Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy

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By pknelson1

Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy 

"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

~A. A. Milne


I inhaled the scent of the holidays. The turkey was in the oven and my mom was rolling out pie dough. I stood at the stove and stirred the thick gravy for mashed potatoes. Leaning over I lifted the lid to the crock pot. Inside was Wes's favorite dish that his mom used to make. I had called Ronan earlier in the week and asked about it. Smiling I replaced the lid and turned down the heat for the gravy.

"Adelle can you get started on the pumpkin pie?" My mom spread some more flour over the counter.

"Sure," I put the other dish I made for Wes into the oven. It was an Irish apple cake. Ronan said that was Wes's favorite dessert.

I started to roll out the pie crust. Once that was done I made the pumpkin filling. I finished with the pie and put it in the oven. I sat down on one of the bar stools and watched my mom hurry around the kitchen. Although they weren't my biological parents, I didn't care. They raised me and I loved them. They were there for every school event, every birthday, every Christmas. They kissed my bumps and bruises, fed me, tucked me in at night, and held me through nightmares. They were my parents, I loved them even though I wasn't their daughter by blood.

"Adelle dinner is in an hour, how about you go get ready?" My mom's voice broke through my thoughts. Jumping off the stool I went around the counter and kissed her cheek then bounded up the stairs to my room.

I picked out a simple cream shirt, a printed scarf and some maroon skinny jeans. I ran a brush through my hair and smeared on some lipstick. I sprayed on my favorite perfume and clasped a simple gold necklace around my neck. I smiled into the mirror as I ran my finger across the small heart shaped pendent. Wes had our initials engraved across the front: W+A. Happy with my appearance I turned the light off and walked back downstairs.

I checked the beef stew in the crock-pot and took the apple cake out of the oven along with the pumpkin pie. Standing on my tip toes I took down the plates and began to set the table. It was going to be a small family thing. Just my parents, Wes, and I. Usually we had Abby's family over but they had gone to visit some family. As I set down the last fork I felt Wes pull up out front. He had been so busy making preparations for our trip to Ireland that I hadn't seen him in a day. Already, I had trouble sleeping and my hands shook with small tremors. We needed to say the Vows; it was getting too dangerous for the both of us to be apart.

I dropped the fork and ran to the front door, ignoring my parents amused laughter. Throwing it open I flew down the front steps and right into Wes's arms. I sighed as the world settled.

"Hello, my love," Wes dropped a kiss to my forehead.

"Hi," I answered a bit breathlessly, leaning my head against his strong chest.

"There's been a change of plans," he murmured into my hair.

"What is it?"

"As soon as we getting to Ireland we're saying the Vows; I will not be without you anymore. And once they're said, I'll be able to feel your emotions so much stronger. I can protect you better," as he spoke, Wes dropped kisses all across my face. Getting close to my lips but never quite landing on them.

"Good," I turned my head so our lips finally met. I melted into his arms, gripping his shoulders as my knees became weak. Wes swept his arms around my back, pressing me into him and deepening the kiss. All too soon he released my lips and I made a small noise of disappointment.

"Later," he promised. I nodded silently, smiling as I saw my lipstick smeared across his lips. Giggling slightly I brought my fingers up and wiped it from his lips. Wes watched me with amusement.

"There we go," I said as I got the last of it.

"Thanks," Wes laughed.

"Anytime," I smiled then grabbed his hand and we walked inside.

"Happy Thanksgiving Weston!" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for inviting me over."

"Oh nonsense, you're family now Wes," mom pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Mrs. Montgomery," Wes returned the hug then stepped back to wrap his arm around my waist.

"Please, call me Gwen," she turned back to the kitchen and bent down to retrieve another dish from the oven.

I took his hand again and lead him into the living room where my dad was watching a football game.

