Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis

47 3 1
By pknelson1

Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis

"Words are like bullets: when well aimed, they have a pretty hard effect" ~Unknown


If only I could erase time and go back to when things were simple. When it was just my brother, my mom, my dad, and me. If only that was an option.

Sighing, I grasped the edge of the folder and tipped it open, revealing the contents of our plan. I must have been mental to have Adelle be the bait. I must have been insane, crazy, absolutely off my rocker. I was doing something I promised myself I would never do, but I guess some promises were meant to be broken.

I stood and rolled my shoulders back, my back ached from slouching over my desk for so long. Looking over I watched Adelle's chest rise and fall evenly as she slept peacefully in my bed. In my t-shirt. She had a knack for stealing them. Not that I minded. In fact I found it insanely sexy. Yawning I checked the time: eight minutes past midnight. Those four digits had my heart racing, Adelle was supposed to be home almost thirty minutes ago. Grabbing a coat and my car keys I gently scooped Adelle into my arms and walked out to the car.

"Wes," she mumbled with a frown.

"Sh, I'm taking you home," I set her down in the passenger seat and softly closed the door.

Ten minutes later I was walking through her front door with Adelle still asleep in my arms.

"You're late," Adelle's dad said from the living room.

"Sorry, Mr. Montgomery I was doing some paperwork and time slipped away," I was still standing with Adelle in my arms.

"It's fine, I'm just giving you a hard time. Go on up and put her in her bed then come back down here so we can go over some details for getting your brother back."

"Yes sir." I turned and walked up the stairs to Adelle's room. Not bothering to turn on the lights I made my way to her bed and laid her down. Grabbing the throw blanket at the bottom I pulled it over her and pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead. Silently I made my way back downstairs and sat down on the couch across from her dad.

"So what do we have so far?" He inquired.

"Well I bought the plane tickets for the four of us and Roan booked the hotel," I leaned forward and placed my forearms on top of my knees.

"Good." Mr. Montgomery was silent for a moment. I took the second to close my eyes as I rubbed my aching temples.

"You're tired Weston," he stated.

"Yes, sir," I looked back up at him.

"You know, your dad was a really good man. He always put others before himself without a second thought. I had a lot of respect for him."

"Thank you sir," my voice came out gruffer than I intended, exhaustion and emotion creating it.

"You are just like him, an exact replica. But unlike your father, don't forget to live and please be here for Adelle. She needs you and you need her, more than you know." Mr. Montgomery stood and clasped my shoulder.

"I will, I promise." I looked straight into his eyes, making sure he saw that I meant what I said.

"Good. You can crash on the couch tonight, it's too late to be driving home." With that he left the room and returned with a blanket and pillow.

"Thank you sir." I took the items from him and he left upstairs.

I laid back against the pillow and let my mind drift to my miracle upstairs. I felt her presence in my mind and with that comfort I let sleep draw me into its waiting arms.


I tossed and turned restlessly.

My hand shot out, seeking the warmth of Wes beside me. My hand only fell upon the cold, empty left side of the bed. Opening my eyes I was met with the darkness of my room. I dimly remember falling asleep at Wes's apartment then him carrying me out to the car. Turning my head I looked to the clock to see that it was only 2:30 am, much too early to be getting up. Laying back down I mentally sought out Wes, knowing he was here from the way my heart beated. Deciding that it was going to be impossible to fall asleep without him I got out of bed and slowly crept downstairs. I felt my way into the livingroom and saw a human shaped lump on the couch. With a relieved sigh I walked around until Wes was right in front of me. Somehow knowing I was there Wes groggily opened his eyes and they slowly focused on me. Without words Wes scooted back and opened the blanket to me. I crawled in next to him and he wrapped me up in his arms, my head on his chest. I released a happy sigh and let myself finally fall asleep.


"Aw, should we wake them up?" Abby's loud whisper and giggle already had me awake but I kept my eyes shut dreading the moment when I had to face her. I could feel a blush crawling up my neck and I turned my head into Wes's chest, hiding my face from view.

"I think so," I heard my mom's laugh and the clicking of a picture being taken. That was it for me.

"Okay, enough. I'm up," I grumbled and sat up. Standing before me was my mom with a guilty look on her face and Abby who was barely holding in her giggles.

"Sorry, honey," My mom had the decency to look slightly ashamed but Abby was standing with a full blown smile.

"I'm not sorry, that was the cutest thing ever. Who knew Mr. I'm So Tough And Manly knew how to cuddle."

"I know how to cuddle and still be tough," Wes said, annoyed.

"Oh finally, he wakes!" My mom exclaimed.

"Mom!" I admonished, completely embarrassed. She merely smiled. I changed the subject.

"What time is it?" I stretched my hands above my head, stiffening when Wes ran his knuckles across my exposed lower back; his fingers hidden from view.

"6:30, so you best hurry if you want to make it to school on time."

"But, Wes still has to run home to get clothes," I argued, not wanting to go to my first hour class.

"Well can't he just wear the clothes he keeps in your room?" My mom arched an eyebrow. My face instantly colored.

"Mrs. Montgomery-" Wes started.

"It's okay I trust you, just don't let Mr. Montgomery catch you crawling through his daughter's window."

"Yes, ma'am," Wes's cheeks were tinted pink. I had enough of this. Lurching to my feet I brushed past Abby with a pointed look and ran up the stairs to my room, Wes two steps behind me.

Finally reaching my room I closed the door and slumped against it before bursting out in loud laughter. Wes looked at me like I was crazy.

"Adelle did you not just hear what your mother said? Did you not see Abby taking pictures of us?" He was incredulous.

"I heard it all, but never in a million years think my mom would be okay with me sleeping in the same bed with someone of the opposite gender," I was practically choking on laughter. Wes remained rooted to the spot with a stricken look on his face.

"I just have forgotten that in your culture it's practically unheard of for two teenagers to just sleep and not, well you know, do other stuff. In my culture, once you find your Soulmate you literally cannot leave their side. I've been fighting every instinct of mine not to drag you to Ireland and complete the Vows." Wes was in disbelief and his words were completely earnest.

I waltzed over to him and looped my arms around his neck. "Well since we are going to Ireland in a couple days we could just complete the Vows then," I suggested.

"That is the most brilliant idea I have ever heard," Wes dropped his head to rub his nose against mine lovingly.

"Good, now hurry and get dressed because we have exactly twenty minutes to get ready for school," I quickly pecked him on the lips then disentangled myself from him and proceeded to find clothes to wear.

Wes pulled out a t-shirt then went into the bathroom to change. I picked out an outfit then quickly got dressed. Wes came back in right when I was walking out to go do my hair. Finishing with that we raced back downstairs and were out to the car in record time.

"So when were you going to tell me that you were in love with him?" Abby spoke up from the backseat.

"Soon but someone has been too busy with her boyfriend to ask," I snapped.

"Well I'm sorry but someone doesn't even like my boyfriend."

"That's true because he's not a good guy Abby."

"You've barely even talked to him," She pouted.

"I've talked to him enough to know that he isn't good," I replied shortly with a side glance at Wes. His hands gripped the steering wheel and kept his gaze on the road. We reached the school parking lot and as soon as Wes parked Abby was out of the car, slamming the door behind her.

"What am I supposed to tell her? That her boyfriend is basically using her to get to me and that he happens to be the son of a terrorist?" I was scared of losing my best friend but terrified that she would get caught in the crossfire. "On top of it all, she doesn't even know what's going on. I hate lying to her."

Wes was silent for a moment before talking, "You could tell her."


"I mean, she's your best friend. If it were Roan and I, I would tell him everything."

I nodded, thinking over his words. It was killing me not to be able to confide in Abby and it would hurt her worse if she didn't know.

"Okay I'll tell her later today." With a reassuring smile from Wes we got out of the car and headed into school.

School was uneventful as usual and by the time I got to fourth hour I couldn't wait for the day to be over. I walked in and sat in my seat next to Abby.

"Hey," I offered a small smile.

"Hi," she snapped and turned her back to me.

"Abby I'm sorry for this morning," I hated when she got like this.

"It's fine," she still didn't look at me.

"No, apparently it isn't."

