Ugh... These Stupid Geeks.. I mean Ninja (Naruto fan Fiction-Sasuke)

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I was actually inspired to write this story after I read a few Naruto Fan Fictions. ^-^ They were just awesome as heck and it made me want to write my own, I might make a few errors in the plot because I haven't read this in a while.

Name: Kyoko shiryoku

Age: 13

Height: 148cm

Likes: Candy, nature

Dislikes: Cutting down trees, people

Hobbies: Daydreaming

Personality: Serious and sarcastic

Looks: White hair and red eyes

Kenkei Genkei: Shourai (ability to see the future-her eyes turn blue when using this)

Uses: Taijutsu and Water Style


(im going to make this story start on the day of when teams are being picked)

  I sighed. Today was another normal day when i thought people were ACTUALLY going to be serious around here. Fan girls fighting over Sasuke, Naruto acting like an ADD kid, and the clowns sleeping in the back of the classroom. Typical... Just typical...

   "No! Sasuke's mine!" a fan girl yelled out. She had long blond hair tied in a ponytail.

   "Sasuke would never want you, pig!" a girl with pink hair yelled out.

   And how do you know what he wants, eraser? 

   "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Pinkie turned to me with an anime vein on her forehead.

   Did I just think outloud?

   "You're going to pay for that!" she lifted her fist to punch me on the head, but I refused to let that happen. I grabbed her arm and judo flipped her. i ended up sitting on her back with me pinned her wrist to her back. She gasped from my sudden movement and struggled underneath me.

   "Let me go!"

   I glared at her and tightned my grip on her wrrist. She winced and cried out.

   "Get off of me, fatty!" she yelled. "You ghost!"

   "Kyoko, I'm sure Sakura didn't mean to-" a blond kid with whisker-like birth marks on his face tried defending her.

   "Shut it, Naruto."

   "ALRIGHT! SETTLE DOWN, PEOPLE!" yelled a guy with a vertical scar across the bridge of his nose. He had a green vest on.

   I let go of Sakura's wrist and got off of her. She got up and shot me a death glare. I shook my head with disappointment. 

    Some people never learn...

   "Kyoko! Sit down!" the guy yelled. 

   "Hai, Iruka-sensei." I sat down in the only empty seat, which was supposedly next to a guy with raven dark hair that was shaped in an odd way. Like a duck butt.

  All of the girls in the classroom gave me a death glare. I sighed with disbelief. If you all wanted this seat so badly, then why didn't you just sit down.

   "Kyoko! Be quiet!" Iruka yelled.

   Did I just say that outloud again? I sweatdropped. Man, i have to stop daydreaming these days...

   The girls giggled at me in amusement. I was THIS close to getting up and killing them all.

   "So, today, you'll all be put into teams of three, with an exception of one team of four." Iruka started saying. "So, lets get on with this."

   I zoned out from his talking. Hm... Teams, eh? Please let me be with somebody awesome. No fan girls or ADHD kids or creepy emo guys... Please let it be somebody who actually know what to actually do in a freaking fight!

   "Kyoko Shiryoku." I snapped out of my day dream as I heard my name.

   "Yes, sensei?" I shot up from my seat. An awkward silence filled the classroom and everybody stared at me.

   "You're on Team 7. Were you zoning out?" he asked me. A blush spread through my face from embarressment.

   "I'll repeat it again, then. Team 7: Sakura Haruno, Naruto uzamaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Kyoko Shiryoku"

   "Wait! Iruka-sensei! Why do I have to be with this jerk?!" Naruto stood up and pointed at the kid with oddly shaped, raven black hair.

   "These teams were sorted out by scores, Naruto. Since Sasuke has the highest scores and you have the lowest, you two were out together to balance things out," iruka sighed.

   Sasuke "hned" in reply.

   Crap, my fears have come true... i'm stuck with the craziest fan girl of all time, a kid that seems like he must have ADHD, and a freaking emo kid that thinks he's too cool for anybody besides himself. Talk about conceited...

   "Kyoko! Be quiet!" Iruka yelled. I winced. Why do I keep talking outloud now?

Ugh... These Stupid Geeks- I mean Ninja (Naruto fan Fiction-Sasuke)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon