And I Hope That You'll Rememb...

By SheppardOfFire

207K 5.9K 4.1K

Alex lives a crappy life. And she know that. But in the blink of an eye, everything changes. She suddenly fin... More

Author's Note
No Rest for the Wicked
Lazarus Rising
Are You There God? It's Me
In the Beginning
Yellow Fever
It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
Wishful Thinking
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Heaven and Hell
Welcome to the Jungle
Family Remains
After School Special
Sex and Violence
On the Head of a Pin
The Thing That Should Not Be
It's a Terrible Life
Social Diseases
The Monster at the End of the Book
Jump the Shark
The Rapture
When the Levee Breaks
Sympathy For the Devil
Good God, Y'all
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Disposable Heroes
Free to Be You and Me
The End
Christmas in December
Fallen Idols
I Believe the Children are our Future
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
Changing Channels
The Real Ghostbusters
Abandon All Hope . . .
Sam Interrupted
Swap Meat
The Song Remains the Same
My Bloody Valentine
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Dark Side of the Moon
99 Problems
Point of No Return
Hammer of the Gods
Anthem of the Angels
Ashes of Eden
Dance With the Devil
Swan Song
Wish I May
Heat of the Moment
Dear Agony
Into the Nothing


1.8K 66 7
By SheppardOfFire

Alex woke up to the sun streaming in through her windows. Dean was gone. Alex looked over at the clock, and jumped out of bed. It was almost 9:00. On a school day. She quickly got dressed, throwing on a pair of jeans and what appeared to be a clean shirt, and ran down the stairs. She ended up in the kitchen to see Lisa sitting at the kitchen table. "Why didn't you wake me?" she asked.

Lisa smiled. "Good morning to you too. Dean thought it would be a good idea to let you sleep in after last night."

"Well, I'll thank him later," Alex grumbled. "Where is he?"

"He took Ben to school and then headed off to work." Lisa responded. "Why don't you get ready, then I can ask Mrs. Benson to drive you to school."

Alex nodded and quickly wolfed down a breakfast and grabbed her backpack. She saw Lisa reach for the telephone. "Actually," she cut in, "I think I'll walk to school. It isn't that far, and I could do with the exercise." Lisa nodded, and Alex smiled before running back upstairs and into Dean and Lisa's bedroom. She dug around in their drawers before letting out a large grin. She pulled out a familiar set of keys.

Alex ran back downstairs. "I'm off." She called, grabbing a jacket off the couch. It was either Dean's or her's; it didn't matter. Lisa waved her off, and Alex headed around back to the garage. She pulled the cover off of the Impala, beaming. She popped open the trunk and quickly filled it with blankets and a spare tire to cover the false bottom containing the weapons. Then she gently closed it and got into the driver's seat. She backed Dean's car out of the driveway and drove off down the street.


A few minutes later, she pulled the Impala into one of the front parking spots at the school. Putting the keys in her pocket, she locked the car, grabbed her backpack, and headed off towards the school building. She arrived just a few minutes before third period got out, so she wandered the halls. She was stopped once or twice, but pulled out a pre-prepared hall pass, and was let on her way. She rounded the corner just as students were being let out. Rough hands grabbed her backpack and flung her into a locker. Alex fought free and spun around to see Calvin. "Hey, girl," he sneered. "You remember me?"

"How can I forget a face like that?" Alex spat back. Calvin shoved her back against the locker. Alex looked past him to see a crowd gathering. "Leave me alone."

"Leave me alone." Calvin mimicked a pleading voice. "I don't think so."

"I'm not afraid to fight you again," Alex warned. "You remember what happened last time?"

For a brief second, fear flashed through the bully's eyes, but it quickly dispersed. "Beginner's luck." He tightened his grip. "I've learned your tricks."

"Shove off." Alex brushed his hand off her shoulder and stalked into the crowd, ignoring the glares she received.


The end of the day came quickly. Alex avoided Calvin, which wasn't that hard to do. She walked out the front door, fishing around in her pocket for the keys. A fairly large crowd had gathered, mostly consisting of girls. They whispered excitedly, casting glances at something Alex couldn't see. She pushed her way through the crowd and stopped cold. A drop-dead gorgeous man was leaning against the hood of a just-as-gorgeous car. Short dirty-blonde hair stuck up, and green eyes scanned the crowd, his perfect face emotionless. A teenage girl waved at him, and the man let out a small smile, his white teeth flashing. He was wearing faded jeans and a white shirt covered by a nice-looking plaid button down. Alex sighed.

