Those of Us Alone

By AshleyEmerson

124K 4.7K 686

Midori was an orphan. Hardships make up her life and she's never had it easy. When she is given a home by Mas... More

Chapter 1: Enter Midori
Chapter 2: Years Past
Chapter 3: The Fateful Night
Chapter 4: Soo-won Betrays His Friends
Character Info
Chapter 6: Annoyances of a Third Wheel
Chapter 7: There's No Way for Me to Actually Describe My Pain
Chapter 8: The Priest
Chapter 9: Hurtful Words, Understanding, & Rooting for HakXYona
Chapter 10: God's Will
Chapter 11: Name the Chapter Author-chan!
Chapter 12: Yoon & I Get Dragged to Hakuryuu Village
Chapter 13: I'm as Clueless as You are in This Situation
Chapter 14: New Addition
Chapter 15: Well, Now You've Pissed Me Off
Chapter 16: Kija's Strength . . . And Weaknesses
Chapter 17: The Search for Seiryuu (The Other One)
Chapter 18: We've Arrived!
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20: Awkward Sibling. . . Stuff?
Chapter 21: How Angry is Yoon?
Chapter 22: Longest Chapter EVER!
Chapter 23: Kija vs Ungrateful Villager-Who Speaks More in this Chapter?!
Chapter 24: Digging Ourselves Out of a Hole
Chapter 25: Our 'Weird' Group
Chapter 26: Names and Ports and Trouble-Oh My!
Chapter 27: Stuck Between a Rock (Jae-ha) and A Hard Place
Don't Hate Me!
Chapter 28: Memories and Fights
Chapter 29: Nighttime Comforting?
Chapter 30: Psychological Issues
Chapter 31: You're Oddly Excited to Be Walking into Human Trafficking
Chapter 32: Intense Torture
Chapter 33: Bro-Bonding and Some Flashbacks
Chapter 34: A Dream-Like Plane
Chapter 35: Not Exactly the Type of Meeting I was Anticipating
Chapter 36: This Isn't the End
Chapter 37: The End of the Awa Arc
Chapter 38: Trauma Has Some Consequences
Chapter 39: Telling Some People is the First Step Towards Recovery
Chapter 40: A Run-In with the King
Chapter 41: Traveling Plans are Decided
Chapter 42: Every Journey has 'Pit-Stops' I Guess
Chapter 43: First Time in Chi'Shin
Chapter 44: We're Staying a Bit Longer Here Than I Thought
Chapter 45: A - Uh - Productive Night?
Chapter 46: A Familiar Place and A Familiar Face
Chapter 47: An Insane Wake-up
Chapter 48: Gaining Knowledge but also Confusion
Chapter 49: Putting My Plan Into Action
Chapter 50: Being Blushing Messes Together
Chapter 51: Down A Group Member
Chapter 52: Festivities Ended
Chapter 53: Travel Conversation has Surprising Results
Chapter 54: Memory or Nightmare? Maybe, Both?
Chapter 55: In Which Joo-doh Tries to Poison Us
Chapter 56: Everyone Needs a Little More of Tae-yon
Chapter 57: War-Council Interlude
Chapter 58: Capital Saika
Chapter 59: When Drama Ensues . . .
Chapter 60: Things Get More Heated
Chapter 61: Jae-ha's Insight on Midori
Chapter 62: Some Crying, Some Letters, and Some Leaving
Chapter 63: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Chapter 64: Guilt
Chapter 65: Story Telling through a Letter
Chapter 66: To the Battlefield We Go
Chapter 67: In Which Tae-jun Surprises Us All
Chapter 68: Naming Chapters is Hard
Chapter 69: And You Thought Awa was Bad Before
Chapter 70: And You Guessed It! More Letters!
Chapter 71: Why are Idiots Running the Country?
Chapter 72: The Bad Idea
Chapter 73: The "Lovely" Town of Awa
Chapter 74: Public Speeches = Good Distraction?
Chapter 75: Transition~
Chapter 76: Oh No, a Filler While I Figure Out the Resolution to this Arc! XD
Chapter 77: Recollection of a Promise
Chapter 78: Planning Session

Chapter 5: Into the Woods

3.6K 131 7
By AshleyEmerson

Midori's POV

We were quickly into the forest after leaving the castle. Hak and I were not taking any chances. Especially with Yona barely moving.

Ever since I left her with Min-soo, Yona began to close herself off. I felt some guilt to that because I left to get Hak, but I was glad I could get both of them safe.

We were traveling in a line, it was easier for quick hiding access. It was Hak, Yona, then me. I was quick to catch Yona when she almost fell, "Hak," I said causing him to turn towards us, "we should stop soon."

Hak nodded and we stopped. I sat Yona down by Hak and she fell asleep almost instantly, "We're going home to Fuuga."

I looked him in the eye, "Figured. Nowhere else we can really be secure except there." I looked to the sky, "It'd be nice to see everyone again."

"Ah," Hak said softly.


We had started moving again soon after and we soon arrived in Fuuga. We hurried our pace after Hak got bit by some snake while rescuing Yona because I didn't have what we needed to treat the wound.

At the gate were two of my friends, Heun-de and Tae-woo. It must have been a slow day because the two were leaning on each other to sleep.