"Hey, Weston," he said without taking his eyes off the TV. I laughed and sat down on the far end of the couch. Wes followed me and threw an arm around my shoulders. I leaned against his side and relaxed as I watched he and my dad share commentary on the game. I laughed as a bad play was called and my dad jumped from his seat and yelled at the TV. Even though I was content and happy I couldn't help but wonder if things were going to be the same when we got back. If we were coming back. I couldn't ask Wes's brother to leave the only place he's known and come live in Ashland. And I knew how much Wes missed his home. I saw the sad look he got in his eyes and the way his shoulders would droop when he thought no one was looking. He needed to go home, but I also couldn't just move to Ireland. My parents were in Ashland. Abby, school, my life, was all in Ashland. I've never lived anywhere else. But if it meant Wes's happiness, I would do anything or go anywhere.

"Dinner is ready!" My mom called from the kitchen. We all migrated to the dinner table and sat. I smiled as I saw the happiness in Wes's eyes. Though he didn't normally celebrate Thanksgiving I could tell he was more than happy to be here.

"Before we start eating I was would just like to say thank you," my dad began. "I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and I love you guys so much. Thank you Helen for making this beautiful meal. Thank you Adelle for being such a blessing to your mother and I, and thank you Weston for coming into our lives and loving our daughter."

"Thank you, Sir, for accepting me into your lives and thank you Adelle for loving me," Wes laughed softly.

"Thank you Wes, for being my rock when things became unreal, I love you," I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Oh goodness, I'm going to cry," My mom laughed. "I love you all so much and thank you for making my life complete," she kissed my dad's cheek.

In that moment I couldn't be happier. I had all that I wanted. I was surrounded by the people I loved. The smile couldn't be wiped off my lips. It was permanent and as I gazed around at the most important people in my life I couldn't imagine needing anything else.

"Okay everyone, let's eat!" We all dug in and soon plates were being passed around and the sound of silverware and laughter floated all around us. I smiled excitedly as the beef stew got passed to Wes. He ladled a large helping onto his plate and when he had brought his spoon to his mouth and tasted it his eyes widened and he looked over at me.

"Adelle, is this-"

"Your mom's recipe? Yes it is." My smile was so big my cheeks hurt.

"But how?"

"I had Ronan email me the recipe," I stated proudly.

"You are absolutely amazing. Thank you!" Wes set down his spoon and pulled into his arms. "I love you so much." He pressed a lingering kiss to my lips before releasing me.

"I'm glad you like it." We both ate with only one hand, our others clasped beneath the table.

Soon we were all sitting on the couch, too full to move. A stack of playing cards were sitting in the middle and I was shuffling them methodically. I had just passed out all the cards when I remembered the pies and apple cake.

"Mom, do you want to help me get the pies?" I asked as I stood up and stretched.

"Sure," she patted my dad's hand then stood and together we went to the kitchen to get dessert.

"Thank you for everything mom," I said as I hugged her close.

"Your welcome sweetie," she returned the hug then we broke apart and got the pies. I grabbed some plates and napkins. We entered back into the living room and set the sweets on the coffee table. We began cutting into the pies and I cut off a piece of the cake and set it on Wes's plate.

"Adelle, don't tell me you made this too?" Wes smiled and took a bite of his favorite dessert.

"I made it," I beamed proudly.

"Gosh, I don't deserve you," he kissed the top of my head then proceeded to finished his slice.

Later, after the kitchen was all cleaned up and the TV was back on, Wes and I went out back to sit in the cool fall air. I sat on the bench swing tucked against Wes's side, a blanket wrapped around us. The clouds had just rolled in and rain softly began to wet the Earth. I breathed in deeply then released it and watched as my breath clouded the space in front of Wes and I. I wasn't cold, not when I was in Wes's arms. Leaning my head on his shoulder I thought about tomorrow. There was a large chance that something could go wrong. One misstep and I was captured. One bullet and one of us was dead. Luck was against us and I couldn't help but feel as though something big was going to happen.

"What are you thinking about?" Wes asked as he pulled me closer.

"Tomorrow," I responded simply.

"Don't worry, everything is going to go according to plan. There isn't room for a mess up," he reassured me. I nodded but still felt a nagging feeling of doubt.

"I love you Wes," I sat up slightly feeling an urgency to let him know.

"And I love you, A ghra," Wes leaned in and closed the space between us.

"Is this 'later'?" I whispered as his lips brushed mine.

"Yes," He breathed before his lips were on mine.

This kiss felt different somehow. As our lips clung to each other and his hands found their way into my hair and I was gasping as the taste of him overwhelmed me, the kiss felt like some sort of goodbye. I couldn't stand that feeling, it made me panic and soon I was on his lap, running my hands down his back as he kissed me like I was a drug and he was desperate to get a fix. I sighed as he gripped my waist, caressing my skin in fevered desire. He felt the goodbye in this kiss. And he was as terrified as me. Tears found their way onto my cheeks and I tasted their salty bite as they slipped between our lips and onto our intertwined tongues. I didn't know why I was crying, I didn't know if any of these tears were Wes's, though I couldn't have known anyway; we were so close.

"Please don't leave me," I whispered breathlessly as Wes kissed my jaw, his hands caressing my cheeks.

"Never," his breath fanned across my skin and goosebumps rose in its wake. I shivered as the blanket fell from my shoulders and my bare arms were exposed to the icy fall air. My head fell back as Wes dragged his lips across the skin of my neck. My hands were twisted in his black curls. Slowly, so slowly, he returned to my lips, frantic to kiss away the disastrous feeling of goodbye that would just. Not. Disappear.

The frantic passion of our kiss slowed to where we reveled in each other. I was wrapped up in Wes. His arms holding me in loving adoration. Like an unspoken decision, we pulled back. Noses still touching but lips not. I reached up and swept his unruly hair off his forehead, his hands shaking as they wiped cold tears off my cheeks.

"Adelle, I don't know what that was, or why it felt like goodbye, but please know that I will never, ever leave you. You are mine forever and I will fight until my dying breath to keep you by my side. I love you so much and you are a gift I never thought I would receive." Tears pooled in his eyes and one blink had them cascading down his beautiful face.

"I love you too, I love you Wes," I repeated over and over as my shoulders shook as hopeless sobs created tears to fall from my own eyes. Wes wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I dropped my head into his neck and inhaled the scent of him as we both cried for something that we had no name for.

Slowly, my hiccuping sobs diminished and I was left exhausted. My head rested on Wes's shoulder and his hands held me so close I couldn't tell where he began and I ended. My eyelids began to droop but I fought it, too scared of what the morning might bring. I just wanted this moment with Wes. This one beautiful moment where for at least a second things were okay.

"Are you cold?" Wes asked, his voice rough from crying.

''No," I whispered. "Are you?"

"No," he replied. We both didn't want to go inside. Because if we did, this would be over. Whatever 'this' was.

We sat looking at each other, bodies so close, breaths in sync and just stared. As if to memorize noses, eyes, jaws, eyelashes, freckles. Every miniscule detail. There was something in this moment that was so fragile that neither one of us spoke. It was beautiful in its own sad way.

"Adelle?" My mom called, breaking our moment of peace.

"Yes?" I yelled back, straining my voice.

"Come inside, it's freezing out there."

"Okay," I climbed off Wes with a disappointed slouch in my shoulders.

"Don't worry, Cumann, we have all night to hold each other." Wes brought his arm up to wrap around my shoulder.

Together we made our way into the house. I folded the blanket and put it on the back of the couch. I was just about to go upstairs when someone rang the doorbell.

"Who would be ringing our doorbell on thanksgiving?" Dad walked across the living room to the door. For some weird reason I didn't want him to open it. My stomach clenched anxiously and I stepped forward to stop him.

"Dad don't-" he opened the door. Wes moved to stand in front of me, I peered over his shoulder. "No!" I yelled as the open door revealed James.

"Hello Mr. Montgomery, we're here to take your daughter, move aside." Jaymes sounded casual but there was an underlying threat in his voice.

"No," My dad remained planted in front of the door.

"Okay," and if I blinked I would have missed it; the light bounced off the steel as James drew the simple black handgun. In one deafening noise James had shot my dad point blank. Someone screamed. It might have been me. Wes was dragging me back as I fought him, clawing at his hands, trying to get to my dad who laid on the floor as dark, dark blood stained the front of his shirt. I locked eyes with him.

"Dad!" I screamed.

"I love you," he whispered, blood dripping off the corner of his lips.

"No! Please, dad!" I had lost all will to fight, sagging against Wes as he searched frantically for a way out. Another gunshot had a startled cry falling from my lips and a shower of glass fell like rain onto the carpet. I barely felt it as tiny shards kissed the skin of my cheeks. I whipped my head to see black clad figures rushing through the broken window and in from the front door. Wes was tugging my hand, pulling me towards the stair.

"Mom!" I searched through the mess of glass and blood and people. I screamed as I saw her blonde head fall below the surface of other people. She was getting lost as the hoard of Cumacht invaded my house.

"Adelle we need to go!" Wes was screaming into my ear.

"No, my mom!" I tried tugging my arm from his hand, his grip like a vise.

"I found her sir," A body came into my focus and I shrunk back against Wes. We were tripping up the stairs, falling over the steps, frantically trying to escape. Wes was pushing me behind him and they were getting closer and closer, trapping us in and laughing. A sob found its way out of my throat as a hand closed around my ankle. Wes was screaming my name as they grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged him back down the stairs, letting him fall at the bottom, pressing their filthy boots into his back and pinning him to the floor; there were too many to fight off.

Two hands were around my ankles and with a rough tug my hands gave out and the back of my head hit the lip of the stair above me. Stabbing pain blossomed in my head as hands began tugging at my wrists and arms, pulling me to fall down the stairs, my momentum carrying me to the bottom where I fell on my wrist with a crack. I cried out against the pain and tried to reach Wes were they had him pinned against the floor, blood seeping from a gash on his hairline.

"Adelle!" I struggled against the man who had me by the hair, holding me against him.

"Mom!" She was on her knees, a knife to her throat. A small bead of blood rolled down.

"Please, stop!" I was screaming incoherently, struggling against the man, flailing in a desperate attempt to reach her.

Wes grunted as they hit him across the cheek with the butt of the gun. He had stopped struggling and was down on his knees next to my mom, a gun digging into his temple. He was staring right at me, those eyes that I loved so much, baring straight into my soul. I stilled, looking from Wes to my mom.

"Adelle! How good to see you, I was just in the area and decided to stop by," James stood in front of me. I remained quiet. "Too bad your dad didn't just step aside, this would have ended a lot differently." He gestured to my father lying lifeless in the entryway, a pool of his own blood beneath him going cold.

James turned to address Wes, "Hello Weston, how did you like American Thanksgiving?"

"Go to hell," Wes spat.

"Already have a spot reserved," James threw his head back and laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. "Now let's get to the real reason we visited: I need Adelle to come with me and I need you to stay here."

"No," Wes lunged at him, barely making it two feet before three of the Cumacht tackled him. I flinched as I heard his head bounce off the tile. I saw no way out of this, hope blew out like a candle in the wind and my knees sank. I looked from my mom to Wes, the two most important people in my life now and knew I would do anything to keep them safe.

"I'll go with you," I spoke out, my gaze on the floor. I didn't want to see the anguished look on Wes's face or see the tears run down my mom's cheeks.

"No!" But I did hear his broken cry and her hopeless scream.

"Oh good," James smiled twistedly and clasped a set of cold, heavy handcuffs around my wrists. I flinched and pressed my lips together to keep in a cry as it pressed against my injured wrist.

I heard a shuffling and dared a glance up to see Wes whipping his fist up and driving it into the nose of the man holding him. His head snapped back and blood painted his face. Wes drove his shoulder into the next Cumacht and pushed him into the book shelf by the front door. Books and heavy items fell down on him and he laid stunned beneath it all. I struggled against the man holding me and watched Wes take down another one. I gasped as I was hoisted onto the man's shoulder and he began walking towards the gaping hole where the window used to be.

"Wes!" I cried and struggled against the strong arm that was trapping me. I hit my joined fists against his back but he kept walking. I kicked my legs but he merely pinned them down.

"Adelle!" Wes ran to me, reaching out his hands, catching at air as the Cumacht took him down and one fist to the temple was enough to immobilize him. Wes's eyes rolled back and fluttered beneath his eyelids. His hands twitching helplessly.

I was sobbing openly now, big, fat tears rolling down each cheek and wetting the black material under my face. I lifted my eyes from Wes to my mom. There was panic in her eyes as she jerked away from the Cumcacht soldier and reached out a hand to me. It was as if time had stopped completely. She was reaching out to me, the soldier behind her putting away the knife and pulling out a gun. Wes lying prone on the floor. My screams, not sounding like me. Then my mom pulling to her feet, taking four racing steps to me, hands reaching out, fingertips brushing against mine, I could see the hysteria in her eyes. So close, she was so unbelievably close. Then the shot that would forever change my life, rang out like a death sentence. My mom, my best friend, jerked as the bullet entered her back. Her lips forming the words 'I love you' one last time and then she fell, knees hitting first, then her hands, then she collapsed, hands still reaching, eyes wide open and unseeing. My eyes took in the bullet hole and my ears took in her ragged, barely there, breathing. I screamed and kicked and punched and clawed and bit. But nothing would free me from this nightmare that I wished so so so desperately to be a horrible dream.

Black dots were appearing in my vision, bouncing off one another, all crowding to cloak my world in darkness. I cried horrible, pitiful sounds but it literally felt as if my heart was shattering. One scream led to another, which lead to a quieter one, who made way for a softer one, then in one last breath the quiet overcame me and




Complete and

Utter darkness.


Pain like never before ripped through my chest and squeezed around my heart. It felt like I was dying. My vision was dimming and I couldn't pull out of it. I watched Adelle fade, her image becoming hazy and distorted. Someone was screaming, maybe it was Adelle. Maybe it was me. It was an awful sound, so desperate and full of so much pain. I felt it deep into the recess of my being.

Another star-inducing flare of pain erupted in my head and another round of black dots were swarming like flies in front of my eyes. The sound of a gunshot registered faintly and the screams grew more hysteric and something in the back of my mind was urging me to get up and stay awake but it was so hard. Abruptly the screams faded and the silence set in and for some reason I panicked but not enough to pull me out of the murky darkness. Instead I sank lower until its gentle waves lapped over me and I drifted away.


Sophomore year Abby convinced me to go to an upperclassman party with her, James actually got us in. That party was the first and only time I drank alcohol. The next morning I had woken up feeling like I was ran over by a truck and I didn't even remember the night before. That was exactly how I felt now.

My mind was foggy as I rubbed sleep from my eyes. Every movement sent stabs of pain into my head. My wrist throbbed for some forgotten reason and my heart stuttered between beats. It was not a pleasant feeling. Blinking my eyes slowly, the room came into focus and I was floored by what I saw. It was ornate. Thick, golden tapestries clung to the walls and a roaring fire purged the darkness into small corners of the room. My hands fisted in soothing, silk sheets. I looked down at myself to see that I was clothed in a thin, short nightgown. I took in the large four poster bed and heavy, almost suffocating crimson covers that pooled around my waist. Panic clawed its way up my throat, pressing against my lungs and squeezing the oxygen away.

Everything came rushing back, threatening to drown me. My dad, dead in the entry way. My mom, a bullet through her back, more than likely dead. And Wes, oh Wes, knocked out cold. My breaths forced out of my lips, harshly gracing the room with its sound. I gripped my hair with my hands, pulling painfully at the locks and trying to suppress the urge to scream or vomit or cry or pass out. I curled into a ball, tucking my forehead to my knees and breathed. Or at least tried to. A few moments later the attack had subsided somewhat and I felt slightly calmer. I lifted my head and look more closely at the room. Peering at the walls I saw that they were actually made of cut, gray stone. Like the walls of some medieval castle.