When the man spotted Alex, he let out a small frown. He patted the hood next to him, and Alex reluctantly walked over and sat down next to him. She heard gasps from the crowd as they saw Alex with him. The man held out his hand. Alex rolled her eyes and handed him the keys.

"Thank you." Dean crossed his arms. "So what, you think it's okay to take my car to school?" Only the slightest tension in his voice revealed his anger.

"It's not like you were using it," Alex protested. "I just needed it for the day." She laid back on the hood, staring up at the sky. "Remember when we would pull the car into a field at night? We would lay here and stare up at the stars." She let out a small smile. "I would always have sit on the roof because there was only room here for you and Sam."

"Yeah." Dean looked over at the young angel. "Yeah, I remember."

Alex laughed. "You would always yell at me 'cause you thought I would dent the roof."

Dean chuckled. "It never stopped you, though." They both went quiet, lost in their memories. "But that doesn't change the fact that you took my car," he finally said.

Alex rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, okay? But I had to get to school somehow." She ran her hand over the hood of the car. "You can't keep her hidden away forever."

Dean let out a sigh. "I can try." He looked over at Alex. "And you can stay away from Baby. Did you even empty the trunk?"

"I covered them up," Alex promised, referring to the weapons in the back. "I was in a hurry."

"What if she had gotten towed?" Dean asked. "Or someone broke into her?"

"Then we would have dealt with it." Alex lowered her voice as a teacher walked by. She laid back on the hood, content to be there with Dean. "I think you have a couple fans," Alex eventually pointed out, glancing at the crowd of girls who were still watching.

Dean looked over at them, then flashed them a smile. They turned around, giggling. Alex rolled her eyes and shoved Dean off the hood of the car. "Stop it."

Dean smiled at her. "Just having some fun." He looked over at Alex. "So? You made any friends? Any cute boys?" He raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Dean. I have a mate. And not one who likes sharing." Alex let out a huff of amusement. "If I did meet a cute guy, he'd have to run far away."

Dean chuckled. "Yeah. I don't think Cas would understand if he caught you hooking up with some twink."

Alex was about to reply, but stopped as a all-too-familiar face came into view. "We should go," she whispered.

"Is that that bully?" Dean asked.

"Yeah." Alex watched Calvin and a couple of his goons approach her.

"You gonna deal with him?"

"Not today."

Dean snorted. "You could easily beat those half-trained boys. They're all brawn, no brain."

"Like you?" Alex joked half-heartedly. "Uh-oh."

"Yo, Alex." Calvin folded his arms.

"Calvin. What a surprise," Alex replied dryly. "You just can't let it go, can you?"

"Come here."

"You're going to try and fight me in front of him?" Alex motioned to Dean with her thumb.

"Why not?" Calvin studied the car. "Nice wheels," he sneered. "It'd be a shame if something happened to them."

At that, Dean stood up and crossed his arms, his biceps bulging. "You gonna hurt my car?" he challenged, taking a step forward, eyes blazing.

Calvin backed up. "No," he managed to squeak out. "No sir."

Dean narrowed his eyes. "Go away." Calvin nodded meekly and turned tail and ran.

"Wow." Alex stood up as well. She ignored the enamored looks Dean was getting from the girls. "I'm glad you care so much about your car. I mean, really. So touching."

Dean grinned. "Baby can't hold her own against a couple of thugs. You can." He pulled Alex into a stronghold.

Alex struggled out. "Gross man. When's the last time you showered?" She shoved him with her shoulder.

Dean just laughed, and shoved her back. Alex shoved him again, putting all her weight into him. Dean sidestepped, and Alex rolled to the ground. Dean laughed again. Alex retaliated by kicking his legs out from under him. Dean fell on top of her.

"Oomph." Alex let out a gasp. "You've lost you're touch, old man. And replaced it with weight."

"Have not," Dean protested.

"Get off of me." Alex tried to shove him off. "This probably looks weird."

Dean obliged and stood up, offering Alex his hand. She took it. "I would have won," was all he said.

"In your dreams." Alex got into the passenger seat. Dean got in and started the car, pulling it out into the street. "I really missed this car." Alex ran her hand over the upholstery.

"You can't drive her." Dean read her mind.

"Aw come on, man." Alex slumped down in the seat. "Hey, where's Ben?"

"Lisa picked him up. Then dropped me off here."

"How long you've been waiting?"

Dean shrugged. "Dunno. Five, maybe ten minutes." He lapsed into silence, that lasted the rest of the drive.