Hak had taken it upon himself to knock the two over, "Who put these two on guard duty?"

The two made wave-like motions with their hands saying something about the Wind Tribe, "Yo, Tae-woo, Heun-de."

"Midori!" Both said hugging me tightly.

A crowd of Wind tribe people surrounded us welcoming us back. While we were trying to calm the crowd, it seemed as though Yona got too overwhelmed and collapsed.

I was quick to catch her and notify my brother, "Hak!"

He turned to me and seen Yona's state before barking out the orders, "Prepare a room!"

Now, Hak isn't really known for being this caring to any other female besides me, so it was no wonder to people stood stunned, "Hak-sama's woman? Maybe? Since when did he fancy this girl?"

I sweat dropped as Hak picked up Yona, "Hak. . . What are we going to tell the people?"

"Figure something out," I stared in disbelief as he walked away from me, effectively leaving me to answer questions.

"Midori-chan? Ne, ne, who is that girl?" A rather young girl asked.

"She's a friend of mine," I said moving towards the direction Hak was walking in so he could hopefully get the same story that I was giving. "She's a court lady in training, so I promised to teach her some things about being one. Because, you know, I am one myself."

"Ohh," the ladies said in disappointment.

I sighed and glanced in Hak's direction, "Hak will probably die alone at this point if he doesn't start seriously consider anyone for a love interest."

Heun-de and Tae-woo started to snicker at my comment, "That's great, Midori!"

I ran to catch up with them and they escorted me towards Yona's room, "You think that's funny? You should ask her what she thinks about Hak when she wakes up, now that–that is funny."

"Yeah, but," Tae-woo said looking at me, "it has to be someone she would trust."

They turned to me, but I held my arms up in an 'X' motion, "It's so much funnier when she does it for real, like genuine. So, for the full affect, you've got to get someone else."

Heun-de snapped his fingers drawing mine and Tae-woo's attention, "What about Tae-yon?!"

Tae-woo and I shared a look, "Ah! Of course!"


"I'll start the plan," I said to my two partners in crime. They nodded as I walked over to my cutest, in my opinion, brother, "Hey, Tae-yon."

"Midori-nee! You're back!" The little bundle of cuteness came and hugged me.

I laughed before picking him up and holding him on my right side, "What do you say we make our visitor some porridge, ne?"

"Can I help, Midori-nee?"

I could never say no to Tae-yon, "Why, that's your specialty, isn't it? I wouldn't go to anyone else!"

He threw his hands in the air cutely, "Yay!"


"Here we are, Tae-yon. This is Rina's room," Hak and I decided that Rina was a good name for Yona to use here.

"Hai!" He walked in with his little tray (he had refused my offer to carry it to Yona's room) and was literally oozing cuteness.

"I'll be outside if you need anything," I said ruffling his hair. He nodded before going all the way in, and I slid the door until it was almost shut. I also waved over my two friends and we peered through the crack I left in the doorway.

"Hello!" Tae-yon said walking over to 'Rina', "I made you some porridge!" We saw her eat, but we couldn't see her reaction because she had her head down.

There was a moment of silence before Tae-yon whimpered, "Does it taste bad?"

The three of us at the door froze up before Yona quickly answered, "No! No. It's warm."

"You're crying because it's warm?" Tae-yon questioned cutely. "You're weird."

I sweat dropped, "Wah~ Tae-yon's so blunt."

"Shhh!" Heun-de said motioning me back to the door, "He's gonna ask her."

We all peered into the door frame again, I was sitting in the floor, Heun-de's head was hovering over mine, and Tae-woo leaned over the both of us, "Are you and Midori-nee and Hak-onii friends?"

She now held her head high enough for us to see her smiling face, "Midori for sure! Demo, Hak," we sat there in anticipation, we wanted to know, "probably?"

The two goof balls slammed open the door; I just kinda hit the ground hoping, for their sake as well as mine, that they wouldn't step on me, "Poor Hak-sama! Not only are they not even close to being lovers, but they're PROBABLY friends?!"

I sat laughing at the doorway with Heun-de and Tae-woo when Hak rushed in and covered Yona's mouth muttering something to her. The three of us stopped laughing as I held Tae-yon Heun-de covered his ears and Tae-woo covered his eyes, "Hak!"

"Hak-sama! What are you doing in front of Tae-yon!"

Hak came over and tried to kick us, "We're not doing anything Tae-yon can't see!"

I let Tae-yon go and glanced at him, "Then what do you call that?!"

He looked totally done with me; luckily Tae-yon was our savior, "Ne, Rina-san, what's my brother like at the castle?"

All of us turned towards Yona for her answer, "Hak? Well. . . He's rude, mean, and totally not lovable. Oh and–"

"I think that's quite enough," Hak interjected. He tried to stop it, but the damage was done.

Heun-de and Tae-woo were laughing, but the former spoke, "Wow, Rina-san! You're the best!"

I began to laugh, unable to hold back the feeling. Soon Tae-yon came over to me and joined in on the laugh fest. In this little moment of bliss, Yona too found herself laughing, and I'm really glad she did.


I did it! It's written! I'm so happy!

Thank you all for reading,

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