”

Keenan looks up confused. “How can I do that?”

“I don’t know. Date her.” Launa waves her hand at Keenan.

“I’m forty five, she is twenty five.” Keenan explains. “I don’t think that will work.”

Launa scowls and Lydia and he step back from her. “I don’t care; just keep her away from the blood suckers! I want that Human safe until we need her. Do you understand?” Launa hisses.

Keenan nods. Lydia pulls the heart locket necklace over her head and hands it to him. He takes it and hangs it around his neck.

“Wait until she is going to work.” Launa orders him. “I don’t think we want her father involved just yet.” Lydia lowers her head, the news she has for Launa is bound to change that immediately.

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