"Oh, you found her." Lisa was in the kitchen as Alex and Dean entered.

"Yeah. Safe and sound." Dean walked over to the fridge.

Lisa looked slightly confused. "He talking about the car," Alex explained dryly.

Lisa frowned slightly. "Well I'm glad you're okay as well. Any trouble with that bully again?"

Alex shrugged. "Nothing I couldn't handle."

Lisa sighed. "You can't keep standing up to him on your own. You should tell an adult."

"He'll leave me alone soon enough. Once he figures out he can't beat me." Not wanting to answer anymore questions, she left the room.


She managed to stay up all night, never giving Lucifer a chance to get into her head. Thanks to her partial 'angel-ness', as Dean so kindly put it, it wasn't very hard. The next morning, she still felt awake. School was uneventful. Alex managed to avoid Calvin, along with several other younger teens, who seemed to see her as a hero. That made Alex chuckle. Her. A hero. Right.


The end of the day came, and Alex was sitting in eight hour health, bored as hell. Suddenly, the door opened, and a man stepped through. Alex's head snapped up, shocked. Large golden wings arched high above his head, glowing in the sunlight. "Gabriel?" she mouthed.

"Can I help you?" Mrs. Whats-her-name asked the man crossly.

"Ah, yes." Gabriel shot her a smile, eyes scanning the classroom. Several girls blushed and shied away, whispering. However, his gaze passed over them, and came to rest on Alex. She saw him freeze, shocked. It faded before Alex could be sure. He pointed a finger. "I'll take that one." Awkward silence. Everyone's eyes rested on Alex.

She felt herself blush, and hit her head on the desk in embarrassment. However, she couldn't help but smile.

"Excuse me?" The teacher looked confused. "I'm sorry, but you can't just take one of my students without a note."

Gabriel flicked his hand, a slip of paper appearing in his hand. He handed it to her. "Z." He seductively beckoned her forward with one finger. Alex stood up, grabbing her backpack. She slowly approached the archangel, watching for any warning sign.

"Why do you know all the cute guys?" one of the girls whispered to her. Alex shrugged.

"Is that one your boyfriend?" another asked. Alex blushed slightly and ignored her.

Gabriel, however, heard everything. "Boyfriend, eh? Haven't you told them?" He smiled at her, watching Alex's reaction. She rolled her eyes. The archangel laughed and held open the door. "Shall we?"

Alex slipped out of the door, and Gabriel wrapped an arm around her waist, enjoying the others' reaction. Alex waited for the door to close before she turned to him. "What the hell?" she asked. "You want to explain yourself?" She lowered her voice, "You're suppose to be hiding far away from here. What if Dean sees you?"

Gabriel chuckled. "Relax," he told her. "You're the one who said you wanted to talk."

"Yeah, like a month ago. When it was safe."

"It's safe enough," the archangel promised. "Now, when did you become an angel? And since when do angels need to go to high school?" He grabbed her left wing, rubbing a black feather between his thumb and forefinger. Alex wrenched it away, gasping at the pain. Gabriel frowned.

"Broken," Alex explained. When Gabriel made a questioning noise, she added, "Lucifer. I'll explain later."

"Lucifer?" Gabriel began.

Alex cut him off. "Here. I'll call Dean, tell him not to pick me up. Then we could go to the mall or something."

"Like, on a date?" Gabriel joked.

"In your dreams." she shot back lightly. She dialed Dean's number. "Yeah, hey Dean. Alex. I'm not going to need a ride home today. I'm going to the mall after school." Pause. "Uh-huh. Okay. Bye." She hung up. "Let's go."

Then, they were at the mall. Alex sighed angrily. "You can't--"

"I'll do what I want," Gabriel said humorously. "Now, would you mind explaining the angel part?" His eyes glimmered. "Who was it?"

"Castiel," Alex admitted.

Gabriel clapped, making Alex jump. "I knew it!" he exclaimed loudly, drawing the attention of the nearby shoppers. He lowered his voice. "I knew it. The way Cas fawned over you, making sure you were always okay. That should have given it away. But where is your angel now?" he asked. "Why are you here?" He motioned to the mall.

"Because you brought me here?" Alex joked. Surprisingly, she felt very comfortable around the archangel.

"Haha. Funny. You know what I mean." Gabriel stopped, turning to face her. "No angel in his right mind would let a female angel wander on her own."

