The Forest of Death? Yeah... Kinda obvious with the name...

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   We arrived at a huge forest surrounded by gates. I sweatdropped. Isn't um.. This forest.. Uh.. Whats the name for this forest...

   "This is the Forest of Death," Anko explained. Yeah... That was the name...

   "What's the forest of death?" Naruto asked. I facepalmed. HOW CAN HE NOT KNOW?!?!?!?

   I forgot who explains, but somebody does and then a kunai flies out of nowhere. o.0

   And I'm guessing... Um.. Uh... Ah, I forgot what I was about to think about. -_-'

   The kunai grazed Naruto's cheek and some blood came out. Anko licked it off. Brr... Chills up my spine... 

   Naruto looked like he was 0.5 seconds away from having a total freak out. "Spilling the blood that I love..." Anko said with a creepy tone.

   A tongue shot out of nowhere and Anko took out a kunai. "I was only returning your kunai," the ninja with the long tongue said. Okay.. First question. HOW THE HECK DOES HE HAVE A TONGUE THAT LONG?!?!?!?! THATS FREAKING UNNATURAL!!!!

   "Oh, why thank you," ANko took the kunai back. "You would have had a premature death if you had came closer."

   (I forgot what happens here, but she gives us these papers to sign)

   "You are to sign these papers and give them back to me. Read them over," she gave a paper to me.

   "What are these papers for?" Sakura asked her.

   "These are papers to make sure that if something happens to you, like injuries or death, I would not be responsible," Anko explained. 

   I read the paper over carefully. So, basically, she's saying that a whole bunch of us are going to die and she's not responsible for our stupidness? Uh... Then why think of this for the exams in the first place?

   I signed it and gave it to her. 

   (She explains about the thing about the scrolls and yeah...)

   "And you cannot open the scrolls until you reach the tower. Chunins must be able to handle secret information. Now, this test has a time limit. You have 5 days to complete this."

   "5 days?! What about food?!" Choji yelled and munched on some chips.

   "I'm afraid you're on your own. The forest is filled with man-eating creatures and poisonious insects and bugs."

   AND THERES FREAKING ANIMALS AFTER US, TOO?! Omg.... Somebody please help me...

   (I want to fast forward this, Okay. We're at the gates now.)

   "So, we'll start when I say 'go.' Are you ready.... set...."

   We tensed and prepared to go inside. "GO!"

   The three of us walked inside silently. The gate closed behind us. Yeah... We're stuck here now. It's either die or stay here for five days or freaking run to the tower and get it over with and possibly die. -_-

   "I gotta go!" Naruto yelled and started unzipping his pants.

   "YOU IDIOT!" Sakura hit him on the head. "Not in front of girls!"

   "For once Sakura, I have to agree with you," I facepalmed.


   Naruto ran into some bushes and Sakura and I sighed with annoyance. 

   "Sasuke, so how are we going to do this test?" I asked him.

   "No other choice but to fight," he said.

   Naruto came out of the bushes. "I feel so much better!" he sighed. Wait a second here...Suddenly, Sasuke kicked him in the head and sent him flying.

   "Sasuke, you didn't have to go that far..." sakura sweatdropped.

   "You can drop that pathetic disguise!" Sasuke yelled. 

   I sweatdropped and facepalmed. Ugh... sakura... Notice the difference, please!

   "How did you know?" 'Naruto' got up and glared at him.

   "First off, your pouchy-thingy is on your left side and Naruto is right-handed and second... Wheres the wound on your cheek?" I supplied for Sasuke.

   "You're worse than Naruto at the Transformation Jutsu," Sasuke scoffed.

   POOF! And Naruto turned into a masked freak. (Or was it something else? But anyways...)

   "Which one of you has the scroll?" he suddenly charged forward, prepared to kill us, or injure us, or paralyze us, or what ever he wants to do.

   I poured chakra into my fist and slammed it onto a pressure point on his jaw. (Yes, this does kill him LOL)

   His body crashed into the Earth and created a huge crater. I got up and saw Sakura with her mouth dropped open. "Oops," I scratched the back of my head. "Did I take it too far?"

   Sasuke sighed. "You were suppose to keep him alive in order to question where Naruto is,"

   "Aha.. My bad."

   "H-how did y-you.." Sakura's jaw was still dropped open.

   "Sakura, close your mouth or you'll catch flies," I said sweetly with a closed eye smile.

   She immediately shut it and put a serious face on. "Let's go look for naruto," she suggested.

   Um.. What else are we suppose to do? Leave him to rot in this forest? Yeah, great plan.

   We walked through the forest and saw Naruto hung up upside down by his ankle by a rope. "There you guys are!!!! " he yelled. 

   I sweatdropped. "Dude, how were you caught by such a simple booby trap?"

   "I was just walking back and then this thing was set off! Believe it!"

   I sighed. I threw a kunai that sliced the rope and he dropped to the ground headfirst. "Ow!" he cried out in pain.

   "Alright! Onward!" I walked forward and suddenly paused. "That masked dude didn't have a scroll on him did he?"

   "I checked," Sasuke sighed. "He didn't have one."

   When did he check? Anyways, I want to get out of here ASAP. *chills up spine* Brr....

   "I checked before we left," he said cooly.

   "I just talked outloud didn't I?" I raised an eyebrow. "Or are you a mindreader?"

   "I figured that you'll say that," he smirked.

   So is he telling me that he can read people's mind?! ARGH! So im pretty much predictable now?!?!? NOOO!!! Ugh, damn him. >.>

 Sasuke's POV~

   "I figured that you'll say that," I smirked at her.

   Her face looked like in her mind, she was freaking out. She's totally predictable. *mental sigh*

Ugh... These Stupid Geeks- I mean Ninja (Naruto fan Fiction-Sasuke)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon