Haru vs. Kyoko WOO! WOO!!!!!!

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Haru’s POV~

I watched as Shikamaru raised his hand, announcing his defeat. I sighed lazy looked around. "Guess it's my turn." I pushed off from the railing and walked out to the stairs leading to the arena.

Hana’s POV~

I sighed at the sight of Shikamaru saying his defeat and walked over to the stairs leading down to the arena.

  Eh... Might as well get over it. :T

Haru’s POV~

I walked down the steps one at a time with my hands casually in my pockets. The sun shined on my brownish black hair, making it look slightly more brown, as I emerged from the doorframe. I walked some more to the center of the arena, the crowd still booing from the lack of action and blood. I looked toward the third proctor and then to the rest of the flies, eyeing my resources carefully.

Hana’s POV~

He looked somewhat prepared and bored. Instantly the words popped into my head.

     This will be a tough battle.

 I looked over at my teammates for a bit of support. Sakura and Naruto smiled at me encouragingly. Naruto also gave me the thumbs out and shouted, "Go Kyoko! You can beat him! Believe it!"

The words put reinsurance into me and I walked towards the middle of the arena. Now, I had to show the fruits of my training.

Haru’s POV~

  I ran a hand through my hair as I kicked a pebble. I'm not all that anxious to fight my teammate's twin but I don't feel like blowing off all my training. It's not like it was proper training though. I looked back up as I moved my hand back to my neck and proceeded to drop it after holding it up there for a moment. I crouched down as if I was about charge and waited for the battle to start. I could feel all eyes on me, or, us, I should say.

Hana’s POV~

I bent my knees a bit to give me a boost when the signal starts. I braced myself and took a kunai ou of my pouch and steadied it in front of me.

  This might be one of the most epic fights I'll be in...

 Fighting one of my sister's teammates... will not be easy. Does he even know? ....

Haru’s POV~

The adrenaline rushed in my veins as I spotted the proctor lifting up his arm from the corner of my eyes. He let his arm drop and I could she Kyoko charge at me. I did that same but ended up falling over tumbling to the side, narrowly avoiding a kunai.

Hana’s POV~

I was slightly surprised at his clumsiliness. He tumbled to the side and dodged the kunai I had thrown by a few inches. For sure now, luck was on his side.

 Now isn't the timr to use Shourai... It'll use too much of my chakra... I thought as I started rapidly forming handsigns.

"Water shark bomb jutsu!" I yelled as a large shark formed from the moisture in the ground and charged towards Haru

Haru’s POV~

I chuckled slightly and sat up lazily. My back facing her and the incoming shark made of water as it closed in on me. I turned my head o look over my shoulder as the shark became within biting distance if me. It closed down it's jaws and I, in turn, was reduced to a pulled of water as it attacked my water clone.

  Two more clones of myself appeared both in front and behind you, readied with katanas wielded with their left hands.

Hana’s POV~

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