Encantado, Enchanted one.

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Jessica’s eyes open slowly and she stares at the ceiling above her, as her eyes come into focus she concentrates on the small paintings covering the domed ceiling. She tries to turn her head but a sharp pain in her shoulder cause her to wince and she raises her hand to massage the painful area.

Something soft covers her shoulder and as she runs her fingers over it she judges it to be a bandage.

“Stay here.” Sam’s voice echoes in her mind and as she tries to move again, she remembers what happened.

“Shit, he has turned.” Sam turns to Jessica and points to the ground. “Stay here.” He stands and moves with lighting speed towards the wolf. She shuffles forward to see more clearly what is happening but snaps her head to the right as she hears a noise coming from the trees. The snap of a twig, maybe?

She sees nothing at first glance so strains her eyes against the darkness. A loud and terrifying growl sounds around the corner of the pub, out of her eyesight and she muffles a scream with her hand. “What the fuck?” She whispers, shuffling forward again.

“You have no idea how long it has taken to get you alone.” Jessica turns at the sound of the voice and looks into the emerald green eyes of a red haired vampire. Panic takes over and the Human falls to her knees and crawls towards the sound of the fight by the front of the pub.

A cold hand wraps around her ankle and pulls her back, she is flipped onto her back and before she can scream a hand covers her mouth. There is another yelp of pain from the fight away from them and Jessica tries desperately to pull away from the vampire.

“It’s strange how much more enticing someone’s blood can be when it belongs to another vampire.” A tear runs down Jessica’s face as the vampire bares her fangs and lifts her into her arms. They run through trees and streets with amazing speed and the Human grunts in pain as she is dropped onto a hard, concrete floor.

She rolls as she lands and her body hits a tree. Jessica lies by the tree breathing heavily, bruises already show on her face and arms. She tries to lift herself but her arms shake and give way, letting her hit the floor again.

The vampire pulls her to her feet and pins her against the tree. “Dinner time.” She hisses as she leans in and bites the human’s shoulder.

“My apologies for your current state.” A deep voice interrupts her thoughts. An attractive man leans over her, watching her with grey eyes. He lifts her gently to a sitting position and she feels all the bruises that cover her body. She gasps in pain and grips her sides as a pain shoots through her ribcage and up to shoulder again.

“We tried to heal you but it didn’t work, which is unusual.” The stranger continues. Jessica watches him with confusion.

“Who are you?” She looks around herself and notices she is led on a large dining table. “Where am I?” She runs her hand along the smooth wood of the table and notices the intricate golden border following its edges.

“Of course, excuse my rudeness.” He nods apologetically. “I am Hyam, the vampire King of Mississippi and this is my home.”

“King?” Jessica repeats with a gasp with fear in her eyes, she remembers Sam saying he didn’t know what the King would do to her, keep her alive or kill her.   

“It’s alright; I’m not going to hurt you.” He reassures her.

“What?” The red haired vampire enters and throws her hands in the air. “You asked me to bring her to you; I assumed it was to kill her.”

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