"Well you're always with Wes, or he's always with you and we never hang out anymore."

"And that's my fault, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, tonight we'll do a girls only night." I provided hopefully.

"It is your fault but okay I'll come over," She finally turned to me and offered a small smile.

"Oh good because I have something I really need to tell you," I whispered back as the teacher started the lesson.

"You aren't pregnant right?" Abby joked.

"Oh heck no!" I shook my head vehemently, "Nothing like that."

"Good," Abby giggled and turned her focus to the board.

I zoned out for the rest of class and instead gazed out the large window. I watched as the wind blew through the orange leafed trees. A swirl of color invaded the air as the leaves were torn loose and thrown about in the cold wind. The trees would be bare soon. Their brittle branches resembling skeletal fingers. It was the last day of school before Thanksgiving break and I could feel it in the air. Walking down that halls the kids were loud and excited. A four day weekend to bring in the holiday season.

I walked silently next to Abby on the way to the lunchroom. It was becoming real that on Friday we were taking off and flying to Ireland on a rescue mission. The very thought had my stomach twisting anxiously and my hands shaking. Reaching the lunchroom my eyes instantly sought out Wes, nervous from being apart for so long. I couldn't help it. I hated not being with him, it made me feel weird; empty and lost. I could understand why Soulmates in his culture were attached at the hip and why Wes was extremely protective. Soon we would start to feel the effects of not being bonded. We had yet to say the Vows and that was simply unheard of because most couples said them within the week of meeting each other. It's been three months for Wes and I.

Finally spotting Wes sitting at our table I grabbed Abby's hand and dragged her across the cafeteria. Reaching the table I sat down next to him and his arm instantly wound around my waist and pulled me flush against his side. Dipping his head he skimmed his lips across my cheek.

"I missed you," he murmured, lips kissing the shell of my ear.

"It's only been a few hours," I stifled a sigh at being in his arms again.

"Exactly," he breathed.

"Jaymes!" Abby's squeal had Wes tensing and me sitting up, looking around for the liar.

"Hey babe," Jaymes sauntered up and drew Abby against him. I shuddered and looked away. Abby pulled him to the table and he sat across from Wes.

"So Weston how's it going?" His arrogant smirk had Wes sitting rigidly in his seat, his arms like a vise around me.

"Good." His tone was clipped and short.

"And Adelle! How's it going? Long time no see," there was an evil look in his eyes that made the hair on the back of my neck prickle.

"She's fine," Wes spoke up before I could utter a word.

"Tsk tsk, letting the boyfriend answer for you, how demeaning." Jaymes shook his head, still smirking, his arm now encircling Abby's waist.

I didn't think I could take much more of this without saying something that would give us away. Wes's arm that was wrapped around my waist tightened and his fingers gripped my side. I could feel him shaking in anger next to me. He was going to say something. It wasn't like him to stay quiet. Without warning I grabbed his face and turned it so he was looking at me.

"Wes I think I forgot my homework in you car, can you come with me to get it?" I didn't wait for his answer. Standing I grabbed his arm and started to pull him out of the cafeteria but not before James spoke up behind us.

"Hey Weston."

Wes stopped mid step and turned around, "What?"

"Don't worry about Kyle, he's not in too much pain," evil oozed out of his every pore, his words making Wes finally snap.


I was going to kill him. With a yell I ripped my arm out of Adelle's grip and lunged for Jaymes, tackling him off his seat and to the floor.

"Wes!" I heard Adelle's shriek but nothing could deter me from this.

Straddling his waist I had the upper hand and drove my fist into his face. Blood spurted onto my cheeks and forehead but I was clouded by rage, I couldn't feel anything but my hatred for him. Without warning I was flipped off him and a sharp kick was delivered to my stomach, distantly I could hear Adelle screaming. I raised myself onto my elbows and looked up to see Jaymes standing above me.

"You know Wes, I thought you would be a better fighter, judging on who your father was." he goaded me.