With unrestrained curiosity I made my way off the massive bed. My feet didn't even touch the ground. I hopped down and stumbled as the throbbing in my head roared. I winced and closed my eyes as I waited for it to pass. Once it had subsided some I made my way over to the wall. I lifted my hand to run it across the stone but stopped when I saw the purple and green bruise that wrapped around the skin of my swollen and inflamed wrist. I clenched my eyes shut as I remembered the Cumacht throwing me down the stairs. Seeing Wes pinned to the floor. Reopening my eyes I saw a set of windowed doors to my left. Making my way over to them I tugged on the handle and was surprised to see that they were unlocked. The opening of them was accompanied by my gasp. They lead out to a wide balcony. Stepping out into the freezing air of the night I was horrified to see thick metal bars enclosing the balcony. They wrapped around the stone handrail and over the top, meeting the stone wall above the door. It was a cage.

I took my journey further and peered between two. Another, more startled gasp fell from my mouth as I took in the countryside laid out before me. Dark night cloak green rolling hill after green rolling hill that stretched for miles. Large trees periodically broke up the infinity of it but there was nothing for miles and more importantly: this wasn't Oregon. A frigid wind whipped through the bars and stole the breath from my lungs. With a final, terrified glance I returned to the room and locked the door behind me, though it was pointless, no one was getting in or out.

I explored the room, finding a huge bathroom with a porcelain claw-foot tub and an extensive walk-in closet with rows and rows of dresses and clothes, all in my size. I was more than creeped out by the time I emerged. The situation was finally hitting me and I went to go sit in the middle of the bed, my knees tucked close to my body and my injured wrist cradled to my chest. There wasn't even a clock in here. I had no idea what time it was, what day it was, or where I was. Though I had my suspicions on the last one.

I don't know how long I sat there. The night wore on and the fire began to dim. My eyes kept slipping shut but as soon as I would nod off I would snap them open and continue my staring. Soon my efforts to stay awake were in vain, my eyes would not stay open, no matter how hard I tried. Exhaustion swept through my system and I tilted back against the feathered pillows, my eyes finally closing. With one last thought of Wes and a slow beat of my heart I was engulfed by sleep.

The sound of a door slamming and drapes being flung open had me flying upright in bed, clasping the thick covers to my chest as my heart pounded. For a moment I forgot where I was but soon reality connected and a sinking feeling filled my chest. My eyes were drawn to the bathroom where the sound of water could be heard. Light flooded into the room and it was even more beautiful in the light of day.

With my heart in my throat I crept out of bed and silently looked for a weapon. Spotting a heavy candelabra sitting in the middle of the large table that stood in the center of the room I snatched the candles out of it and picked it up. I tested its weight in my hand; it would do. With my makeshift weapon in my hand I slowly walked towards the bathroom. The roaring of water got louder, now accompanied by the low sound of someone humming. Reaching out my injured arm I nudged the door open, swallowing the whimper of pain that wanted to slip loose. I was not ready for the sight that greeted me.

A girl, shorter than me, was bent over the tub pouring in sweet smelling soaps and oils. Her thick, platinum blonde hair was pulled into a knot at the base of her head and her small hands moved to turn off the water. The silence that followed was deafening. She had yet to notice me and I had the upper hand.

"Who are you?" I spoke up, hoping to sound tough.

The girl whirled around with her hand pressed to her chest, baby blue eyes as wide as saucers. "Oh miss, you scared me!" She exclaimed, her thick Irish accent making the words hard to decipher.

"Answer my question," I stood there with the candelabra brandished in front of me.

"I'm Mea O'Donnal, your maid," She dropped into a hesitant curtsy.

"My maid?" I lowered my 'weapon' slightly.

"Yes, Mr. Knightly assigned me to you," She stood from the curtsy but her eyes stayed down.

I stopped breathing. The candelabra slipped from my grasp and crashed to the floor. The sound didn't even register. Mr. Knightly. Cain Knightly. The Cumacht took me to Ireland. I'm in the castle. All our efforts to keep me safe were in vain. I ended up getting taken anyway. I was horrified, my heart thundered as I began to shake in fear.
"No," my whisper was barely audible. I looked up to the girl standing in front of me, hands clasped neatly behind her back.

"Miss, are you okay?" She stepped forward as I swayed on my feet.

