Ugh... These Stupid Geeks- I...

By kitkat29

148K 4.1K 548

Now why am i on this team again? Oh, yeah.. To become a great ninja.. But that's nearly impossible with an AD... More

Ugh... These Stupid Geeks.. I mean Ninja (Naruto fan Fiction-Sasuke)
My sensei is such a weirdo....
Our Sensei is a damn pervert...
I got a bell!!! But I failed? o.O
Climbing Trees... Great Training
Rematch against Zazuba
We're Going Home Now
The... Sand.. Ninja... ARRIVE!!!
The First Part Of Chunin Exams! And Sasuke Gets HIs Butt Wooped XD
The Forest of Death? Yeah... Kinda obvious with the name...
Snake Pedo! Ewww.....
Scary, scary dreams... seem to calm down when im with someone...
End of the Second Exam! FINALLY!
Now a Third Part?..... Are You Freaking Kidding Me?
FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Hey... Why are we chanting so suddenly? o.O
Wait one second..... GIMME BACK MY CONTACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Fear of Dreams
Swear... Naruto can be so stupid sometimes.... -_-
Training with Naruto and Sasuke is NOT fun
Kakashi's Face
Haru vs. Kyoko WOO! WOO!!!!!!
Hospitals SUCK..... And A Weird Offer... o.O
A Little Clarification
Kakashi Put In A Genjutsu
Sasuke vs. Itachi
Leaving Konoha
Haru vs. Kyoko 2 :DDDD
Kyoko vs. Haru Part 2 of 2
No Regrets- The Beginning of the End

The End

2.4K 88 6
By kitkat29

Hey, guys! 

    Well, don't take the chapter title seriously. It's really no tthe end, but it is the end of the first book. :D 

   As you know, like in so many other fan fictions, the second book will be in Shippuden. 

   I'm already working on the first chapter with my editor via email. :) 

   Also, I've thought of a new fanfiction. It will be a Kakashi fan fiction, but it will take place when Kakashi is 12 years old. :3 Heehee. My character is not like all the other ones in Naruto fanfictions. You can never guess what she is. XDDDD

    Anyways, I'll try to get my second book up soon!!!! TTYL!!!

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