End of the Second Exam! FINALLY!

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Kyoko's POV~

   I was in the middle of a nice nap until SOMEBODY dropped me on the ground. I grabbed my head in pain and started yelling. 

   "what the hell, Sasuke?!?! You didn't have to drop me like that!!!" 

   "Hn," he replied and i saw him turn away. "We'll set up camp here," he ordered Sakura and Naruto.

   I glared at him and slowly got up. Jesus... And i was having a good dream. >:T Did he really have to ruin it?


   Naruto was swimming in the river, looking for food. "It's not my fault if he drowns," I lifted my hands in defense. "It's all on Sakura nd Sasuke."

   Sasuke scoffed. "he won't drown, loser."

   "Yeah! That dimwit knows how to swim!" sakura agreed.

   I sighed. Do they really have to make my life harder?

   That moment, three fish were thrown up and sasuke threw kunais that stabbed them and pinned them to a tree. "we'll be needing at least 3 more,' he informed Naruto.

   "But this is hard! You should try it! Believe it!" Naruto complained.

   I tookthis as an oppurtunity. I smirked. "Heads up!" i ran towards the river and dived right in. And yes... I was still fully dressed. -_- No way in hell am I stripping down into underwear.

   I heard Sakura yell at me from the surface. "Kyoko! You stupid idiot! You're still wounded!"

   Does it look like I care?! I screamed mentally. Didn't think so.

   I saw 3 more fish swimming and I grabbed them by their tails. GOTCHA! I placed my feet on the bottom and jumped back up the surface.

    "hey! Sasugay! I caught more!" I yelled at him and started complimenting myself mentally for coming up with that nickname for him.

   Naruto bursted out laughing and Sasuke looked SUPER ticked off. Meanwhile... Sakura marched over to me and smacked me on the head. 

   "You can't call Sasuke that!'

   I glared at her then smacked her head with my free hand. "I can talk to duck-butt however I like!"

    She smacked me again. "No you can't!"

   This time, I kicked her into the river. "Shut up already, PINKIE!" I yelled at her. She fell into the river with a huge SPLASH. I grinned in truimph.

   I turned back around and saw Sasuke giving me a "are you serious?" look.

   "i knew it..." he sighed.

   "What? Knew what?" I asked him.

   "You're one of those stupid fan girls..."

   I gasped and grabbed him by his shoulders, dropped the fish XD, and then shook him. "DONT TELL GAARA!!! DONT TELL GAARA ANYTHINGGGGG!!!!!!" I yelled at him with a freaked out tone in my voice.

   I saw him give me a wtf look then I let him go. "Oh... You meant that I'm YOUR fan girl?" I grabbed my chin. I realised that he really did mean that then I bursted out laughing. 

   "What's so funny?" Naruto asked.

   "Oh my freaking goodness! You actually thought that I was YOUR fan girl?!?!?!? Pfft. AHAHAH! In your dreams!!! HAHAHAHA!" Tears started coming out of my eyes from laughing and I wiped them.

Ugh... These Stupid Geeks- I mean Ninja (Naruto fan Fiction-Sasuke)Where stories live. Discover now