"No," I shook my head, feeling my knees turn to jello as I slowly sunk to the tiled floor. This couldn't be happening. My parents weren't dead, and Wes was just in the other room. I was dreaming. It was just a dream. But even as I said it I knew I was just lying to myself. I looked up to Mae, my gaze pleading.
"Sh, Miss it's okay," She pulled me into a hug and I rested my head on her shoulder as the tears came again. Her warm hands smoothed over my hair and I sobbed harder as my heart broke all over again for Wes and my parents. She was humming a soft tune and after a while my sobs quieted and the tears stopped. I sat up and looked down, embarrassed.

"Sorry," I mumbled, running my hands over my cheeks and brushing away the stray tears.

"It's okay, I know what it's like to loose your family," She helped me off the floor and over to the bath. "You go ahead and get in, I'll come back soon to wash your hair." Mae offered one more encouraging smile then retreated from the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

I slipped off the nightdress and into the hot water of the bath. I sighed as I felt my muscles unwind. Closing my eyes I tilted my head back and began thinking of how to get myself and Kyle out of here. He was somewhere in this castle. We needed to get back to Wes. The thought of his name had pain ringing through my chest. I gasped slightly and my eyes pricked with tears. This wasn't good. We hadn't said the Vows and he was so far away. If a day apart had me feeling weak, I was scared to imagine what a week or more would do to us.

I was spared from my fearful thoughts as Mae entered back in. Silently she knelt behind my head and began to wash my hair. I wanted to protest, to say I could wash my own hair but I couldn't find any energy to do anything. Once she finished she laid a towel on the counter and put a set of clothes next to it. She left the bathroom and I slipped out of the bath. After drying myself off I pulled on the simple black jeans and white t-shirt. I just sat down to brush out my wet hair when Mae came back in. With a small smile she took the brush from me and ran it through my hair. I closed my eyes at the soothing sensation.

"I'm in Ireland aren't I?" I asked, breaking the still silence.

"Yes, in Sword Castle," She put down the brush and pulled out a blowdryer.

I nodded but otherwise kept quiet. The hum of the blowdryer took over the room and I formulated more questions to ask when she was done. Finally the dryer was shut off and Mae set to work on my make-up.

"I can do it," I stopped her from putting concealer on my cheeks. "So how did I get here?" I swept the brush over my face.

"You were brought in yesterday afternoon," She busied herself with putting away the hair supplies.

"Why am I here?" Eyeshadow was next.

"I'm not sure of that, Miss." She took a seat next to me. "But they told me as soon as you were ready that I should take you to the hospital wing to make sure you're healthy. Mr. Knightly didn't like that you were harmed on the way here," She indicated to my wrist. At the mention of Cain a new bout of anxiety and fear bolted through me.

"Lead the way," I muttered, swallowing nervously and hold my injured wrist against me. The bruises were darker and it wasn't healing yet. Being away from Wes was affecting everything.

Mae lead me through multiple corridors and up a couple flights of stairs until we came face to face with a set of large double doors. A cold sweat broke out on my body and I shook in nervous anticipation. I had half a mind to run back to the room but I knew that hiding would get me nowhere. Maybe this way I would be able to get answers. Mae opened the door for me and gestured that I walk in. I took a step into a large room with rows of beds, a few were occupied and then a set of doors at the back that lead somewhere else. I stood rooted to the spot as heads turned my way.

"Come, Miss," Mae indicated that I follow her. We walked past multiple beds until we were to the set of doors that sat at the back of the room. We walked through them and I found that we were in a small circular room with a reception desk sitting in the middle. Decorating the walls were doors that I'm sure lead to other rooms. Mae walked over to one and opened it for me.

"Here we go, the doctor should be here soon, I'll be back in an hour to take you to Mr. Knightly," She started to walk out of the room. I panicked.

"Wait!" I called.

"Yes?" She looked concerned.

"Please don't leave," I whispered, fear making my voice hoarse. She looked torn, any other time I would probably feel bad for making her stay but fear makes you do crazy things.

She looked from my face to the door, like she wanted to stay but couldn't. "I'm sorry, I must leave. I'll be back soon."

I nodded reluctantly, fighting back tears and fear began to creep in. She offered one more apologetic smile then slipped from the room.