"I am," I growled out and picked myself quickly off the ground and drove my shoulder into Jayme's stomach. The students around us scattered back as we slid into a pile of chairs. My fist glanced off his cheek bone as he bucked his hips under me and flipped us. I found my cheek pressed to the filthy cafeteria floor, my arm bent painfully behind me. Jaymes's knee dug into the middle of my back. I writhed under him, he was using his weight against me. He leaned in close to me, I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Sometimes when my father calls to check up on my success here, I can hear your brother screaming in the background. I hear him pleading for death as my father's men torture him again and again, and again," his harsh whisper made my hair rise and anger like no other coursed through me. I bucked beneath him, trying to reverse our positions so I could choke the life out of him. As I moved Jaymes twisted my wrist at an awkward angle and I felt the bone give. Growling out at the pain I looked up to see Adelle on her knees sobbing hysterically, being held back by Abby. I jerked again and a grunt escaped my mouth as Jaymes ground my broken wrist. A harsh breath hissed out of me as James was knocked off suddenly. I jumped to my feet and saw him being detained by three of the school deans.

I sucked in a breath right as a small body collided into mine. Instinctively my arms went to wrap around Adelle and I held her close to me, ignoring the pulsing of my broken wrist. It took a moment but I finally registered Adelle's soft sobs as her tears wetted the skin on my neck. Hearing her cries, I cradled her to me and buried my face in her sweet smelling hair. I hated myself for acting so rash.

"You're so stupid! Why did you do that?" Adelle drew back and yelled at me, bringing up her small fist to hit against my chest. "You know I feel your pain so why did you do that?" Her eyes were red as tears spilled over.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry," My voice was a rough whisper as I caught her hands and held them against my chest. I tucked her close to my body and wrapped my arms around her to shield her from the prying eyes of the student body.

I looked up to see Jaymes being escorted to the office and seeing that I had the attention of all the lingering students I stooped some and picked up Adelle. She ducked her head against my neck and I turned on my heel and left the lunchroom.

"Mr. Payne if you leave you will be expelled from this school," The deans called out behind me. I kept my back to them and proceeded out the front doors of the school, not caring a damn that I risked expulsion. Adelle was the only thing I cared about right now.

Reaching my car I set Adelle down on her feet beside the car and put my hands up to her cheeks, pulling her gaze up to mine. I searched her sparkling tearful eyes and again cursed myself for hurting her.

"Adelle I am so sorry, I wasn't thinking and I was acting on impulse. I let him get to me."

"I'm not mad at you," her lip quivered slightly, "I was scared for you and to add your pain on top was too much. It physically hurts to watch someone else put their fist on you."

I traced my right hand down her arm and to her wrist. I held it up to my eyes and was devastated to see her wrist bruised. I shook slightly as I brought it to my lips and pressed a lingering kiss to the marred skin. Adelle closed her eyes then opened them to look at my own wrist which was bent at an awkward angle and swollen.

"Why isn't it healing yet?" She hesitantly ran her fingertips over my own bruised skin.

"It needs to be set correctly," I moved forward and pulled her against my chest. "I'm sorry A runsearc."

"I forgive you," She mumbled against my neck.

After a few moments Adelle moved back and held out her hand.


"Give me your keys, I'm driving you to go get your wrist set."

"No, no hospitals," They grew suspicious of our abnormal healing rate.

"I'm just taking you to my mom," Adelle moved around me and plucked my car keys from my back pocket. She unlocked the car and went around to the drivers side to start it. "Come on Wes, get in."

I chuckled softly and got in the passenger seat. Adelle pulled out her phone and called her mom. After telling her to expect us at the hospital she called Abby to make sure everything was alright and that she was safe. Happy with Abby's answer, Adelle ended the call and pulled out of the school parking lot. Reaching the hospital, Adelle's mom met us at the door and ushered inside and into a private room, much like the one Adelle was in when she got in the car accident.

"So Weston let's see that wrist," She washed her hands and came over to where I sat on the raised table. I lifted my arm so she could see and after some poking, prodding and winces from Adelle, she deemed it broken.

"The bone is dislocated and has a fracture, I'm going to have to set it and then once that is done I'll put it in a soft cast but with your healing gene your wrist should be fine by tomorrow." Adelle breathed a sigh of relief from beside me and I smiled slightly.