Alex felt herself blush, but refused to acknowledge it. "You're a bit out of the loop, aren't you? Heaven's at war, divided. And Cas is smack dab in the middle of it. It's him vs Raphael. Cas wants free will, Raphael wants Mike and Luci."

Gabriel stopped, rather shocked. "Really? You're on a nickname basis with them now?"

"That's all you pulled away from that?" Alex gave him a hearty shove. The archangel barely budged, but politely recoiled to make her happy.

"So heaven's at war," he repeated. "How long?"

"Almost a month."

"And Cas is really standing up to Raphael? Even I won't do that. Raphy can be a real dick."

"Is he older than you?" Alex looked up.

"Yeah. Younger than Luci, older than me."

"So you're the youngest."

"No. Of course not." Gabriel looked down the female angel. "Don't you know your archangels?"

"Apparently not."

"There are seven. Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, me, Remiel, Cassiel, and Ariel. Ariel's dead. Killed by a Leviathan. Nasty things." Alex nodded her head in agreement. "Apparently chomping on normal angels isn't a big deal, but eating an archangel gets you cast into Purgatory. Also, the younger the archangel, the less powerful. But you probably knew that. That meant Ariel was only slightly more powerful than the strongest seraphim."

"Right. It goes archangel, seraphim, normal angel."

"Archangel, seraphim, cherubim, normal angel," Gabriel corrected. "Then cupids. But we don't associate with them."

"What are cherubim?"

"They're more of the specialized angels. Scribes, medics, etc. Uh, Metatron, Ephriam, Virgil, angels like that. Their power ranges, but generally is slightly less than the seraphim."

Alex nodded her head in understanding. "Got it."

"Your turn." Gabriel stopped walking. "Explain. Why is your wing broken?"

"I told you." Alex adverted her eyes. "Lucifer did it."

"At the motel?"

Alex shook her head. "No. I didn't have wings then."

"Then you saw him afterwards? When you put him back into the cage?"

"I don't talk about it." Alex crossed her arms.

"Why not?" Gabriel stepped closer to him.

"Because. I just don't."

"Did he kidnap you? Did he hurt you?"

Alex sighed. "It's a long story."

"I have time." He folded his wings forward slightly in worry. "Z?"

Alex looked up into his hazel eyes, then looked back down at her shoes. "He didn't kidnap me. He . . . bought me," she mumbled, feeling herself blush. She felt Gabriel stiffen slightly, but quietly let her continue. "Crowley kidnapped me. He knew he could sell me, and wanted to get on good terms with Lucifer."

She felt the archangel step forward, reaching out to take her hands. He rubbed his thumbs over the back of her hands. "Sorry about that, Z. Most of my brothers of bags of dicks. Luci especially."

Alex gave a noncommittal grunt.

"Now, tell me this." Gabriel stepped even closer, his face only inches from hers. "If Cas has been gone for a whole month, how are you still controlling yourself around angels? Especially around me, hmm?" He raised an eyebrow, pulling his mouth up into a soft smile.

"It's easier than you think," Alex retorted.

"You know what I mean. Female angels can't go very long without their mate. Maybe you noticed? So who's keeping you --"

"--stable?" Alex finished. "None of your business."

"If I didn't know any better, I would almost say that sounds like Lucifer," Gabriel told her. "But he's in the cage." He studied Alex, who refused to meet his eyes. "Oh." His eyes lit up. "Really? Is that how it is?" Alex said nothing, still studied her shoes. "You never struck me as that type."

"Shut up." Alex spun around and walked away.

"Does Cas know?" Gabriel's voice stopped her. She felt him walk up behind her. She didn't answer. "Mm. Okay. Different question. Why did you do it? Why did you save my life?"

Alex turned to face the archangel. "Why wouldn't I? I've been trying to save people for two years. It doesn't always work. But once, it did."

"You risked your life to save mine," Gabriel repeated. "People don't jump in front of a train to save someone they've only met twice."

"Why wouldn't they?" Alex tilted her head to one side. "You were willing enough to save us."

"Yeah, well, to me, Luci's my brother. To you, he's the devil."

Alex shrugged. "The worst he could do was kill me," she muttered.

Gabriel studied her, shaking his head.


Alex slumped in her chair, staring sullenly at the large glass door marked, 'PRINCIPAL.' It was the next day, barely past lunch, and she was already in trouble. She rubbed her forehead and traced a small cut on her forehead with her pointer finger before wiping the blood disgustedly on her jeans. The door opened, and Calvin stepped out. His left eye was almost swollen shut, and he was cradling his right wrist tenderly. He glared at her.

