Heavy Rain.

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“How long now?” The man hisses to the driver, they have been driving for about forty minutes and his patience is wearing thin. They gag Jessica and she kicks out, her foot catching his knee and he falls to the floor, howling in pain. The van swerves slightly as the driver looks over her shoulder quickly and then back to the road.

It screeches to a halt but the engine remains on, growling as it waits to be moved into action again. The back of the van opens and three more people enter, closing the doors behind them and the van continues once again.

One, a short girl, wears a tiger mask over her face, another, a tall man, wears a dog mask. The last, another girl, wears a horse mask. Jessica scrunches her eyebrows in confusion. “It isn’t fair,” An English accent sounds from behind the horse mask. “Yours are right and mine isn’t.” She removes the mask and smiles at the Human tied up on the floor.

“The rain was dying down but it’s just picked up again!” The driver exclaims.

“Hey Jessica.” Lydia smiles happily and pulls the gag away from her mouth. “How are you?”

“Lydia, what’s going on?” She shouts, the man holding his knee scowls and falls to the floor again as the van turns right.

“We need you to do us a little favour.” She nods and raises her eyebrows expectantly.

“Umm...” Jessica pauses and looks around herself. “You could have just asked?” The man behind the dog mask laughs, the woman behind the tiger mask remains silent. “What do you want?”

“You’ve met Hyam Sopp, right?” The man steps forward and crouches in front of her.

“Annoyingly attractive, I’m sure you’ll agree.” Lydia pouts.

“Shush now Lydia...” The man shakes his head and removes his mask. “I’m rather upset that you don’t remember me. Admittedly I looked a little different but you said your father would like me.”

“What are you talking about? And what do I have to do with Hyam?” Jessica pulls desperately at the material tying her hands behind her back.

“Oh Keenan, just tell her.” Lydia bounces excitedly.

“Well, Hyam is the vampire king of Mississippi, as you know.” Jessica nods. “This means he has control over every single vampire in the Mississippi area...” She raises an eyebrow, waiting for his point. “So if one of us were to take his place...” He nods, willing Jessica to understand but she shakes her head.

“Then we can kill or remove every single one of them from the area! Can you imagine that, a vampire free area?” Lydia shrieks.   

“I...” Jessica gasps. “I’m not going to kill him for you! I won’t, I won’t hurt anyone!” Jessica feels uneasy under the steady gaze of the lady behind the tiger mask. “He knows you will try! It won’t work, he’ll kill you!”

“Ha!” The masked lady barks, sarcastically. “He cannot kill us, we are to strong!”

“He is a vampire! An old vampire, he is a strong and powerful vampire!” She looks around the van and scoffs. “You’re all dead.”

“I’m coming Jessica, I’ll find you!” Sam! Sam had heard her!

“Jessica,” She turns her head and looks straight into Launa’s eyes, there is no pupil and no iris, it is a pool of pure green. “You will bring King Hyam of Mississippi out into the sun.”


The torrential rain stopped as suddenly as it had started and the drenched guards of King Hyam shivered as they stood in their set positions, scattered strategically around the gardens.

Guards exit the house and the number doubles as the set their guns at the ready. “The King says be on your guard.”

“What’s happening, if I may ask, Sir?”

“He didn’t say, he just said the weather can tell a lot about a person.”

“Where is she?” Channing leans forward, resting his hands on his knees, breathing hard. Sam closes his eyes and concentrates. “Sam?”

“This way!” Sam ran to his left, leaving the werewolf behind.

“Fuck this!” He mutters, his eyes turn a bright yellow and he jumps forward, landing as a wolf. He howls before following the scent of the vampire into the trees.

“This is it,” Launa speaks into a walkie talkie. “Is everyone in their positions?”

There is a pause and then the device crackles slightly. “Ready, set and waiting to go.”

Launa nods to the four shifters stood behind her and then to the hypnotized Jessica, waiting patiently at the doors of the van. She smiles an evil smile and looks through the trees to the large house behind them. “Alright,” She takes step forward. “Move in.”



Sorry, I don't usually write stuff in here... Except the story obviously... But I just wanted to apologise for the paragraphs, they seem to be getting shorter. It is hard to make tension and keep it in a long paragragh! >< Of course, me being me, I will go back and try to improve it as much as possible! Thanks to all those reading!! Some votes and commets would be much appreciated?? Comment and tell me what's good and bad?? Please??  

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