Adelle wrapped her hands tightly around my other hand and leaned into me, knowing this would not only hurt me but her as well. I gave her a reassuring smile then nodded my head at her mother, bracing myself for the pain. Mrs. Montgomery took my wrist in both of her hands and quickly jerked it to the left. Instantly pain radiated up my arm and tears pricked at my eyes. I breathed out through my nose and waited for the pain to subside. Adelle gasped at the pain and flinched some next to me, I pulled her to me and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Good, now it can start healing," Mrs. Montgomery wrapped a black brace around my wrist. "It should be fully healed by tomorrow but if not I'll take a look at it. Here are a couple of Advil to help with the pain. And Weston, no more fights at school please," She handed over the pills with a knowing smile then excused herself to check on another patient.

I took two and swallowed them down with a cup of water. Adelle took two as well. I closed my eyes as I felt Adelle stroke the healing bruise on my cheek. I leaned in to her touch and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to stand between my legs. Adelle's hands continued their gentle movements across my cheeks and I could feel our bond surrounding us. I swayed slightly on the table, exhaustion finally hitting me. Adelle wound her arms around my shoulders and pulled me so my forehead rested on her shoulder. I clutched her tightly to me and breathed in her intoxicating scent, relaxing against her.

"Let's go home," She whispered softly. I nodded my approval.

Adelle stepped back from me and I slid off the table. I waited for a moment as Adelle collected our things and then walked out with her. Telling her mom that we'll be at home, Adelle threaded her fingers through mine and led me to the car. This time I got in the passenger seat without complaint and let her drive us to her house. Arriving there I saw Abby's car parked in front.

"We're having a girls night and I'm telling her the truth," Adelle explained.

"Oh, do you need help?" I walked next to her as we got to the front door.

"No, you can just stay in my room and rest or something," she said as we walked through the front door, knowing I wouldn't leave her.

"There you are!" Abby pulled Adelle into a hug. "Hey Wes," She threw in over her shoulder as she swept Adelle into the house. I followed them in and locked the door behind me. The garlicky aroma of pizza wafted in from the kitchen. I walked in and found Adelle putting two large slices of steaming pizza onto a plate.

"Here you go," Adelle handed the plate to me and I sat down at the table. Shortly she and Abby followed me and sat down as well. After we ate I stood up with Adelle and took the plates into the kitchen.

"Do you want me here when you tell Abby?" I asked.

"No, I think it would be easier of it was just us. I'll get you if she starts freaking out." Adelle laughed softly before pushing me towards the stairs. "Go rest, I'll be fine down here."

I made my way upstairs and into Adelle's room. Grabbing a change of clothes I jumped in the shower and let the water wash away the horrors of today.


I threw away the last pizza box and put a bag of popcorn into the microwave, Abby sat in the living room getting the movie ready. I took a few deep breaths to steady myself. I was beyond nervous to tell Abby everything. She was my best friend, how could I take it if she deemed me crazy and walked out of my life?

The microwave beeped and I poured the buttery popcorn into a bowl. Joining Abby on the couch I pulled a blanket around me and settled in to watch the movie.

"What movie are we watching?"

"The Notebook, so be prepared to cry, but don't worry I brought tissues," Abby laughed and held up the box of tissues for me to see.

Half way through the movie Abby had already shed a couple tears. I sat staring at the screen, but not actually watching it. I was worried about telling her and I didn't know if I could wait until the end of the movie. Deciding to just wing it I stretched forward and pressed pause on the remote.

"Hey! They were just about to kiss!" Abby wined.

"Abby you've seen this so many times," I shot her a look.

"I know but it gets better every time!"

"It does but I actually kind of have something important to tell you," I twisted the blanket between my hands.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot! Spill!" Abby turned so she was facing me, knees touching mine.

I took a deep breath, trying to figure out where to begin. "So do you remember that day when we went got our fall formal dresses and on the way there I had a weird seizure type thing?"

"Yeah, you freaked me out."

"Well it wasn't a seizure, I actually was Time Travelling," I bit my lip, the words were out.

"Wow Adelle I knew you were kinda crazy for putting up with me but dang, I didn't think you were that crazy," Abby burst out laughing. I cringed, this was already not going well.

"Abby, I'm completely serious. When I met Wes it triggered something in my chromosomes that gave me the ability to travel through time. Wes can too." I paused.

"That's a bunch of crap, we don't live in the world of H.G. Wells," Abby scoffed.

"What else can I do to convince you?" I practically pleaded.

"Show me," Abby smirked as if she had won.

"I don't know how to yet but Wes can," I called for Wes to come down to the living room. A couple moments later he was standing in front of me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just need you to show Abby that Time Travelling is real."

"Oh okay," Wes smirked like he knew this would happen.

I grabbed Abby's hand and pulled her off the couch. Turning to Wes I nodded, letting him know it was his turn to talk.

"So Abby I need to hold your hand to make this work," Wes held out his hand and Abby tentatively put her hand in it. "Good now I need you to close your eyes."

"This is ridiculous guys," Abby complained but shut her eyes. I looked at Wes and he drew me to his side, his arm tightening around my waist.

"Abby it's going to feel like you're being pulled inside out and it really hurts but only for a few seconds and then it's gone," I prepared her.

"Okay?" She was still skeptical. I nodded for Wes to go and then turned my head into his chest, squeezing my eyes shut.

Before I had time to tell Abby to keep her eyes shut I felt gravity fall away and my stomach clenched painfully. I gasped at the constricting of my lungs but opened my eyes so I could see Abby. Her scream pierced my ears and I could see tears streaming down her cheeks as she felt the effects of the Corridor. Her eyes were wide open and huge as she cried in pain and terror.

"Abby! Look at me!" I reached out my hand to grasp her fingers. Her eyes locked with mine right as she started to fade just as I had when I first travelled with Wes.

Finally I felt solid ground beneath my feet and the walls of the Corridor faded away, revealing a sandy shore and gray ocean. I momentarily got lost in the scenery and turned around to see lush green fields stretching out behind me and low gray storm clouds kissing the tallest of the hills. Abby's groan had me coming back to reality and I turned around to see Wes lowering her to the ground.

"Abby!" I knelt down beside her.

"She's going to be fine, you did this your first time too," Wes said as he looked up around us.

"Good." I followed his gaze down the beach. "Where are we?"

"A beach that was a couple miles from my house," Wes was still staring down the coast line.

"We're in Ireland?" I gasped excitedly.

"Yeah," Wes laughed and looked back at me. "My family used to come here all the time."

"It's beautiful," I was in awe.

"It really is," Wes's eyes softened and he took deep breaths of the damp air.

"Is this a memory?" I thought back to the last time we were in Ireland.

"Yes, see that family a couple yards down?" Wes pointed so I could see.

"Yeah," my eyes landed on a family of four, two little boys and a mom and dad. The boys were splashing each other in the ocean and the parents were standing hand in hand watching. One of the little boys, the smaller one, had a mop of unruly black hair on his head.

"Wes, is that you?"

"I was seven, Kyle was ten and it was our summer break," Wes smiled as Kyle tackled his younger self into the frothy water.

I laughed softly and we watched for a few more minutes before Abby started to wake. I turned to her and helped her into sitting position. Abby sucked in a breath as she took in her surroundings. I cautiously hovered next to her, worried she would flip out.

"No way," She whispered.

"Way," I smiled hesitantly. Abby turned to Wes then looked back at me.

"This is so cool!" She yelled suddenly. I quickly clamped my hand over her mouth but started laughing.

"Sh, we have to be quiet," I pointed at Wes's family.

"Who's that?"

"My family, we travelled back to when I was seven," Wes informed her.

"Wow," Abby was in disbelief.

"I know," I giggled at her awed expression. 

"How is this possible?"

"Well every Time Traveller is born with an extra chromosome, once they come of age the chromosome is activated and they gain the ability to travel through time," I gave her the simple explanation.

"What is the age? Is it like puberty?" Abby laughed.

"It's ten, so no, not puberty," I laughed alongside her, so happy to be able to tell the truth to my best friend.

"Why didn't you start Time Travelling sooner? You said that time in my car was the first time."

"Um, that is a longer explanation, I'll tell you when we get home," I looked to Wes and saw him nod.

