House of Anubis: The Grail of...

By cherrypepsii_

14.8K 224 34

For three years, the first and original Sibuna have been solving mysteries and finding ancient Egyptian artfi... More

House of Family/House of Death
House of Attics/House of Sneaks
House of Conversations/House of Feelings
House of Trouble/House of Breakups
House of Emergency/House of Business
Author's Note
House of Visits/House of Questions
House of Sibuna/House of Surprises
House of Auditions/House of Tutors
House of Deals/House of Shadows
Author's Note #2
House of Trades/House of Planners
House of Dates/House of Grails
House of Parks/House of Theives
House of Answers/House of Time
House of Labor, Pt. 1/House of Cowardice
House of Labor, Pt. 2/House of Ages
House of Labor, Pt. 3/House of Babies
House of Members/House of Returns
House of Weather/House of Lock-Ins
House of Kisses/House of Distractions
House of Secrets/House of Trophies
House of Covers/House of Plays
House of Discovery/House of Rivals
House of Playoffs/House of Warnings
House of Cheaters/House of Calls
House of Accidents/House of Proof
House of Sign-Up/House of Cameras
House of Gran/House of Coughs
House of Preparation/House of Realization
House of Meetings/House of Baking
House of Tests/House of Allergies
House of Easiness/House of Cats
House of Deletion/House Ingredients
House of Wrong/House of Brothers
House of Punches/House of Maps
Author's Note #3
House of Anger/House of Babysitters
House of Initiation/House of Bluff
House of Forgiveness/House of Snorers
House of Letters/House of Overhear
House of Sabotage/House of Corners
House of Election/House of Saviors
House of Generations, Pt. 1/House of Lures
House of Generations, Pt. 2/House of Deceit
House of Generations, Pt. 3/House of Masks
House of Generations, Pt. 4/House of Shoves
House of Generations, Pt. 5/House of Endings

House of Yearbooks/House of Faints

370 10 0
By cherrypepsii_

"Ugh, my eyes hurt." Rhys sighed. "I know." Sarah agreed. Rhys started to lean back in his chair and accidentally hit the bookcase, and sent books tumbling down.

Sarah sighed. When she picked up one of the books, it turned out to be a yearbook.

"Hey, look at this." Rhys hopped up.

"It's our parents." Sarah smiled. "Look at Dad. So handsome. Just like me." Rhys pointed to the picture of Alfie.

Sarah flipped to the "Most Likely" page. "Looks like Uncle Alfie won "Most Likely to be a Clown". "

"Aunt Mara won "Most Likely to Become a Scientist". "

Sarah flipped to the back.

"Hey, read this:

Those were some good times Eddie! Let's hope the Scooby gang doesn't come back for a reunion! - Jerome."

"The Scooby gang? Is this Uncle Eddie's yearbook?" Sarah wondered. "It does kind of make sense why he would leave it here. Aunt Patricia always said that Eddie was a rebel." Rhys suggested.

"But the Scooby gang? I think the 'Bad Boy' title is kind of an overstatement." Sarah replied.

"Look at what my mom wrote:

The mystery days were the best days of my life! Sibuna. - Nina.

The mystery days? She even drew a hand symbol on the side! What are they talking about? It looks like Eddie, Nina, and Jerome were apart of this group." Sarah tried to find something else.

"Oh my god...Sarah..." Rhys was looking at his watch. "What is it?" Sarah asked.

"We missed first period!" Sarah widened her eyes. "Well we can't just leave the library a mess!"

"Yes we can! I'm doing it right now! Let's go!" Rhys responded.

Sarah sighed, grabbed the yearbook, and went with him.


Since is was second period, Jax decided to skip and go back to the house for a while.

But when he was walking through the clearing, he saw the red haired woman with pale skin and hazel eyes from afar.

"What do you want from me!?" He yelled.

When the woman walked away, Jax ran after her. The woman stopped walking, and Jax caught up with her.

"What do you want?" Jax repeated.

The woman finally spoke. "My name is Rebecca Graff. I need your help, Jax." Rebecca stated softly.

"Woah, if you need help, I'm not exactly your typical 'help' person. Now Robert-"

"No! I need you for this task, Jax. Are you willing?" She asked. "I learned never to do things for strangers. If you want my help, your gonna have to give me something in return." Jax bribed.

"What is it?" Rebecca asked. "Money."

"Okay, fine." She agreed. "Great. Now what do you need me to find?"

"Okay, you can't give it to me now, but I need information." She said.

"On what?"

"Anything on Sarah Rutter. Only her."

"Okay, I can do that. But why only her?" Jax felt nosy. "Tomorrow meet me at this exact same spot." Rebecca ignored the question.

Jax nodded, and by the blink of an eye Rebecca was gone.


It was midnight now, and Charles had led his Secret Society down in the cellar.

They chanted.

Riley was, unfortunately, still down there, hearing and seeing everything.

Charles took his hood off, and slathered on a drip of blood from Nina.

He pulled out a silver bottle, and got out the Mask of Anubis.

He put it on, and it started crying tears of gold. He got exactly four, and placed them in the silver bottle.

Riley was in a paralyzed state when she saw him take off the Mask, and put on a black mask that looked like a dog's face.

"For Atticus."

"For Penelope."

"For Caleb."

"For Charlotte."

"For Cooper."

Charles lit each of their pictures on fire, and put the ashes into a bowl.

He blew the candles out, and when the Secret Society left, so did Riley.


It was morning time now, and Arielle was sobbing into her cereal.

"Arielle, it's gonna be okay..." Leslie rubbed her back.

"Okay? I've just broken up with the love of my life because he has feelings for my sister and you're telling me it's gonna be okay?"

"Well, I didn't say it was going to be perfect." Leslie slumped in her chair.

August, Duncan, and MacKenzie all walked in together.

Arielle gasped, and sobbed even more.

"Arielle, what's wrong?" MacKenzie asked. "Back. Off."

Arielle grabbed an apple and left.

"What's with the gloomy faces, lovelies?" Trudy wondered.

"Our first day wasn't that good. We have detention for skipping first period." Sarah said, speaking for Rhys too.

"So the goody-two shoes does have a wild side." Jax smirked. Sarah threw a bagel at him.

It hit him in the face. "Rude." Jax got his stuff and went to school.

"I'm going to football tryouts. Wanna come MacKenzie?" Duncan asked. "Sure." MacKenzie and Duncan left.

"Well, we have to go." Leslie and Robert left, but they ran into Riley on the way out. "Hey, where were you last night? Did you get in late?" Leslie asked.

Riley's eye twitched.

"For Atticus."

Her legs felt sleepy.

"For Penelope."

Her nose was itching like crazy.

"For Caleb."

Her head felt like it was on fire.

"For Charlotte."

Her body ached.

"For Cooper."

And just like that Riley fell on the ground, passed out.

It's getting interesting by the minute, huh!

Is Rebecca Graff is who she claims to be?

What happened to Riley?

Will Rhys and Sarah find out more about 'Sibuna'?

Did Jax make the right decision?


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