Living in a Dream - a Joe Sug...

By JKRtotallypink

4.4K 220 41

Hi, my name is Cora Foster. I'm 19 years old, and live with my best friend Aspyn Clicke in the heart of Minne... More

My Name's Cora
The Three Mystery Men
Dream Come True
The News
Surprises Good and Bad
Mistakes Were Made
Familiar Faces
The Hotel
Embarrassment and Excitement
Sometimes Nervousness is Okay
Take Risks
With Love Comes Great Sadness
Ask Them
The Dance
Cute and Clumsy
Hurt, Love, Choices
The Girl
Radio Lies
Who are They Against
Lies and Sadness
Guess Who's Back
Where Did He Go?
Something Special
Nothing Lasts Forever
Make The Most of It
Is Everything Okay?
What is Happening?
Don't Be Afraid
Beautiful Silence
All Is Not Well
So... That Happened
I Can't Do This

I Will be There

66 6 0
By JKRtotallypink

Joe P.O.V.

I quickly unlocked the door to Aspyn and Cora's apartment. I entered the room, and shut the door behind me. For some reason I felt somewhat strange, almost worried. I knew Cora was fine, but I couldn't help thinking she wasn't. I knew Caspar, Britta, and Aspyn were all there with her to keep her company. There was nothing to worry about. Suddenly, something happened which gave me a reason to worry. Caspar walked through the door with Britta clinging to his shoulder tightly.

"What on earth are you doing here?" I questioned, as I briskly moved towards the two of them.

"The nurse said she could leave early, so I took her back to get some rest," he replied, grasping Britta's side lovingly. My expression turned to annoyance when his response left his lips.

"So you just left Cora there? All alone?" I asked, my voice seeming to get louder on each word.

"No, of course not, Aspyn is still there," Caspar said, still managing to stay calm while dealing with me.

"Right, sorry. I don't know why, but I just feel a little uneasy leaving Cora there alone, like not being with her," I explained, sliding my hand into the tough pocket of my favorite jeans.

"I understand, I would feel the  same way. At least Aspyn's there," Caspar replied, as he guided Britta to a big, black couch against the wall of the living room.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, pacing slightly. About ten or fifteen minutes later, I heard my phone start to rattle on the wooden table it was laying on. I walked over to the table, and picked up my phone. I saw that Cora was calling, and instantly answered. She sounded a little flustered at first. "Hello, Cora, is something wrong?" I asked anxiously.

"Um, not with me, but something happened to Aspyn," Cora started, when I began to speak again.

"What happened?" I asked, feeling my palms get sweaty from nerves.

"Aspyn had to leave to go to work, so she left. After-" she tried to speak, but I cut her off, when she mentioned Aspyn had left.

"Wait, Aspyn left? So you're alone, in a hospital?" I questioned nervously.

"Yeah, but listen. After about ten minutes, she called me. I was like 'why are you calling me, you just left?' But she told me she just saw Dan and Phil, and all this crazy stuff happened, and Sawyer dumped her, and she was all alone on the sidewalk with Dan and Phil. Oh, she also kissed Dan," Cora finished, my mouth hung open from the information I just received.

"Well, do you want me to come back to be with you?" I asked, knowing that probably wasn't even a possibility.

"No, don't do that. I'll be fine, Joe, promise," she said, I took a deep breath, and nodded my head softly.

"Okay, but if you need something, or someone to talk to, I'll be there in a heartbeat," I said, walking towards a window.

"Okay, I will, I should probably go now, as much as I love talking to you, but I should call Aspyn back. Goodbye Joe," Cora said sweetly, as I heard the line go silent. I turned off my phone, and slid it inside my back pocket.

"Was that Cora?" Caspar asked, he was sat on the floor next to Britta; because she was laying down, and taking up the whole couch. He stroked her auburn hair gently.

"Yeah, it was," I said, taking a seat on a matching black chair, opposite Britta, and Caspar.

"She alright?" He asked, as he continued to rub Britta's russet locks.

"Yeah, except that Aspyn left, and had some horrific thing happen," I explained.

"What happened?" Caspar asked, cocking an eyebrow. He pivoted away from Britta slightly, in order to face me.

"She said something about Sawyer breaking up with her, and Aspyn kissing Dan, and I don't even know," I said quickly.

"Don't get upset man, she'll be fine. She knows how to take care of herself, trust me," Caspar said, as he stood up and walked towards the fridge. He pulled out a water bottle, and headed back to Britta's side.

"I know, I know, I just can't help but think something will go wrong. I really don't want anything to happen to her," I confessed, as I placed my chin in my hands.

"You really love her, don't you?" Caspar asked, I took my eyes off the floor, and looked at Caspar.

"Yeah, of course I do! I would do anything for her! I was ready to go back to England if she said she didn't want me here. I just want her happy and well," I said. Caspar simply nodded, and turned back to Britta. "Caspar?" I asked, standing up from the chair. He turned around, and looked at me, as if to answer. "She can't be there alone," I said, before I put on my shoes, and headed for the door.

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