We sat on the beach, watching the waves crash. Abby was silent as she processed all the new information. I was leaning back against Wes's chest as he ran his fingertips up and down my arm. I watched him watch his family. I could see the longing in his eyes. He missed them. And the way he breathed and fisted his hands in the sand showed just how much he missed Ireland. I smoothed my hand over his clenched fists.

"Two more days," I softly reminded him. He nodded and pressed a kiss to the side of my head before standing and pulling me up. We brushed the sand off ourselves and got ready to travel back.

"Is this going to hurt again 'cause that sucked," Abby shuddered.

"Yeah unfortunately," I grimaced.

"Alright, let's hurry then."

Wes pulled me close again and held Abby's hand. Soon we were travelling back through the Corridor. In moments we were standing back in my livingroom. Abby quickly excused herself and ran to the bathroom as the Timesickness took effect.

"Are you telling her about your parents? Jaymes?" Wes guided me over to the couch as I swayed slightly, still not completely used to Travelling.

"Yeah," I took deep breaths, waiting for the dizziness to subside.

"Are you telling her about Soulmates?"

"Mhm," I closed my eyes, still breathing deeply.

"Adelle, you should wait until tomorrow," I heard the concern in his voice and felt his hand smoothing over my hair.

"Why?" I turned so I was leaning against his chest.

"You need to rest."

"I'm fine, it was easier this time," I opened my eyes as I heard Abby walk back in. She took a seat next to me and curled up against the pillows.

"I'm never Time Travelling again," She shuddered. Softly I laughed and then continued to tell her about Soulmates.

"So you and Wes were basically made for each other?" She sat staring wide eyed at us.

"Yeah," I smiled as Wes dipped his head and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"And your adopted?" Abby was enthralled by that part.

"Yep, my biological parents lived in Ireland and I was born there, but my biological dad died in war and my mom died of heart break right after having me." Tears pricked at my eyes but I quickly blinked them away.

"And Abby there's something else," I was nervous to bring up Jaymes.


"Jaymes isn't who you think he is. He's actually the son of the leader of the Cumacht. He was there when Wes's parents were killed and he is using you as a way to get to me because his father wants me dead," I got it out quickly, hating the way tears came to her eyes and her shoulders fell.

"Wow, that really sucks," She sniffed and caught a stray tear as it fell. I leaned forward and pulled her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry, I just found out and I needed to tell you," I held her as she cried into my shoulder.

"It's not your fault," she sobbed. I held her for a few more minutes until she pulled away. "I need to be by myself, goodnight Adelle, thank you for telling me."

I gave her one last hug then let Wes lead me upstairs. I got into bed and Wes crawled in next to me. His strong arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me back against him. I turned my head and kissed his shoulder before letting my eyes slip shut.

"I feel awful," I murmured.

"She needed to know," he reassured me. I nodded and let my head fall against the pillow.

"Goodnight love," Wes pressed a kiss to the back of my neck and held me tighter.

"Goodnight," I replied softly as I let sleep take me away.

Authors Note

Hello my lovely readers! Merry Christmas, an early update!! I wanted to get this chapter uploaded quickly as a present for you guys! Thank you so much for still reading this story and keeping up with it! I know my sporadic and late updates must be so annoying but I appreciate it so much that you guys take time out of your day to read Time Again! It seriously means so much to me.

This chapter was a little longer and hopefully not boring! You'll be getting some crazy action in the chapters to come so just hold on a little longer! The songs for this chapter are: 'Bring it back' by Shawn Mendes (this is specifically for Abby and Jaymes), 'Down in the Valley' by The Head and the Heart, 'The Girl' by City and Color, 'Comes and Goes in Waves' by Greg Laswell, 'Shake it Off' by Taylor Swift.


Another Irish word:

. A runsearc = beloved


I know I say this all the time but I probably won't have another update up until after the new year. This new year marks the anniversary of me starting Time Again and honestly I had no idea that it would end up here! I am so amazed that I have gotten over 1000 reads and for that I would just like to say thank you sooo much!! I love you all and wish you guys happy holidays! Go spend time with your families and eat lots of holiday treats! I'll see you all after the new year so until next time!


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