Rebel Dallas// Completed

By Rosexstar

59.6K 1.2K 176

"I'm build to last." More

Meet Character
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
quick question
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 2

4.2K 83 2
By Rosexstar

*Next Day*
Salice Pov:

So today I need to go to the grocery store because I don't have anymore chips. So I put my Bunny onesies and my shoes. I was done dressing up and got my phone and keys. I turned on my phone and opened snapchat.
"Hey biscuits. So today I'm going to the store and buy chips cause I ate all of them yesterday. So I hope I see a biscuit around. And remember have a good day and do something positive for today. So mama biscuit love you biscuits. I'm going to be on snapchat all day so you guys better be on it because maybe I'm going to do something stupid, so bye guys."I said.
I started my car and left to Walmart to buy food cause I'm hungry.


"Hey guys Salice is going to a store near here."I said happily.
"How do you know?"asked Matthew.
"She lives here and I know which store."I said smirking.
"Are you her stalker?"asked Johnson.
"Maybe."I said.
"Well let's go if she's there." Said Shawn.
"Which store cause I'm going to drive." Said Johnson.
"Walmart."I said.
"Ok."he said.
"Wait, are the boys staying?"asked Matthew.
"Yeah I think so."I said.
"Ok so let's go."I said getting out of the apartment and got in the car with the 3 boys.
"Finally I get to see my girlfriend." I said.
"Our girlfriend." Shawn corrected me.
"Ugh, fine."I said.
Johnson started the car and left to the nearest Walmart.
* 5 minutes later*
We arrived to Walmart. Johnson parked and we got out of the car.
"Guys I'm going to the chips area, cause we don't have anymore."I said.
"Ok."they said.
We entered Walmart and the first thing I did is got a basket and went to the chips area.
I was walking and saw my kind of chips yass. I got a bag of chips and put it on my basket. I looked straight and that's when I saw her. My queen Salice with her bunny onesies.
"Salice."I said.
She turned around and saw me. She smiled, god her smile❤.
"Hey"she said.


I was on the chips section looking for my bae. I found them and got 6 bags of hot cheetos.
"Salice."someone said. I turned around and saw a cute boy.
" Lindsay calm the fuck down."I said to myself.
"Hey."I said and smiled.
"Hey, um you may not know me but I'm a biscuit."he said.
"I know you, I liked and retweeted your post."I said.
"You remember."he said.
"Of course I screen shot it."I said.
He smiled.
"Can I take a picture with you?"he asked.
"100 times yes."I said.
"Can I text my friends?"he asked.
"Sure."I said.
He got his phone and I think made a group chap.
"They are coming right now."he said.
"Wait there here?"I asked.
"Yeah they came with me."he said.
"Oh."I said smiling.
"Where here!" A boy said.
I looked at them and three were running.
"Omg, omg." Said a familiar boy.
Wait I think I know them, yeah from snapchat.
"I know you guys from snapchat."I said.
"Your name is Jack Johnson."I said to the blonde boy.
"You're Matthew Espinosa."I said to the sort of looking Justin Bieber.
"You're Shawn Mendes."I said to the boy who has a backpack.
"And you're Taylor Caniff."I said to the boy who found me.
"Am I correct?"I asked.
"She knows us." Said Matthew.
"YASS."I said.
"Can we take a picture?" Asked Shawn.
"Of course my handsome biscuit."I said.
He hugged me and guess what, I needed to be on tiptoes.
"Omg, Salice, I love you."he said.
"I love you more the fuck."I said still hugging him.
"Done."said Johnson.
"My turn."said Matthew.
"Okay."I said.
He hugged me and I need to be on tiptoes, I hate being short.
"Mama Biscuit, I love you."he said.
"Me too."I said to him.
"Done said Shawn.
"When we're done, we're going on my snapchat."I said.
"Yass."they said.
"Can we both take a picture with you?"asked Taylor.
"Duh."I laughed.
The got next to me and took a picture.
"Send me the pictures on snapchat."I said.
"Ok."they said.
*bing bing*
I looked at the pictures.
First I saw Shawn. Then I saw Matt. Last I saw Johnson and Taylor. The way they all looked at me. "Chill, Lindsay."I said to myself.
"Lets go on snapchat." I said.
"Ok ." They said.
"Hey biscuits, so right now I'm with four biscuits and I think you guys will know them." I said. "Hey guys it's Johnson."said Jack. "Hey its Shawn." Said Shawn. "Hey its espinosaurous Rex aka Matthew."said Matthew. "And it's me Tay."said Taylor. "So I found them here at the store. Well we want to tell you guys that have a good ass mother fucking day."I said. "Bye."we all said. We took some pictures. The first picture was me and Matthew being a dinosaur. The second was me and Shawn praying. The third one was me and Jack making faces.And the last one was Taylor kissing me near my lips. I posted them on snapchat.
"We should hang out tomorrow."I said.
"Really?"asked Johnson.
"Really. At 5:00 in popeyes"I said.
"Ok."Said Shawn.
"We should get going."said Matthew.
"Yeah."We all said.
"See you tomorrow."I said.
"Allright."said Taylor.
Shawn whispered in my ear, " Taylor loves you more than anything."
I smiled.
"Bye guys."I said.
"Bye."they said and left.

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