Alex smirked, good wing flicking in contempt. Two women exited the room as well; one was Mrs. Cormack, Calvin's mother. The other was Principal McKinney. Alex watched Mrs. Cormack led her son away.

"Ms. Winchester." Principal McKinney beckoned Alex forward. Alex stood and stepped into the principal's office. "Where's your guardian?"

"Dunno." Alex shrugged. "No promises they'll show."

"Sit down."

Alex did as she was asked. Mrs. McKinney sat down at her desk, and Alex stared at the glass door, having no intention of talking. It hadn't been her fault; Calvin had taken the first swing. She had barely even provoked him. But of course she was in trouble. The young angel's lips curled upwards into a smile. She was pretty sure she had broken his wrist. He had totally deserved everything.

There was a knock on the door, and it opened. Alex slid further down into her chair. Jeans, jacket, and a face that was twisted into confusion and disappointment. Alex looked away.

"Is there a problem?" Dean stepped into the room, eyes focused on Alex.

"Principal McKinney." The woman stood up and extended her hand. "You're Alex's guardian?"

Dean nodded. "Dean Winchester," he introduced himself. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Please. Have a seat."

Dean sat down beside Alex, who sullenly glared at the floor.

"Mr. Winchester, Alex got into another fight." Principal McKinney folded her hands and rested them on the desk. "Now, this is the third incident in just two weeks."

"Same guy?"


Dean looked over at Alex. "Who started it?"

"He did," Alex mumbled.

"See?" Dean turned back to the principal. "If I remember correctly, this Calvin guy started it each time. So it's just self-defense."

"Mr. Winchester, Calvin walked out of here with a black eye and a broken wrist. We have eyewitnesses that say Alex not only provoked the fight, but continued to hit him even after Calvin was down."

Alex studied her hands. Okay, that part was true.

"Your daughter is very troubled, Mr. Winchester. We think it would be a good idea for her to start seeing the school counselor."

"What?" Alex raised her head, indignation flickering in her blue-grey eyes. "I don't need a counselor!"

Principal McKinney let out a small sigh. "I can see it in your eyes, Ms. Winchester. In both of yours. You both have seen things and done things, and I'm not going to ask what you've done or what has been done to you, but those things have no place in this school. Do you understand?"

Alex lowered her gaze. "Yes, ma'am."

"Very well. I contacted Mr. Swanson, and he's agreed to meet with you. He'll be here any minute. You can stay in the waiting room until then." Principal McKinney stood up. "May I speak to you alone, Mr. Winchester?"

Alex took that as her cue to leave. She slumped down on a wooden bench, head leaned back, staring at the ceiling. She could hear the low hum of Dean's voice, but couldn't make out any words.

The far door opened, and a man stepped through. Sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, tan skin. "Alex Winchester?"

"More or less." Alex stood up, holding out her hand. "Mr. Swanson, I presume."

"Please, call me Mitch." Mr. Swanson motioned for Alex to follow. She did so sullenly, trailing after him into his office. "Now, I've heard that you've been having a bit of trouble lately."

"I'm fine." Alex slumped down in a super soft chair, watching as the counselor did the same.

"Now, Alex, you can tell me anything you want. Nothing leaves this room, no matter how crazy it may sound, do you understand?"

Alex lowered her gaze at how close to the truth his words were. "I . . . no thanks. Everything's fine."

"Something's biting at you," Mitch studied her closely. "What happened?"

Alex shook her head, completely bewildered why she was doing this. "A lot has happened." She laughed dryly in disbelief. "Too much to talk about."

"I have all the time in the world." Swanson leaned forward. "You've been hurt."

Alex snorted. "Yeah. A lot, actually."

"By your guardian?"

"What? No!" Alex spluttered, shocked that he would even consider that. She closed her eyes, head falling back against the chair. "There was this one guy. He — he's gone now. Far away. He . . . hurt me. I was scared and alone." Alex shook her head. "But he's gone now. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry."

"He's still in my dreams, but he can't hurt me now." Alex shook her head. "Seriously. I'm fine."

"Does he still hurt you in your dreams?"

Alex hesitated. "I — it's complicated . . . he hasn't hurt me. I mean, I don't know. It feels like he should be hurting me, but he doesn't." She sighed, head dropping her her hands. "I don't even know anymore."


Alex pushed her way out of the school building and stomped towards the car. Dean followed, close on her heels. "So . . . how was the counselor?" he asked, voice bordering on cheekiness. "Have a good heart-to-heart?"

"Shut it, Winchester."

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