I sat on the raised medical table in silence. I counted my breaths to keep the ever increasing fear down. My heart was pounding but it wasn't a steady pounding, every other beat it would stutter or speed up rapidly. This separation from Wes was dangerous, probably more dangerous than Cain. I breathed in sharply as pain rolled in my head, my eyesight dimming and I grew dizzy. I knew that wasn't my pain. I grew increasingly worried and scared. Wes was somewhere hurting. Panic bloomed in my chest, I was just starting to get off the table to see if I could even attempt escape when the door opened. In walked the doctor, a twenty something oriental guy.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Chang," He smiled politely and reached out to shake my hand. "So it seems that you have a broken wrist, concussion, and unusual heartbeats." He stated and looked up from his clipboard. I nodded cautiously.

"Well let's start with your wrist then." Gently he lifted my bruised wrist into his hand and examined it. "Hm, when did this happen?"

"I think two days ago."

"You think?" He questioned as he set down my wrist and turned to a cabinet in the corner of the room.

"Well I woke up in the middle of the night with no idea of how I got here or what day it was, so yes, I think," his question irritated me, of course I wouldn't know anything.

"Just asking," he laughed lightly and returned with a small x-ray machine in his hand. "Alright, if you can lift your arm onto this flat panel here."

I did as he said and he adjusted my arm before turning on the machine. With a few beeps and lights it was all over.

"Okay, I'll get your x-ray in a couple of minutes but in the meantime let's see if we can see what's causing that irregular heartbeat."

Of course I already knew but I let him check it out anyway. He listened to my heart through a stethoscope from a few seconds before stepping back.

"Have you met your Soulmate yet?" he jotted down a few notes onto his notepad.

"Yes," I whispered, feeling a jolt of pain through my chest.

"Have you said the Vows by chance?" He turned back to me.

"No," I turned my head and looked down. "Dr. Chang, do you know who I am or why I'm here?"

"No, I'm afraid I don't," He set down his pen and looked at me.

"Well I'm here because Cain Knightly wants my Time Travelling gift. I'm more powerful than all of you combined so he took me from my Soulmate and brought me to this wretched castle. My injuries are the result of the Cumacht taking me forcefully from my home and taking me away from my Soulmate. You can't diagnose me with some common medical term, I already know that if I'm not reunited with my Soulmate within the week, I will die. So please spare me from whatever diagnosis that is going to come out of your mouth."

"I'm sorry, Ms. LeRoy, I didn't know," He tried to placate me.

"The fact that you just used that last name shows how much you do know," I spat out and jumped off the table, stumbling slightly as the world tilted. I reached out a hand, thinking the wall was closer that it actually was. I could feel myself falling but before I could become close friends with floor, cold hands caught me and hoisted me to lay back on the table.

"I truly am sorry, Ms. LeRoy." Dr. Chang's voice reached my ears as if I was underwater and distantly I felt the cold pinch of a needle entering my flesh. The sedative invaded my body and slowly seeped through my limbs like warm syrup. My eyelids became too heavy and even though I fought it my eyes closed and I was plunged unwillingly into darkness.

Authors Note

Hello my lovelies!! I felt like this update took forever! So sorry for that! Anyway... What did you guys think of chapter 16?? I'm in love, this chapter basically wrote itself and my gosh wasn't it dramatic? And Sad? I didn't think I could write like that! I definitely shed some tears while writing it! There's not much to put into this author's note so we'll just move right along to the songs for this chapter :)

The songs for this chapter are, "Falling Slowly" by Kris Allen (specifically for the goodbye kiss), "Broken Crown" by Mumford and Sons, "I Miss You" by Adele, and lastly "Heart of Stone" by Iko


Cumman = Sweetheart


And I think that's it for this chapter! I would just like to say thank you so so so much for taking the time and reading my story. I have come so far since I first started this crazy journey and it is all because of you guys who read this story. Thank you! I don't think I can say that enough or even begin to express how thankful I am for all of you that read Time Again!! Please vote, comment, fan!! It would mean so much and I would love to hear your feedback!! Once again thank you and until next time!

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